Generally hard games you still haven't beat till this day

The hardest part of that game was the controls. So many different button combination’s.

Ikari Warriors on NES.

Without using ABBA.

Am I the only Castlevania fan who found this game to be really bad?

Nope. I fucking hate that game.


Ninja Gaiden on NES the death sound haunts my nightmares

you mean this?

“I got pecked in the foot by a bird, now I’m dead.”

it holds no water in terms of how traumatic Sonic 1’s “out of air” music. Part of the reason why I cheated to beat the game by skipping those levels. I later got over it and beat them as I got older.

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I have tears in my eyes. It’s funny, cuz its true. Jade and her never ending cheapness.

LMAO is that anything like some of the Superman games? Fighting everyday random thugs who can knock out supes with a kick. Fantastic.

i didnt find x5 that hard imo

It’s not THAT hard, no, but it’s second only to 6. And 6 is harder for all the wrong reasons. The rest are omfg easy or moderately easy.

Comix Zone


It wasn’t bad, but some things weren’t… “Castlevaniaish”.

Take the music for example, it took 15 fucking hours of “generic epic movie music” before I could hear some Bloody Tears. And then it was back to generic epic movie music till the end of the game.

Vectorman and Earth Worm Jim (genesis) I just couldn’t beat those two for nothing.

Well, I’ll give it that it wasn’t BAD for a game… It was by no means, a bad game… BUT, it WAS a bad Castlevania game.