Generally hard games you still haven't beat till this day

I just remembered Rayman on PS1. I never legitimately beat it. It passes itself off as an innocent, light-hearted platformer at first… then it gradually turns into this evil ass, sadistic load of bullshit with traps all around.

'Had to use the 99 lives code more than once just to play it all the way through.

X-Men (genesis)
Shinobi (PS2)
and fuck…Lost Planet. Kicked ass most of the game. Then I get to the last boss… Fuck him! just fuck him!

Arcade game called Rastan, Shinobi Arcade game, Super Ghouls n Ghost

MMX4 was easy. MMX6 is the hardest MM game

^ No, MM3 was the hardest Megaman game of all time, and no motherfucker, don’t you try to tell me anything different…

That game had to be like the game of the century challenge to beat…

After I finished it, I never wanted to see another Megaman game for a while…

I don’t have patience to memorize stages and bosses anymore…

MM3 was hard but not as hard as X6

Battletoads, Rastan and Ghosts n Goblins

idk how I forgot about this battletoads jr looking game

I’ve beaten mega man 2-6 on NES multiple times, and they were all easy. i tried playing mega man 1 on emulator and even WITH save state, the game was brutally and impossibly hard.

protip - if you struggle with the other (way easier) mega mans, simply grind out the max possible # of energy tanks (in the later, and even more easy versions, that number is 9). Once you’ve done that, grind out 9 lives. There are certain areas where monsters spawn indefinitely, and you can grind out tons of 1-ups at those locations. Its a piece of cake.

I’ve never beaten ninja gaiden 2 on NES (have beaten it using emulator and abusing save state, which doesn’t count). I was able to get to the final level, where the boss raped me. likewise, i never beat ninja gaiden 1 on NES either (again, abusing save state on the emulator).

Ditto castlevania 3.

If ninja gaiden and castlevania had energy tanks and free 1-ups, then fuck yeah i’d beat those no problem.

No MM game with up to 9 E-Tanks, Rush Jet, and Slide will be even close to the hardest MM game.
Even without the Tanks, it wouldn’t be THAT hard. I mean Megaman & Bass had Rush and Slide and that game was BALLS hard.


that game is fucking great, i played that so much more than the original zelda. fuck, i bought it for GBA and still play it occasionally on my ds lol. i pretty much own it for free, including shadow link.

real talk, that game is tough but really great. one of the games that found the balance between really challenging but still possible/enjoyable (unlike iron sword or dragon’s lair on nes).

Maximum Carnage XD

Hell yea Zelda II is fucking awesome.

Ugh, this game is a nightmare. There’s nothing better than dying at a hard as fuck leap of faith right at the end of the first stage in the game just to learn that IT DOESN’T HAVE CONTINUES.

The people that designed this game have no heart.

Oh please, Comix Zone isn’t hard. First time playing will probably take you between 1-2 hours to beat. Once you know all the little secrets you can beat it in about a half hour. The 2nd to last level is fairly hard if you’re not careful.

All the bosses are easy though.

Sucka, you’re trippin’.

I remember never beating this game, but enjoying the music, lol ;o

^This, Ghosts n Goblins, Ultimate Ghosts n Goblins on ultimate difficulty

How old were you when you first played it and when was this?

Gauntlet and A Boy and his Blob for the NES. A remember both of those games being insanely difficult. Although for some odd reason, why I go back and play NES, SNES and Genesis games with either an Arcade Stick or a Dual Shock style pad, I can beat them with ease. I’m not sure if it’s because I’ve improved over the years, or if the controller just makes a huge difference.

Probably both.

Also, if I’m not mistaken Pac-Man is impossible to beat.

I was about 8 or 9. This would be around 96. I don’t believe I looked up a guide either. I could beat it consistently, and I was worse at the fighting portion back then, today I rape the A.I. It’s pretty simple, just explore the levels, use the Rat and see what he finds, etc. A little exploration and memorization goes a long way.

Have not beaten Megaman9, Double Dragon 3,Double Dragon vs BattleToads, Tmnt (nes dam water stage), and FF 13 (Kept falling asleep),