Generally hard games you still haven't beat till this day

Pixel Junk Monsters and Comet Crash. Yeah, they’re easy to beat on normal, but to perfect it on the hardest… no thanks. And I have yet to beat Ikaruga with 1 credit.

Gauntlet on the NES.

There’s speedruns of this game on youtube o_O lol I never beat this game. There’s like 1000 levels and some of them they just place you right in the middle of a shitload of enemies basically like “good luck!” I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw that there was a ending to this game.

Silver mother fuckin Surfer.

Fuck that game. Fuck. That. Game. Ridiculous awful game, even by LJN standards. I still cannot beat more than one stage of each world in that game, some I can’t even beat the first stage. One hit kills, with sluggish controls in early gen bullet hell. You don’t even need to take a hit from an enemy or a bullet, accidentally grazing the top of a tunnel with Surfer’s head is enough to make him collapse. He falls off that goddamn board like it was greased down or something. Shooting tiny little white balls at enemies that don’t even travel the full length of the screen. Awful. Just awful.

Zombies Ate my Neighbors is also hard as hell, though an actual great game. I could never get through the entire game in one sitting, and the fact that the password system would put you at the desired stage, but with only your default starting weapons made it an impossibility for me.

to be honest i havent played any of the other ones LOL, I started out on mmx when I was really young back on pc.

It’s so much fun to keep playing Blaster Master tho i never get mad when i have to start over lol. And the music oooh boy.

i actually beat battle toads sometime last year, i didn’t record it and i’m never playing the game again so i understand if no one believes me lol. that fucking game only gets worse, just about every other level has one of those fucking bike parts and they get so much more difficult. me and my brother sat up one night and just played it until we beat it, took fucking FOREVER.

i’ve never beaten dragon’s lair on nes and i stand by that being the hardest game i’ve ever played.

on another note, my friend is gdlk in double dragon. he beat the og DD with only dieing once and it was to the last boss, i forget if it was the dude with the gun or the mirror battle. funny part about that, though, is i can pretty much steamroll him in that fighting/versus mode in double dragon 2 was it? or 3? regardless, whichever one had the versus mode.

oh, you mean the eagle that will kill you unless you either jumping slash (forgot the exact name) or if you don’t jump/juke backwards so that when it does hit you, it bounces you to the spot you were going for? yeah that sucks mad dicks.

you guys are trippin. yeah i stopped playing x when it went 2.5d but x5 and x6 were baby games compared to 4, idk to each his own.

Depends on who you’re playing as in X4. It’s super easy with Zero and pretty damn hard with X. Zero can net out an amazing amount of damage with his ability to combo with that Saber. X doesn;t have half the damage capability and none of the versatility.

Name one single stage in X4 more difficult than any of the Gate stages in X6.
Sigma was a joke in X6, granted, but X5 Sigma is the hardest in the series

Ultimate Charge Shot in that game is probably the best in the entire series. X doesn’t need versatility, when you can kill anything with that thing.

You gotta get the canon for it first. Maybe I just don’t remember correctly i just remember having a shit load more trouble when i went through as X then Zero.

lol… I can’t say I felt that way playing ANY X game. in fact I felt the direct opposite

spiderman x men arcade’s revenge…wtf man…this shit is dumb

Pacman 2 new adventures

not so much hard, just all the raging I did when he wouldnt do wtf I told him to do

so yea i never finished it

This only applies to X4 for me. Zero tends to be harder to use in everything else either because his inclusion is half baked (x3) or his damage isn’t very good and his moves suck (X5 and 6, I never played past that.)

Mario Bros Classic(I’m sure this game has an ending but the later levels are just fucking sadistic)

OH MY GOD! How have I not heard of this game?

I am mad as fok, and I need some total carnage in my life.

ps I was going to mention Robotron 2084 and the fact that I don’t think I have legitimately beaten Smash TV.

i always thought this game was hard as hell. couldnt beat it legitimately as a kid, only with codes (even then, Mojo’s level really fucked with me).

MvC2 on expert :frowning:

fixed. :rofl:

Off the top of my head I’m going to say Zombies Ate my Neighbors as well. Game’s awesome but I could only ever reach level 30-something before finally giving in. Castle music was pretty awesome in that.