Geese or Rock?

I used to have the Team K-groove Ken, Rock, Sagat2. I changed it to Terry, Ken, Geese2. The other day I started playing with Rock and wondered why I gave him up. in K groove, What does Geese have over Rock? I can only thing of a few things

More damage
Better Guard Crush
Better Raising Storm
Has a crossup
Is damned badass

Quick and has a sick Roundhouse
Easier Raising Storm
Command Throw
Easier counters
I like the jacket.

So it basically comes down to that Rock is easier to use than Geese, but Geese seems all-around better, if you can use him. With my current team (Terry, Ken) Who do you think fits more? Quick, agile Rock? Or the beast that is Geese?

especially in K-groove, geese.

crossup mk, cr lp, standing hp, lk jeinken (sp?)

that shit hurts like hell, especially when raged. geese is a beast if played correctly.

or just drop ken, and play K-terry/rock/r2 geese.


Rock’s a really multi-purpose character. If you’re going to use him, you’re gonna have to abuse his dash in-circle-circle-throw maneuvers. He’s half Terry, half Geese in a lot of ways, and you’re basically compromising power for variety. If you find yourself not keeping your opponent on his toes by fully exploiting all your options and instead go for the straight beatdown, use Geese.

rock doesn’t really play like terry or geese… geese is all about guard crushing/zoning… terry is about being random and getting a lot of damage off of one hit… Rock is all about zoning with sweep/s. rh/reppuken until you knock the opponent down, then it’s all 360 mixups… so you need to learn 2 things… when to use sweep/s. rh/reppuken… and how to get the 360 throw in often.

The video of 178 vs. Ino shows off 2 Rocks and a Geese (vs. Sagat) in K groove by some people that know their works.


"OMFG Crouching Roundhouse!!!"
360 Toss xx stuff
"OMFG Jumping Roundhouse!!!"
Hard edge/Reppuken Meatiness
"OMFG Standing Roundhouse!!!"
crouching forward xx stuff
Corner Fierce Reppuken/Jab Rising Tackle Trap
Level 3 Shine Knuckle Invincibility Silliness


Safe Air fireball
Jumping Fierce
Funny Engrish Intros
Raging Storm hurts a lot
Excellent Poke Range

IMO, choice should be based on your play style. Geese needs control and discipline, and if used to his fullest ability will stand up to almost anything. K groove is where its at, though.

If you’re a crazy Mo Fugga who likes rushdown, and you can bring the pain in any of the SNK grooves, unzip your sleeves for no apparent reason and pick up The Rock. K groove is still the preffered for him, I’m told, but I don’t know how heavily the roll cancel hard edge has been explored. Small jump and Run are a must.

Rock = Variety/Speed. Geese = Power/Control.


Geese is the shiznit.

heh, shiz.

heh heh, nit.

Seriously though, I would spent a half hour in training mode with geese… learn his raising storm and master his counters. Never be jump-kicked again!

Raising storm isn’t as hard as everyone makes it…

I like to hold d/b and wait for someone to come rolling or jumping, then nail them.

…heh, nail.


Geese’s Cross up makes him so much better than rock. Cross up mk cr.lpx3 sweep. super easy timing
Also cross up mk cr lp cr lk deadly rave super dont finish st fiercexx dash forward special the medium kick version.

HELLO Down FP anti Air . Tiger knee Air fireballs are good. F+fierce aka beefy punch is really good and has lots of priority and knocks down. later gentz

first of all…i actually disagree with whoever said geese takes more skill…they say that because they are better with geese…because geese overall, i’d say is a better character.

with that said, ALL I PLAY IS ROCK, why? because rock is just a NOTCH below geese, and I play rock a lot better. I’d say it has more to do with the fact I believe in rock and his shinku nage setups, his poke string is one of the best out there. rock with jd is just ugly…jd, c.rh, knockdown, ut oh…mindgames…good luck for your opponent. geese, he is more crush your guard, and hit u with the awful super(s)…and also, he is more of the type where if you don’t block a crossup once, it can very easily put u in stun. rock is more like kyo in mindgames. rock can just confuse the hell out of people. people will also jump into raging storm more with rock just because of the pressure he can stay on you with. hope that helped…personally gamma ray…i would advise you to drop ken and use rock geese sagatR2 in k-groove…but if you must stick with ken, terry, i’d say i’d go for the k-groove geeseR2…just because geese DOES benefit more from a R2 position than rock.

I’ve changed my lineup a bit. I sort of dropped Terry. My K Terry was great…but I think that without a roll to Raising Tackle out of, he’s just not as good as he can be. I now switched it up for a Ken, Rock, Geese2. In K of course :smiley:

Rock is a pansy. look at his jacket! Who wears a half jacket… if it wasn’t for his jacket and the fact that he sucks he’d be so cool. Geese is just badass and looks cool when he beats the fuck out of someone.


rock is good, so is geese. rock’s qcb+lp is almost like bison’s lk scisors kick, his 360 to xxx is very good. rock has one of the best roundhouses in the game so he’s no panzy.

come on now, look at his half jacket :stuck_out_tongue:

Wow people dont think Terry is about zoning, im actually shocked by that. Terry can zone like a little fucking hor.

