I wanted to make a thread like this, except the opposite title of “Generally hard games you managed to beat”
I just recently beat the NES version of Punch Out with Mr. Dream.
I took on Super Ghouls n’ Ghosts right after, but died at the last stage during the 2nd playthrough because the Goddess bracelet is such a garbage weapon on that stage. I’m sure if I would’ve tried using savestates, I would’ve beat it eventually but I wanted to see if I could beat it fair and square. I wish they would let you just go through with the damn arrows/crossbow.
I did beat Ghouls n Ghosts the legit way though, and at Final Round, I issued a challenge to my roomates to try and beat Beezlebub (the 5th stage boss) with just the sword. That’s something that’s damn near impossible to do but I managed to do it.
I beat Megaman 9, but I haven’t beat Dr. Wily’s stage on Megaman 10 yet and I can’t try again until I get another PS3, because I’m not buying the game again.
My friend just recently suggested we play Battletoads on Co-op. I’m not looking forward to that nightmare.
In addition to the ones above, some generally hard games under my belt that I beat all the way through are:
Castlevania 1
Maximum Carnage
Separation Anxiety
Comix Zone
Kid Chameleon
Revenge of Shinobi
Shinobi 3
Shinobi (PS2)
and some I have yet to claim/forgot about until this thread are:
Castlevania 3
Castlevania Bloodlines
X-men 2: Clone Wars
Ninja Gaiden (NES version) Last Battle (It’s the U.S. version of Hokuto no Ken on the Genesis)
Eternal Champions (because fuck the Eternal Champion himself… that’s why)
That, and impossible.
Stage 11 has a bug that won’t allow 2nd player to progress in the game (he would need to Continue after completing Stage 11 in order to go on).
The reason behind this is that no one made it that far on 2 players during beta testing.
And let’s not forget the Rat Race on that damn game.
I remember watching a TAS speed run, seeing the guy do the rat rice I was like “damn, he’s good dodging all those pipes and shit! Fuckin’, just barley grazing those pipes by a pixel”.
Jungle Book on SNES. King Louie is fucking broken, and he’s not even the last boss.
Super Mario Bros. I usually die when it comes to springboarding over large pits.
George Foreman KO boxing. It’s like punchout, but harder.
Bart Simpson vs. Aliens (I think that’s what it’s called.) You had to spray all the red colored stuff to purple, and I didn’t know how to get the windows.
Jupiter Strike. It was like starfox on the psx.
Goldeneye. I only managed to beat it on Agent. Got halfway on Secret Agent and 00 Agent was near impossible.
I think this was “Bart Simpson vs. the Space Mutants”. I don’t recall ever beating that either. There’s a museum stage where you have to make a very long jump onto a T-Rex. The stupid shit is that not only is this just barely within the range of Bart’s jumping ability… you could actually fall through most of that T-Rex! What sense does that even make? So…90% of that thing’s body is intangible for some reason? There was one small area on top of its head that Bart could land on…anything else and you fall into the bottomless pit…which raises the other question of WHY is there a bottomless pit in a museum? …and how is the T-rex exhibit standing on it?
The sad thing is that none of the home version Simpson’s games were as fun as the arcade beatemup…at least until the recent one that came out for 360 (and PS3?) about 2 years ago.
hehe… Eternals Champions… I think Trident was the only character that could easily beat The Eternal Champion. At least, that’s who I managed to beat him with on several occasions… any other character seemed like too much hard work to even come close to beating him. Trident was the Main Man, folks… he walked all over everyone else like it was nothing.
Recent— I’m still not sure how any of the 20 or so people that played Beowulf managed to beat it. There’s a part in that game where Beowulf and his crew have to move some large structure while a legion of guys rush into the area to attack. Beowulf himself just can’t handle all that chaos, and his crew of Thanes or whatever they were called were pitiful at providing any kind of reliable support in this situation. (*Obviously, if they’re caught up in a fight with these enemies, that takes them away from their job of moving the large structure…and B absolutely cannot kill all the enemies by himself quickly enough. I really, really don’t see how this is possible.) I gave up on it, and this game was lame anyway… I still remember it for being one of the fastest price drops I’ve ever seen… the shit came out at the regular 59.99, and 2 or 3 weeks later it was 20 bucks NEW everywhere. (haha, and my foolish friend actually bought it right away when it came out…so yes, he paid the full 60 bucks for this trash. I’ve brought it up sometimes just to mess with him.)
To step off the beaten track a bit guirtar hero 3 on expert - espically dragon force jesus christ I still don’t belive people can do it.
And the Shinobi Arcade game. FML I used to play it tons in the acrade as a kid and could beat a few levels. Then got the emulator and still can’t beat it with unlimited coins. Mainly due to the fact that it limits your contiues. Why would an arcade do that?
It does seem that all the NES games and games in that eara were just insainly tough. I bet the raise in people who play video games has a little to due with the fact that most games these days are super easy in comparison.
ninja gaiden isn’t hard. the only hard parts are where you jump into ledges you can’t see and they send a tiger or a hawk the second the screen moves to knock you into a hole
once you memorize when that happens it’s a piece of cake
The hardest part about Ninja Gaiden for me was how unforgiving the last boss was. He wasn’t exactly the hardest thing about the game(despite facing three different forms of him), but just the fact that dying once makes you not be able to see him again for a good while…was very rage-inducing.
Memorizing spawn patterns and a sharp eye makes the game easier yeah, but the game is still harder than most other NES games. Took me 20 years to beat it, and it was on an emulator(no savestates, ftr).
This…the closest I got was Liberty City Stories on PS2…no matter how many story missions I completed it seemed the game would never end…so I stopped trying