what about the Abe’s Odyssey games. The one I remember playing I could never beat. I would get stuck in what seemed like a glitch and had no choices to continue.
The way to proceed was probably right in front of me, but the game was so vague I could never finish it.
Ghouls & Goblins for the SNES. I actually have an emulated copy for the DC and played it 4 nights ago. I can’t beat it. Wish newer games were as challenging. I beat all of my 360 games in a matter of days.
I hate you to death, but I also hated beating Ghouls and Ghosts/Goblins, and then finding out I had to play the entire fucking game again.
Also, the end boss of Final Fight pissed me off. First SNES game I ever got, and I NEVER EVER EVER could beat it. Probably cuz we didn’t get all the characters, in north america
hahaha of course not! I’d beat the hell out of my siblings getting mad over that game. I mean, rolling a lucky Ninja only to have him lost to ashes is enough to make you wanna MURDER.
But Shadowrun is actually my favorite game of all time. Shit, I even bought books on it LOL!!
Shadow Runs got a pretty vocal following…
that same exact thing happened to me. I ended up losing my most powerful mage too. losing a mage in that game is like waaaaaay worse than losing a ninja
as for shadowrun I never really understood it very well. I got about as far as to the fox girl and quit there pretty much. it was fun but it just gets weird at some points… like the fucking random ass octopus boss at the dock
I watched a stream of some guy playing it and he spent a good hour trying to get past this one part with a bunch of spikes and shit.
He finally did and got 86’s by a random as fuck tetris block.
Fuck that game so hard. Just watching people play it makes me feel bad.
Looks up video WTF is this shit? God…if I ever had kids this is how i plan to punish them for being little shits.
Beat it exactly once on console, nearly flipped out because I couldn’t believe I finally did it.
Fun Fact: The level with the hypnodisc in it is LITERALLY impossible in 2 players because of a bug, and it makes it obvious the game wasn’t play tested for two players. The bug is… The second player’s inputs ARE DISABLED. The player has to get a game over and rejoin once, and IF the first player beats the stage.
Still though, it’s fun to see the game beaten, especially in a speedrun:
(bonus: piano versions of the songs that were played live)
I never beat Jet Force Gemini. The time I played it, I was borrowing it from a friend and I loved the shit out of it, but got only about half through because I had to move. I was thinking about picking it up again some time ago, until I found out about the requirement to find all the Tribals. I hate when games force that type of shit on you. I actually forgot Rayman was guilty of this too and I had to enter another code to play the last level because I was not about to put myself through that.
I just played and beat Donkey Kong Country 3 recently and in order to play all the stages in the game, you have to get all the bonus coins (I think you had to do the same in DKC2), but at least they had a normal ending put in place for those who didn’t want to go about doing that. I did find them though… the DKC games were short and sweet enough as not to wear me down while finding all the bonus stages. Tedious tasks like that should always be optional though and not deter you from reaching the last boss/an ending of the game (I’m looking at you Kirby’s Dreamland 3).
ikaruga on dc
i can get to the 4th stage. but by that time, i’m on my last credit.
JFG is one of the games I beat once a year usually. Love that game. Just ran through it again a couple weeks ago, now that the N64 emu for Wii can run it. My original copy is in storage right now, so emu on my Wii was the way to go for now.
I used to have the speedrun record for DKC3. Found some new glitches over the years that have cut the time down a bit. I did the 105% completion run, single segment.
super ghost and goblins, demon souls.
And it doesn’t help that some of those furry little fucks are damn near Guide Dangets. Like who the fuck would look in some of the spots they stuck those stupid bears. God damn.
Panel de Pon, vs. mode, on the hidden difficulty via 1cc.
Once the bosses come around, I can’t beat it without continuing.
ok, I was on the guys that got fooled into attempting to beat SF2 on hard, perfect everyone to get to fight Shen Long/Gouken.
After 2 broken SNES controllers and a one long summer, I beat it. What happend??? Not a damn thing. Just Ryu uppercutting the shit out of a waterfall and the screen waiting for me to input my initials. I had that shit down to a science and I even recorded it on VHS. My very first “speed run/top score” game.
