Ninja Gaiden 2 Path of Mentor… too many fucking bazookas, I hate when thay do harder diff. level like add bazooka ninjas and ninjas with incedinary shuriken/kunai everywhere…
Ninja Gaiden 2 Path of Mentor… too many fucking bazookas, I hate when thay do harder diff. level like add bazooka ninjas and ninjas with incedinary shuriken/kunai everywhere…
Dodge 7 times. Attack once. Repeat. That’s how I did it. Not glorious or flashy, but it got the job done.
One of the hardest bosses I’ve ever faced in a game is Nineball Seraph from Armored Core 2 Another Age. I’m not sure what he’s like on normal mode, but on hard mode he’s a monster. I’ve never lost more to a boss in my entire life. Took everything I had to beat him.
i could never beat ocarina of time because of the water stage. we gave up pretty quick in college though
hope it’s easier on 3ds
Most of my NES collection.
Ninja Gaiden 1-3
Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure
…and I am sure there’s more
I never beat TMNT on NES. I made it inside the Technodrome once. Once. Got my ass handed to me and never made it back again.
Really. I couldn’t bring myself to even beat the fight scene outside of it because I knew what awaits inside.
Super Mario World…
Fucking Mondo…
MM1 is not hard even with out the pause glitch, the only stage is hard is the final stage, and you suck at video games if you cant beat Zelda64 or super mario world
haha more gauntlet mentions, people know what’s sup. That game is evil! You can’t even get to final stage without some passcode or some shit
Sonic Spinball (game pissed me off)
Evander Holyfield Boxing – Is it just me or did this game get pissed if you turned off your Genesis? Because it seemed to me like I could destroy the game for the duration of the time I had it on, but if I saved my game and turned it off, whenever I turned it back on, every fight, the promoter would tell me I’m getting too soft, and later would either demote me back to the lower ranks or force me into retirement with a game over. I wasn’t even facing lower ranks when I turned the game back on, continually moving up every time.
og nes tmnt was easy up until the technodrome. water stage? pft, child’s play.
I’m going to add a few more to my random rant about Mondo in SMW…
Hecatomb, I beat everything in SMW except Mondo, and I think there’s one stage after that, that obviously, I never got to. Outrageous?
While the Water Temple was a bitch, Zelda OoT wasn’t very difficult…
1cc Ikaruga or DoDonPachi
E.T. on Atari was a bitch to play through… Fall in a pit? Say bye to 3 hours getting out.
Super Metroid… Fuck mother brain.
+1 for Comix Zone… Though I was 8 the last time I played it…
Rygar NES. Again, I was 4 when i played this game…
Final Fantasy 1. Kept getting lost… I hated FF until I played 6… Though I did more recently beat this.
TMNT NES… Fuck you water… then fuck you even harder technodrome. Never beat this one.
Double Dragon / Battle Toads… Yeah… you’re an asshole.
BattleToads, SGG, MMX6, MM9, and Gauntlet are just obvious, so I wont even bother.
Also, somebody said something earlier about FF6 not being in English? Uhh… It’s Final Fantasy 3 on SNES, and it was re-released on DS and PSX in the states.
Shinobi on PS2…
FF6 not being in English is an obvious joke…
Games I didn’t beat:
Streets of Rage 3 - I completed the first two Streets of Rage games (on easy or very easy difficulty, if I remember correctly) but this evil little bugger doesn’t let you play through the whole game unless you are playing at least normal difficulty. While playing 1-player, I would have to have player-2 join in shortly before I lose my last life/continue so I could extend my lives/continues and I STILL couldn’t finish it.
King’s Bounty: The Legend - Even though I liked the game, there is only so much turn-based combat I can take over an extended period of time. It’s slow paced, the repetition started to wear me down when I got to the Dwarven mountain area.
Borderlands - I got to a segment of the game where it was actually getting pretty hard to progress solo. This wouldn’t be an issue if it wasn’t for the fact that most online matches I join are either laggy, or everyone’s working on quests I’ve already done. I got distracted by other games and never came back.
I never beat TMNT on the nes. That game was garbage and it was difficult. Maybe it was a good game but I was hatin’ on it because it was so different from the arcade/nes versions of tmnt. Im talking about the one where you had to walk around on a map, with a top down view till you found a sewer to drop into. I think you could switch what turtle you wanted whenever you felt like it. That was kinda cool.
Here is a video of the garbage…
Battletoads, and fucking the last boss in Killzone 2. I didn’t care enough to try again.
meh, I know how to play NG2, I am in 5 chapter afaik (after big flying iron worm boss fight), but I do remember first time playing NG2, first level meh too easy, first level boss, not a big problem, but then Genshin comes, I was stuck on him for 3 days, I spend about 4 hours in this one fucking battle, one grab= nearly instant kill. I borrowed this game to my 2 friends, one couldnt beat Spider in 1st level, 2nd friend couldnt beat Genshin, when I said them that I beat genshin even on Mentor, they though I am not from this world xD And I hate zedonius, 2nd fight near Vulcano, he was totally unpredictable…
Mega Man X
Whichever TMNT game on the NES with that shitty underwater level. That level trolled the fuck out of me when I was a kid.
^The video just got posted a few posts above lol
and I agree with your 2 choices
Lufia 1 for SNES, for some reason I got stuck needing to find an item to place in some tower to proceed with the game and I NEVER FUCKING FOUND IT. I was convinced the game had been released with the item missing. I haven’t gone back to try it again, although I did thoroughly enjoy Lufia II.
Fighting Sigma in Mega Man X for SNES was a pain too, because you had to go through so many boss battles that by the end you didn’t have enough life left to just friggin throw a hadoken at the last boss lol.
Also, did any of you ever play Pocky & Rocky for SNES? I couldn’t beat that game without using a level-skip cheat.
Ninja Gaiden 2 I got to the last level on the game tried it a few times got really frustrated put the game down then like a year later I still haven’t attempted it again lol fighting 4 or 5 bosses in one level requires too much patience something I lack. I want to go back and do it before ninja gaiden 3 comes out but there’s so many games coming out I know I’ll never do it haha oh well