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gay butt<br>

I think the main issue is time. There are too many games out right now to allot the time to run them all at a tournament. So the most popular games guaranteed to get a good turnout tend to get run and the most face time. Only majors tend to bring out some of the classics for tournament play (and usually that’s the only time when enough people and organizers want to play and run it in the first place).
Other than that the only way to get a certain game played at a local is to have enough players interested to play that game… that’s something can’t really force on people though. You can only ask and hope.

Because in most places if you threw a CVS2 tournament 6 months ago you’d be lucky to get enough people to have a tournament.

CVS2 is a good game but its decline came of natural causes. Nothing “killed” CVS2 it’s just an old game at this point. People who played CVS2 already know who is better than who as far as both character and players go. As far as new players go, good luck trying to get them into a game that is executionally stricter than SF4, that other players have a decade head start on them.

Players that weren’t around when the game was reasonably big will feel intimidated that they’d have to catch up on 10 years worth of knowledge and matchup experience.

Getting people over that hurdle is going to be the biggest issue for these re-releases seeing tournament play today.

i dont understand. do you mean at EVO? or what?

its up to the games’ community IMO, to organize side tournaments when they arent main games. MvC2 is guilty of this too. Just because it not the main game anymore or drawing big crowds doesnt mean you cant make it hype. Granted, it wont be at every tournament, but dont aim for that. pick a few tourneys here or there that the smaller concentrated community can plan for, and then of course EVO.

for example, at final round upcoming, the MvC2 community has organized and made trailers and spread it throughout ourselves. Gotta start somewhere


There’s a limit to the amount of games that tourney organizers can support, you can see for yourself the amount of games put in a Big E event. Already sacrifices had to be made, just look at the KOFXIII community being butthurt at NEC that the finals of their game wasn’t in the main stream. Or how people in the SFxT forum were threatening to boycott Final Round next year and support only IPL and Capcom events because of how badly they were treated at NEC. Which game in the current Winter Brawl lineup do you think should be taken out so that CvS2 and MvC2 can be put in? You can go all “LOL SFxT” but do you think CvS2 and MvC2 will have a better turnout?


I dont exactly get the argument with the 10 years experience, dont make the fighting game more complex then it actually is. That is why so many “oldscool” fighter with 20 or 30 years and older hate the 09 generation. They are playing for years, and then comes a 15 years old guy, playing fighting games for 1 years and beat them in SF4. Naturally they see the reason in the new game, so ofc. SF4 has to be shit, a game for “scrubs” (the new 15 years old 09er), scrubgame.
That has not really something to do with your post, but that is what I observe in the forum or the whole community (no I am not 15, I am actually 27 and playing fighting games for a long time). But it’s not that hard to get into a game, see infiltration, playing fighting games only since SF4 in 09 and beating Daigo with years of years of experience more.

Because everyone is waiting for someone else to lead and do the hard parts.

There’s this weird threshold where people play games because everyone else is playing it. It’s kind of a self-fulfilling prophecy. The best way to find people to play these games is to go to tournaments or gatherings and talk to people there. You can probably find other people via twitter, SRK, and maybe facebook.

Too many new players overestimate how evolved their specific game is. You can’t even begin to compare SF4 and MVC3 at this point to CVS2 and MVC2 in terms of evolution of the game. When a game changes every year you don’t get a chance to figure it out fully before everything changes, CVS2 and MVC2 were the same games for 10 years. Those tiers are pretty solid and those matchups are known, I know people think they know UMVC3 but If you give that game two more years in the same form, There will still be some major tier shifts based on still undiscovered tech. If you started playing CVS2 today you would have a very hard time figuring out all of the things people learned when this game was played weekly in tournaments all over the country, unless you were trained by a top CVS2 player.

By the end of CVS2 I could look at a bracket and give you the results of each match with ridiculous accuracy all the way through to finals before the tournament even started. Thats the kind of tournament people stop entering, especially if they have to travel for just that game.

You won’t have the experience but you can have the knowledge of these old games if the resources are well kept. You have to play and get your ass kicked but it won’t take you 10 years to be competitive in the old games.

A game is “dead” when there’s nothing new to discover anymore. You can’t expect a revival of an old game all of a sudden. Only specific people would play it, and those people could play this game forever anyway.

In the natural order of things new games are bigger, better, more complex, but we got fucked on both ends so…

American scene is lucky in a way. There are lots of people willing to put on events for games they don’t like for the sake of promoting fighting games in general. Unfortunately it seems the grassroots DIY spirit dies a bit each day. If you want a CvS2 tournament, throw one. Maybe then you’ll understand why people (unfortunately) aren’t throwing CvS2 tournaments anymore.

That is impossible to say. Literally. How do you know everything is found without knowing everything to find?

Ex. Makoto’s 100% stun combo on Chun in 3s was discovered this year when thought it was impossible “urban legend” stuff.

Besides, the gameplay is best when matured and refined imo.

So? The game is still “99.998%” explored and at this point you aren’t going to find anything that will change it enough to make it feel fresh and exciting. This also concerns the aesthetics. After 10 years people get tired of the same old images and sounds. That is why new games are exciting- Even if they end up eventually being somewhat inferior after a year or 2 of play, you had your fun of a fresh experience to explore, and then you move on.

Unless that new Sonson trick is gonna rip through Magneto and Sentinel, it’s irrelevant.

who the fuck is gonna run all these games…

better yet who’s gonna haul around some crt monitors, ps2, ps2 sticks to play cvs2? a game 90% of today’s community never played and cant play even if they tried. its not an appealing game to “noobs”.

same deal goes for marvel2 and 3s. AT LEAST those games were released for xbox360/ps3 and playable on next gen console.

dont expect people to play cvs2 now. the game has been abandoned for good with no chance of any “revival”.

Because they’re games, not food.

Chess has the same aesthetics and is fully explored. For some reason, some people such as yourself have the mentality that video games have a shelf life. Why are video games treated differently than card games, board games, and the like? They shouldn’t be.

The genre is oversaturated.

I know people are going to go ‘oh boy more options is better!’ Fuck you. The options are fucking lopsided.

NEC not running poverty games, or not being able to actually run your game regardless of what it was, is a sign of the times. Seven years I’ve attended NEC and this was the first time I didn’t see any Killer Instinct, EX, or any of that old love being run. We never gave a shit about rocking a stream, but Eric having to tell people he didn’t have the means or couldn’t let us is a shock (no malice to Big E at all of course).

Even then, I have to question why our community doesn’t keep playing old games. I mean if you walk up to someone at a Japanese arcade and tell them ‘Hey, CVS2 is dead!’ they’ll have to raise an eyebrow twice just to compensate for your statement. Forget their environment, we have the rest of the world to play in many of our old games, console, ggpo, or whatever, what’s keeping us from running what we’ve always run?

‘They’re dead’? Nah. CvS2 doesn’t pull in stream numbers. Sponsors don’t care that you can roll cancel Blanka electricity.

Bleh. Bleh

CVS2 is on Japanese PSN and coming to America, although the lag when I played was atrocious and we were playing offline.

if you even prertend to play MvC2 you better come to FR or STFU >:(