NES Ninja Gaiden: “Gayden” (mispronunciation of the game made by me and other childhood negros) was first played by me on arcade. I’ve never beat that version and was too “traumatized” to even try again after I saw Ryu get cut in half. I got that NES version for Christmas when I was 9. I couldn’t get past Act 2-2 so I thought I lost the game a few months later after I quit playing it. fast forward to me at the age of 12 and bored, I cleaned up my room and found it. It took me two months but I could speed run that game without dying up until the final-final boss. See, the fire wheel is broken as fuck and one hit could cause bosses to loose between 5-7 hit points per cast. I would always end up using more than I wanted to against the first final boss. I will say I did beat the game, multiple times, but I never beat it 100% without dying. Gotta master dat “Wall-Flip-Climb Technique”.
Strider as a kid, was impossible. I could never get past the level after you beat a T-Rex then you get to a gravity part where there are drills “on both ceilings”. I got really close again to beating it when I was 13. I finally beat it once it was released on PSX and I was one of the few people that got “the mixed up discs”. The disc that had Strider 2’s label was actually Strider 1 and vice versa. Now Strider 1 was HARD. Strider 2 was a piece of cake but I could never beat the Final 2nd boss on that game without dying first. Meh.
As for MegaManX4 and 5, I can beast 5 but I’ve never beaten X4. I can get to Sigma’s 2nd form but I just can’t complete the journey. Don’t get me started on MMX6. what a waste of game development resources.
mario world was a challenge until a friend gave me his Nintendo Power book that gave hints and tips only to get through the up till you get to Bowser’s part of the game. But yea, beat that. Took a while but I did.
Resident Evil 1 - Director’s Cut and OG version: Never beat it but came really close. I already seen the game beat, but I just wanted to see how far I could go without dying and saving, I got all the way to the part where you’re underground and there’s a big bolder after a cut scene of some guy getting shot, possibly by Wesker. never tried again since I never saved.
I never beat Mario 1,2,or3. Never had an interest. Never beat Altered Beast but could only get to the “Bear level”. Never beat Duck Tales. Never beat Chip n Dale: Rescue Rangers. Never beat Rambo on Sega. I used a cheat on Sonic 1. Never beat Contra but saw it beaten. Never beat the best version of Shinobi on Genisis, I think that was 3. Never beat Micheal Jackson’s Moonwalker arcade and genisis versions. Never beat Aladdin for SNES. Never beat Final Fight or Streets of Rage (by myself). Never beat Tecmo Bowl 1 or 2. Never beat blah, blah blah.
If there’s a game I haven’t beat while as an Adult it is because I chose to stop playing it, aka Castlevania LoS.
The original Time Crisis on console (PSX) was really hard.
It wasn’t like Time Crisis 2 or the other sequels where an enemy would ping with a big red circle if they were going to hit you with a shot, in Time Crisis 1 you had no idea if/when you were going to get hit.
Arcade mode wasn’t bad (just play through enough times and you memorize enemy locations), but Special mode (where your accuracy determines the branch you take in the next part of the story) was next to impossible. I don’t think I ever got the best ending for Special mode.
Bart vs. the Space Mutants is one that I never even got close to beating. I did manage to beat Bart vs. the World (not the best ending, I missed some Krusty items) after many, many tries, but Space Mutants is a whole other level of hard.
The control is different from nearly any other NES platformer: “A” is both jump and run, so you have to come to a dead stop from a full sprint to jump over anything unless you do a super jump (A+B) which still requires you to take your thumb off “A” for a second. If you miss any of the level objectives, you can’t advance to the end of the stage until you backtrack and find them all. You also have to farm for coins in level 1 until you figure out which items you have to buy and how much of each are needed to solve all the puzzles.
All the classic NES deathtraps are here: enemies that move in erratic patterns, platforms that you sometimes just pass through unless you’re dead center, and instant kill pits. Two units of health, 3 lives, no continues, and no passwords. Oh, and the start button is used for items so there’s no way to pause the game and you have a time limit.
Man, fuck Bart vs the Space Mutants.