And to answer the question, I would take Geese even though Rock is easier to use.


Hi, I didn’t bother to read the rest of this forum ,I just wanted to reply to your question anyways. I have recently been learning and exploring RC, I play all kinds of characters, including Rock and I must say, when Ryu throws a fire ball and you RC into the rushing elbow thing right through, its just <tearfully> beautiful… Try exploring Rock with RC, he is hard to RC with, but he has some sick ass RCs, think of his running thing where he jumps up and hits you overhead, many people who know this move end up trying to trip you, safe players will block high, you need to be unpredictable, now…you can also RC into just the running command to close the distance and play some mind games…and one of my favorites is the RC into the dash thing where he dissapears and ends up behind the enemy, use this close up if you are comfortable with RCing it, it’s such a tricky move cuz you still have like a second of invincibility right before you Evac Toss your enemy, the timing is exact which is why it’s better to RC it real close, after your enemy is airborne, the super comes:)

I think A - groove or C groove might be better suited for Rock, though K-Rock is still pretty good, the only reason I think a RC Rock might be more fun is because you can do all sorts of shit Geese is limited to, A 360 evac toss to your enemy, getting them in the corner and then either lvl 2 Raging Storm to a lvl 1 Raging Storm, or double Laser Punch super! Also earning to use Rakkassa or whatever is called is like the satisfaction you get when you’re on your cigarrette break. Anyways, Rock and Geese though they are Father and Son, they play completely different, Geese has an airball and cross over, he does more damage and his pokes are probably better/more aggressive, plus, the sickest shit ever is having Bison do a Psycho Pressure super and you laugh as you high counter it and slam him on the ground, even Blanka’s electricity ball super, hell even Vegas Claw Super, Rock can’t do that, trust me, I got slashed accross with a Samurai sword…however, learning Rock’s counter timing in prediction to your oponent is a tiny bit less punishable than Geese, and Rock does have Rising tackle, though his roll is slow and tackle is not all that good, I’d rather have it against Vega, Bison, or Chun Li whores. In addition, Rock does have more variety, he has more supers than Geese does, they are a ton easier to perform, the Laser Punch is super is easy to get punished by and wether you’re running or hoping, Rock’s crouching FK has nice speed/priority. My answer? mix it up, you might want Geese as a more aggressive approach, a good damage dealer. You might want Rock as a more strategic player with more possibilities, and the ease of use compared to Geese might guarantee you lesser “fuck ups”. :sweat:

I dunno why people say Rock is easier to use… it takes a helluva lot more effort to win with Rock than with Geese… WITHOUT rage Geese can punish with a huge combo that takes up half of the stun meter. Rock on the other hand can do at best s.HKxxHardedge and then set up a guessing game. It takes some pretty tight execution to do well with Rock which increases your chances of messing up… On top of that Rock takes much more damage than Geese so the penalty for a messup is greater… When they are both raged, Geese is a BEAST… you don’t even need the supers to do damage… On the other hand, Rock isn’t quite as intimidating… I guess Rock has the Shine knuckle trap, easy RS, 360 and shine knuckle, a better lowjump RHXXDeadly rave… Anyway, I could go into a lot more detail, but IHMO I think Geese is the “better” character.

I’ll use Geese as a base.

Geese - Powerful, more power oriented character. More of a learn and adapt character. Punishes mistakes HARSHLY… but only 1 useful super RS.

Rock - Sacrifice power for speed. More of a Zoning character who is groove-based. Punishes fairly well. Easier RS and the Shining Knuckle super.

More notes later.

I use both with good results. Just make sure to do random mid/low counters against blanka/sagat since people like to spam their pokes. Also, master geese’s RS so it becames as easy as doing qcf x2 + pp.

Say WHAT? Deadly Rave is essential…

ex-s i’d money match you if you lived near me.:arazz:

i was seriously thinking of telling a friend to make an avatar just like that for myself this morning.


didnt read anything you said, but i just saw something like “im a new player” and “im learning to rc”. just wanna throw out that if you are a new player learning how to combo into a super is like 20 times better than learning how to RC. i cant tell you how many new players i beat that can RC while using my for fun teams on roll grooves w/o being able to RC myself. RC’ing should be used situationally to get you out of being attacked, while comboing into super WINS YOU THE GAME because you’re doing a shitload of damage. and im not talking about combos like jumpin:hp: > :hp: > super. i mean practical to land combos into super from shorts. like c.:lk: > c.:lk: > super. or whatever your characters use to safely confirm to land into a super.

Bring it on:wgrin: … lol, I actually wish there was more competition close to where I live. All the good Toronto players are halfway across the city from me = S… You can have my av if you want since I was thinking of changing it soon anyway; only thing is it’s a prem size one.