Actually I can RC with him pretty well now, some characters have different timing, Kim has a very fast roll so therefor the RC is slightly different, when I used to RC the quarter circle back + FP with Rock, I would get him to just run, or do the Jump move instead, and I mentioned the RC into evac toss into 2 raging storms because some one was asking about RC with Rock, and that happens to be a very fun and effective RC INTO a super, I was not even talking about combos, just the RC for Rock, maybe next time before you talk out of your a$$ you should think about what to say that might actually be “useful” or relevant to the topic some one is talking about, instead of just being a jack ass.
rc run into evac toss…? why would you ever do that. If you know your opponent is going to do a laggy enough move that can be punished with the rc run, then just do the super or counterpoke into the super. rc run with rock is useless, it’s just a parlor trick to hit scrubs with.
i was trying to throw out a tip to a new player, but i guess you’re just a scrub.
k ive recently been getting back into cvs2. Before I just couldn’t stand playing/watching it, but now it’s kinda growing on me…
ANYWAYS i been in this dilemma before… who to use, rock or geese. Really tough one to choose. Currently I use K-rock, ken, sagat. I use to use Geese over Rock all the time but to be honest I just don’t find Geese to be as consistent of a character as Rock is. Here’s why:
-geese’s raging storm is a bitch to do (i guess i just don’t have the patience to wanna master his stupid ass pretzel motion super, those of you who can do it consistently, props) whereas rock’s is the standard double fb. Yes i know it does less damage but hey, better safe than sorry. Rather would get that guaranteed anti-air damage. Also covers more range than geese’s rs.
-geese’s low jump game is weak. Rock’s low jump rh= HELLA good. Whether the opponent blocks it or gets hit, rock has a lot of options afterwards. Also rock’s vertical low jump mk is pretty good to get jumping opponents away and such.
-burning/connecting super with rock is way better than what geese has to offer. Rock has a lot more super opportunities than geese does, and if ur about to run out of rage with rock there’s many options you can do then follow it up with his hcb,f+lk cause its safe when blocked, and you have frame advantage after the last hit (before doing his qcb+fp finish) so you get more options. Geese’s isn’t nearly as good if blocked obviously.
-some other shit i’m sure i left out…
But if geese is played right (like nitto’s) he’s a fucking beast. Gotta love Geese’s far standing roundhouse and his amazing crossover <3. As stated, I agree that they are pretty close tier-wise. Overall it’s a matter of personal preference and whoever you feel more comfortable with. They both have their pros/cons, but me saying rock is more consistent of a character is just my opinion. Who knows i’ll prolly get back into geese again, maybe replace ken for him someday…
I use Rock. His Hard Edge, MP Reppuken, S. RH, and Evac Toss xx Lvl 3 Shining Knuckle are all I need. He seems a lot more beginner friendly, which works for me.
However, Geese is a much better character when used right. Geese requires more work to make him consistently good, but from what I’ve seen it’s worth it.
Rock = Less Work, Decent Potential, Decent Payoff
Geese = Lots of Work, Lots of Potential, Great Payoff
My thoughts, exactly…