oh man. I wanna get that. that looks like one of those acupunture needles holder.

Nice lightbox landel. I found a tut somewhere awhile ago to make your own light table pretty much the same thing you did here except the guy cut a square out of his table and made a drop down light box. pretty nifty.

Thanks guys. Yeah, one of my friend’s dad actually did that to his table. I didn’t get to see it, but it really sounded cool.

I made the lightbox before I made my stick. Was excellent woodwork practice.

well here’s my stuff. I just got this table from one of my friend’s friend for $35. its missing one of the leg cap so i had to put cardboard under it.

here are some pens/pencils that I just got as well

Awesome DFist! You draw with multimeter pens! Heh heh…

Seems like you need a cutting mat… your table is totally ruined. Your blades wear out faster too if you cut on the bare surface. Assuming of course, the table was ruined by you. But somehow I don’t think so.

yeah haha table was in bad shape already so i didn’t care. If anything I’ll get a cutting mat to protect the blades.

I just got a swing arm lamp from fry’s for $7. I thought all they had was black but the one I grab turned out to be white. SCORE

Brush pens RULE!!!

I use a faber castel PITT B artist brush pen. Man, are these are VERY hard to find back home in New Zealand and even harder here in Mexico and run out of ink helluva fast :sad:

What type of brush pens do you use chain. Where can I get some? And do they use refills?

Oh and nice work everyone with the fan art challenge. Please no one use my idea of Ken getting bubble gum stuck in his hair :wgrin:

Haha… I have the exact same Sterelite drawer in the right…

wOO… Reviving this biotch.

I just moved places, and this time I have an extra bedroom that my gf and I set up as our art studio. It’s pretty rad :slight_smile: My gf’s table and computer are on the other side of the room, but it’s kinda messy right now so I didn’t photograph it.

As you can see, I’ve kinda customized the crap out of my desk. It’s at a pretty good incline, so everthing has to either be taped down, hanging, or supported by something to stay on it. Stuck a lot of push pins in it for stuff to hang from/rest on, and taped up supports for stuff to rest on. Also, grippy non-adhesive shelf-liners are good for holding stuff too.

Nice setups ronchan. It’s funny how you named all your gear. I had thi id on devart a while back and did the same thing. I wish I had the space for a table like yours. Haha you have the panels that always work printed out. My buddy has that on his wall also since he’s a storyboard guy.

Desk at work

you guys have some sick set ups, I live in a room smaller than fry’s , theirs no room for anything like a table, I pretty much throw whatever down on my bed when I need to use it.

like so

sorry pictures were taken with my old nokia camera phone,

My bed is somewhere underneth their :lol:, I Literary sleep with my work :lol:

SFMC thats a nice work setup, what is it that you do?

Also you guys got any tips on what pencils , pens and anything else I might need, I do alot of sketching but I need some extra stuff, I dont really like drawing over lines in photoshop.

that’s a sweet setup, CW. Table is at a really high tilt but I imagine it’ll be really comfortable to work on since you won’t have to lean over.

SFMC: What kind of monitors do you use at work? I’m thinking about upgrading since mine has lines running through

Bill_Rizer: hahaha now that’s hardcore. Just don’t leave any sharp pens on your bed.

Man I got such a getto set up,

Brush Pen, Faber Castell B, PITT artist Pen (I use this for most of the line work)
Brushpen, Pentel Aquawash, filled with Indian Ink (Mainly used for thick flowing lines or Sound FX) Thanks Chain :wink:
Uni Pin 0.3 (For fine lines, shading and dots)
Budget piece of crap tablet $70NZ at Dick Smith ( To handle anything digital and cleaning up any mistakes)

How are you all so goddamn tidy?! My room always looks like the FBI raided it!


You guys have desks ?


I just draw on the floor.

I don’t even have a digitial camera to take a picture of the floor I draw on. I also use the windows and the sun to trace. Sigh.

:rofl: now thats ghetto

:rofl: I try not to.

Cp that could be a nice setup if you cleaned up a bit. At least you guys have big ass rooms. Ever tried framing your posters instead of pinning them? Looks more neat.

@bill r. Thx. I work as a color key artist. I design the colors of characters and sets for feature films. I like your light box. I still need one of those.

@dfist. It’s a sony moniter and the one on the riht is crap screen for extra space and to surf the net. I don’t know what model, but they are ok in my opinion. Had like 30 of those monitors got internally messed up not due to shipping, but color wise.

SFMC: Daaang, I’m jealous. Your setup is so slick looking. Maybe one day I will also be able to afford frames, haha.

DFist: Yeah, the desk is definately at a steep incline. There are plusses and minusses to that. It’s easier to reach the top of my drawings without hunching over, so it’s better for my back. The downside is obviously that everything I want on it has to be secured somehow or else it falls off, hence all the desk customizations. About monitors; I have a shitty monitor that came with the computer, but I’ve been eyeballing getting a new one for a while. I’ve been told Samsung, Viewsonic, and Dell all make good LCDs.

Cpt: Nice Duckie figurine!

As far as the tools I use go, it’s still pretty much the same as I posted on page 2 a long time ago, with the addition of the Pentel Aquash brush pen that can be seen in CptMunta’s picture(the leftmost pen). They’re so convenient and versitile that I do about 95% of all my inking with them now. I like to use them with Koh-I-Noor Rapidograph Ultradraw ink. Pentel is the end-all of brush pens - I’ve tried several other brands, and none of them can compare to the quality of the Pentel ones.

I like using Strathmore Series 300 Smooth Bristol to ink on. 400 Series and 500 Series are even better, but 300 is cheaper. :slight_smile:

Almost every drawing for the challenges have been done in my sketchbook though. I prefer Catchet brand 11"x14" sketchbooks for white paper. I don’t remember what brand my brown one is.

Sometimes for smaller drawings, I like HP Premium Choice Laserjet paper. Probably one of the nicer packs of printer paper you can get. It’s thicker than most, and very smooth.

Tools of the trade.

I have a Sakura electric eraser- batteries are an extra expense, but if you erase fine detail all day, it can be handy.

I’m finally learning to draw digitally.

I should go post some art now-