Generally hard games you still haven't beat till this day

I need another game like Valkyrie Profile. Smashing that with the A ending was satisfying. I didn’t have the patience to go through that bonus dungeon ten times, though finding everything needed to transmute the best weapons was the business.


Did you ever play VP2 Silmaria on PS2? Games fucking awesome to.

And all the Ninja Gaiden games are hard no matter what era you play them in.

Looking back now as an adult, I honestly believe Battletoads was a form of child abuse.

Zelda II: The Adventure of Link

This game sucked IMO but that shit was pretty hard.

you like Black over Sigma 1?

And shit, every walkthrough I looked at for VP seemed to be lost as well :rofl: It’s just that if you fuck up once THE WHOLE GAME IS FUCKED. Whether your army in Asgard is losing, your own party is sucking, or you wen to an area too early (Brahm’s Castle) and you don’t know wtf is going on while every monster in there is 20 levels higher and snarling at your heels and it feels as if there is no way out as your Einherjar cry out for their Valkyrie to save them!! Or you can lose characters, perform random actions that prevent you from getting said characters, and your fucking weapons break. But you gotta be careful which treasures you take because otherwise Odin will lose favor. Add in that damn period system too. That game caused me more stress than I can ask for.

Ninja gaiden 2 for 360 UGGHHH it took me one minute to beat the first boss then it took me at least 4 months of on and off playing to beat the second boss i’m pissed I had to think and remember patterns to beat him when one mistake took pretty much all of your life away. Also, Pokemon Stadium (N64) gave me a lot of trouble due to stupid attacks like wrap, clamp and fire spin chipping away at me slowly turning a 2 minute battle in a half hour rage session because i cant move unless they missed which never really happens. Honestly that game is for kids I shouldn’t have to put that much effort into beating the hardest cups. Super Double Dragon and Ultra Man for SNES were impossible or may be i just suck at thinking.(so much salt I know)

Hmm? Oh yes Black over Sigma for sure. Sigma 1 has a broken Karma system, some of the times are impossible to meet especially in the later fiend challenges. I believe the only method ever found for meeting the 80 Berserker Fiend Challenge was using the Lunar counter over and over. Super risky, not fun, and low point gain. Boo. Also Ryu’s back hand spring dodge is slower then the old roll and he flows out of it a lot less smoothly. Oh and I hate that “Shake the controller to power up your Ninpo” ish. Dumb.

Not that I think Sigma 1 is a bad game. i think it’s a very good game actually and it did a number of things for NG that I liked, the number one thing being the removal of almost all puzzles, or the requirement to complete some of them becoming optional, like the Colosseum puzzle which I just plain hated. I just find it to be less polished then Black.

gfaqs has a really really good VP1 guide for getting the A ending. I know what you mean tho. I get paranoid when playing that game around the time that the A ending begins cuz it’s so easy to fuck it up.

I don’t think you played X6, that game was not meant to be beat. X5 was also bullshit but it was barely compare to X6.

I was working at wally’s world when VP and Parasite Eve 2 came out, so I bought both as well as the guides. I ended up forgetting the guide when I moved back to Cali, but lucked out and found another one at a Gamestop. Precise is an understatement when it comes to the A ending requirements. I miss the high-powered spells and how the characters invoke them. Also, lol @ Bloodbane sounding like Dr. Claw.

Super Meat Boy, just don’t feel like it tbh.
And Final Fantasy 13 <-- I gotta stop being lazy.

Any other hard game like Ninja Gaiden II, Megaman 9, Megaman X Series i’ve beaten just fine.

Lunar Eternal Blue. The end boss was a bitch, and the game was surprisingly hard for an RPG

Splosion Man.

MegaMan 9.

I’m done with platformers in general now.

I feel the same. I never found them interesting enough to continue playing and they take too long like Ace said. I get bored really quick after getting busted one too many times.

I remember when Tomb Raider first came out, I thought it was the best shit since sliced bread, but that game (and apparently its sequels) were excessively long and repetitive and I eventually got bored with the first one halfway through. I usually tried the PS1 games whenever they got released, but I never beat a single Tomb Raider game.

Zelda 2 was a royal pain in the ass, but I beat it. However I never beat the 2nd quest for the first Zelda. That shit was way too obscure for me to figure out at the time. The first quest was cryptic enough as is.
I did beat OoT Master Quest, which wasn’t really hard imo.

I beat Megaman X3, X4 etc. all the way through X8. I never really sat down to play through X1 and X2, but I played Megaman Xtreme 1 and 2 on the GBC. Anybody remember that shit? Motherfuckin’ Hadouken and Shoryuken as secret powerups! (Edit: I just checked and can see now that these were in the original MMX1 and X2).

Choplifter. For the Sega Master System…the first game I ever played and I’ve still never beaten it.

Most RPGs like FF. I usually end up just before the final battle. I should really do something about that and finish FFXIII.
It’s only hard because I always wanna get all the Aeons, super weapons, final upgrades and stuff like that. When I was ready to finish FFX I had everyone pimped max and cast auto-life. The Final bosses end up being the easiest boss-fights and I end up with at least 250+ hours on the counter.

No one here and probably 98% of the worlds population has beaten


I think I beat all of the one’s that haunted me through the use of Save States. That includes Battletoads, Castlevania Trilogy, Ninja Gaiden 1 and 2, any really hard NES game.

As far as 16 bit: Robocop VS Terminator, mostly because I lose interest in it. Rocket Knight Adventures, not because of it’s difficulty I just lose interest and never bothered to beat it. The Ooze (Genesis) really, really fucking hard game. The first few levels of Ooze are of moderate difficulty, then after that the difficulty goes up to insanely hard with beginner’s traps everywhere. I think The Ooze is interesting but not a great game because of it’s difficulty and some faulty controls, I’d like to see a remake.

i always get bored of games so i rarely beat them… but the ones that i didnt get bored of that i did want to beat but couldnt and just decided to give up or my console broke?

super ghouls and ghosts (loved that game)
mike tysons punch out (macho man and tyson just owned me for free…,especially macho man. stupid hurricane punch had me super pringles)
and rambo 3 on genesis… didnt seem hard i just didnt have the skill needed to do it, one of my favorite games though.


Yeah…no. Just…no.
Those two are among of the EASIEST MMs ever.

You guys obviously skipped X6 and X7. Not that I can really blame you for that, though.

Did you play the Sega CD version or the PS1 remake? Both Lunars were WAY harder on Sega CD.

RE: Maximum Carnage is tough but I wouldn’t qualify it as a REALLY hard game.
Once you memorize the stages and where the Hero assists are the game is rather simple. The Hero assists absolutely tear up the Super Villains. Of course, you still have to take down Carnage without them at the end of the game but you’re given like 9 lives to do it.
Now I guess beating the game without using any assists at all…that WOULD make it in the upper echelon of challenging games.

RE: Grand Theft Auto. I agree that the GTA games always drag toward the end. Part of it is because by the end you’re given access to so much stuff that it’s hard to be entertained by simple missions anymore, and part of it is because so many final missions in GTA just aren’t that interesting. Liberty City Stories was one of the worst about this. The final missions are just a chore, and not much different that some of the stuff you’ve doing all game.
The only GTA game with a decent final mission was Vice City, and that’s only mostly because you’re put in the position of Tony Montana in Scarface, except you have to WIN.

Blaster Master is one of the few games i find really hard to complete.