Geese or Rock?

K-Rock is NOT the most preferred, A-Rock is more suitable in many cases for people ex:Combofiend. Plus his custom does assloads of damage where u can pull it off from a 360 grab if done right.

A rock is not preferred man. K rock is definitley his best groove. A rock takes a lot of patience and skill and his custom doesnt do enough compared to a K groove super. Im pretty sure he can do more off a 360 grab in K (360 xx shine knuckle).

In the last tourney (NCR 06), Combofiend switched to k-groove. (A mix of Ken/Rock/Cammy/Sagat).

There are a few vids of the tournment on youtube.

ok, i have the most experience of anyone posting on this thread so listen to me god damnit.

k is rock’s best groove

a-rock is a high mid character when played perfectly which only a few people are going to be able to do. I wouldn’t be surprised if combofiend is the only one in america that can use a-rock well. I’m not saying none of you are capable, i’m just saying that he’s such a hard character to use that it’s not really worth the effort.

K-rock however has a bunch of ways to hit you with super everytime he is raged. if you are raged you can run up and get counterhit low shorts, run up 360 toss them into super, or do low jump mixups. He is much better in k.

simply awesome.

rock’s best groove is d groove

I would use K-geese over A/K-rock, geese kick throw is too good.

I don’t know how to combo with him, Just Defend…Kick throw…Then what.

You guys and your damn kick throws…

Thank god Ken’s the only one with ST Kick.

K-Rock is the best Rock…and Bean, wtf is D-groove?

everyone mashes outta my geese :k: throws :sad:

krock > arock


D-Groove counters A-Groove.

and maybe even p-groove

I myself gave up K-Rock for K-Geese, both are good and one is not better then the other in my opinion cause it’s about your type of play style which determines the type of characters you can play to your fullest potential.

If they suck just go straight rushdown while going for a guardcrush for a big punish. If they can play at your level then wait and bait and pick your shots to try and get the upper hand. Check the Geese thread if you need combo’s and set up’s. And don’t be a nub Geese like everyone else doing c.jab x3, c.rh xx reppuken all day.

only when comboed into, otherwise its a crap super, not good for strategy.

I say it depends on how you play, from the characters you play, I’d recommend Rock.

lmao, funny shit bean

if there’s one thing that D groove counters best, it’s M groove.

In all honesty you have to work really hard to get Rock in, while with Mr.Howard Sr. ( I Use him alot still ) You have to be aggresive and put pressure on with damage and Gc’ing. Rock takes waay more skill to use then poppa Howard by far. But I’d prefer Geese in K- since im 2 scrubby to use rock the right way.

mom groove?? :confused:

man, you guys are such idiots…making up grooves and shit.

mouth groove