Generally hard games you still haven't beat till this day

haha, man bison on the genesis version of super was a mother fucker. me and my friend were taking turns getting housed by him for so long back in the day, eventually beat him but shit that was annoying. especially considering we didn’t have a 6 button and had to press start to switch between punches/kicks and i’m fairly sure we were beating it on the hardest difficulty. dunno why, that was totally not in our favor.

hmm, that minds me - has anyone beaten cyborg justice? i’m not sure if we played it through single player but it definitely got a ton of play versus mode. don’t even remember how that played single player lol.

Who Framed Roger Rabbit for the NES

i really need to download an emulator, and read a FAQ. I NEVER BEAT THAT COCK SUCKING MOTHER FUCKING WHORE MOUTH JUDGE

Even as a kid, that infuriated me.

Old school MK pissed me off cuz you could NEVER throw an opponent. Even if you froze them or speared them, you COULD NOT THROW THEM EVER. You pretty much had to use sweep kick of doom or jump back zoning glitch against the AI. Then you’d fight a boss that either ripped your asshole apart with cheapness, flat out cheated, or you’d play a magical game where you just use every glitch in the book against them and celebrate you nerd-dom

Well, for more modern, there’s always I Wanna Be The Guy. That game is oddly well made, but shit… that game is out to get you.

Oh yeah, the AI in Mortal Kombat games is notorious for being the most cheap, cheating ass bullshit possibly in the history of the genre. It’s not even pretending to fight fair at all… it’s just blatant, IN YOUR FACE cheating, like “yeah, I cheated right there…what are ya going to do about it, punk? Yeah that’s right…nothin’.” Case in point: CPU Baraka in the SNES version MK2 suddenly gaining the ability to crouch-slide over to you if you decide to throw too many projectiles.

Bison in the home versions of SF2 was indeed possible to beat, even though he and any of the charge-move characters cheated on a regular basis. It wasn’t on par with MK’s level of cheapness. In UMK3 when it came out again a few years ago for Live Arcade, I forgot how to beat Jade too…apparently there must be only 1 specific way to do it, because she can just decide she’s God and you will NEVER hit her with anything when she’s not in a mood to get hit. She will predict everything, and always use that move that makes her impossible to hit with a projectile. She’ll run up and there’s nothing you can really do about that either. I gave up even trying to figure the damn shit out. The AI in basically all Mortal Kombat games just ends up making me want to find a random living thing for real and crush the life out of it, then piss on the corpse. The most recent MK has actually been reasonable (and possible) though…Shao Kahn is really the only tough fight, and he can be defeated in 1 or 2 ways that are mostly reliable and consistent. (*Not sure how some folks swear by using the projectile spam…sometimes he’ll just keep throwing his projectiles…and he can win that little war if he wants. If you get hit by the hammer he throws out, you’re most likely done because that sets up a guaranteed follow up for him since your character is dazed for about 57 years as a result. I think it’s actually safer to keep jumping behind him and hitting with an uppercut whenever he’s open for it.)

I had to look up Silver Surfer footage since it always gets a mention…somehow I missed out on this game at the time:

^whoah…that is sad, man… that game makes Silver Surfer (one of the most powerful comic heroes ever) out to be a weak ass chump that dies to everything.

I feel 9 is the hardest one. (only one I havent beaten) 2 is my favorite. People say it is one of the hardest, but I have to disagree. I beat MM3 the first day I played it…

2 I think is meaner simply due to the massive punishment the game gives you for running out of special weapon powers, especially in all the Wily stages. You have to be damn precise, and if you screw up, chances are you won’t have another chance unless you can grind out some weapon energy drops (a really good example is the boss that required the Crash Bombs to both access and kill with). That, and the lack of a charge shot and slide really limit your capabilities to what you can spam out with other weapons (Metal Blade is godlike, but even it can’t save you in the cases a good slide would do you).

grand theft auto san andreas.
this is the only gta game i’ve ever played.
so i dunno how it compares to other gta game in terms of difficulty.
i just know that its hard+frustrating as hell, simply because in some missions, its your AI ally that has to do the shooting.
like that fat friend(forgot his name) that tells you that you need to drive the bike they are both on, while he shoots the mexican dudes on top of a moving train.
frustrating as hell.
it takes 1 million bullets to kill 1 dude,and there’s like 5 or 6 you gotta kill in a short amount of time, and even worse, that (AI)fat ally has the most terrible aim…took like 30 tries to finally clear the mission. worst thing though is that if you fail a mission, you have to drive your motorcycle
home to restart/retry the mission!!!
which, btw, is a million miles away from the train tracks.
RockStar hates its players.
just plain sadistic.

AfterBurner for the sega master system.
lastly Ninja Gaiden xbox.
great game but terrible camera. the camera is your worst opponent in that game.

Wizardry IV (shit’s harder than your dad in a daycare)
Phantasy Star III (shit’s longer than your gramma’s earlobes. for real.)
Shadowrun (SNES, i beat the piss out of Sega. Still play that shit, son.)

Funny enough, I DID go back and beat some of the old joints that eluded me as a child.

-AvP Arcade Game (what can I say, I was too broke growing up. Now that I have good cashflow, I have MAME. Fuck irony.)
-Wanderers YSIII
-Contra (yep. went through childhood without beating it until last week. codeless.)

I beat that game back in the day doing what the above poster suggested, I would also go Lbody Rbody Lhead (I think) over and over. I beat Holyfield with a TKO because his body and his head were flashing. I think it is impossible to KO Holyfeild though. I have beaten him by knocking him down 3 times in one round and by him bleeding too much, but I have never floored him and had him stay down.

I cannot beat R/C stunt copter and I probably never will. I have also never beaten the final robot Boss in Speed Punks, he is INVINCIBLE!

This is all true, but it also applies to MM9, in my opinion twofold. (except the special weapon thing. That applies more to MM2, and yeah its annoying but not so much to do with difficulty rather than grinding) Plus 2 has some easier robot master stages and bosses. I feel like every stage and boss in MM9 is at the least semi-difficult.

Darksiders-My game broke. Plan to replace it soon
Infinite Undiscovery-Got bored and gave up do to the game lack of directions on what to do
Maximo:Army of Zin-Brutal difficulty
Jet Force Gemini- Well who has

Anyone beat Rampage World Tour?

also can we count

even though it’s fan made? probably not. but if we did, that’s probably the hardest game i’ve ever seen

the impossible games were all pretty difficult, requiring some pixel-perfect jumps and flawless execution, but since i beat all of three of them i wouldnt say they’re THAT difficult

holy shit. Thought I was the only one in the world who played Wizardry and Shadowrun

You ever beat Jet force Gemini?

never played

I think everybody gives up when they realize they have to find all the Tribals. That was such bullshit. I was so mad cuz the game was fucking AWESOME up until that point then it became the worst game ever made. I don;t understand why RARE did that. Why did you do that RARE? Why?

I still haven’t found all the ship parts

RARE likes to torture people. See: Battletoads.
Some things never change.

MM&B - Only MM game I haven’t beat. Last stage is so damn annoying.