Garou:Mark Of The Wolves

The links don’t work Giby.

I forgot to mention that you need a file planet account to download them. If that still doesn’t work for you, I’ll try hosting them on my webspace for you to dl.

I need some Hokutomaru vids, nobody plays him ;_;

Hey Giby…nice seeing you and Magician around ya know,and thanks for the vids link…But damn!! i really wanna see them,i cant download them,if you just can upload some of the vids to yar site??

thanks magician,what ya told me bout Gato were really usefull.
in these two days,i discovered hella lot of shit for him,so let me start it with this;

-first,the stomp can be quick canceled by any of the Stomp connection(A,B,and C), for each they have properteis.
as for A,due to the quick speed,you will fire the clash fire so soon in a way were you will do it in your place(term of means,you will cancel the stomp and you will be able to normally preform a standing move).
As for B,you can do it so quick were you will shadow kick in your place, and that will help in excuting qcb+D,B x3 combos(or times 2).
The final is D,were you will have a semi properties of A cancel.

Here the new combos that i’ve discovered so far…enjoy :china:
and thanks agian magician,hope you guys share yar stuff too…i really love to learn about MOTW

11-While Opponent in air,CH f/u+D, as you reach the ground Use T.O.P move(A+C), qcfx2+C.

#Counter opponent by any way while he’s in air,so here are some moves that you can counter hit opponent while he’s in air; f+A, f+B, (qcb+B_D),C, Jump+D_C.
Counter opponent while he’s jumping too by D, as you reach the ground wait a small sec and then press A+C(use T.O.P move) “note:Donot use the T.O.P move as soon as you reach the ground or else it will whiff,try to practice the timing it’s so easy”.
after A+C, quickly qcfx2+C.
You can also Ch T.O.P opponent directly and then qcfx2+C >> CH A+C, qcfx2+C

12-In Corner,Jump with D, D, qcb+B,b+A(move cancel) A, f,d,f/d+A+Bx3.

#In Corner,Jump with D, f+D, qcb+B(Cancel qcb+B by b+A), A(far range hit), quickly into f,d,f/d+A+Bx3.
the qcb+B cancel is really annoying,so try practicing it with Just frame timing rather than Bashing button.

13-Away from corner, CH f,d,f/d+D(cancel A+B), f,qcfx2+B(side change), wait untill opponent reach’s your range, qcfx2+A.

#This combo is really nasty and cool,it’s only preformed from any place far from corner,corner will allow the qcfx2+B super to connect as clean hit!
So any place away from corner(like mid screen), Ch f,d,f/d+D(A+B move cancel).Now here’s the tricky part,for some charecter like tizok(due to his body size which is larger than any charecter) you can connect the super normally,just as you preform the cancel quickly qcfx2+B…but for other charecters,it always whiff’s away,s here’s the trick >> either you preform qcfx2 a bit slowly in order to allow gato to move between motion(but afcourse try to time the speed), or else press and hold f first and then qcfx2+B.
after the super,you shall be on the other side of your opponent due to the flip Gato’s make after the super,s sides will changes.After you reach the ground on the other side, wait untill opponent falls infront of your face and then quickly qcfx2+A.
the damage is farelly enough too much! lol…so enjoy.
Please look at the Upgraded Version juggle, juggle number#16.

14-(Counter Hit)D, qcb+D, qcb+D,A.

#This is a just showoff juggle,CH D, then qcb+D without connecting anything after the stomp.After the stomp,quickly qcb+B or D into A, which will hit opponent while he’s on the ground.

15-Gato’s Infinite Practice Mode Bug:

In Practice mode, for each hit no matter what are counted as Counter hit.In corner while Standing, D,A(Fient) Dash toward opponent quickly, D,d+B(Fient) Dash toward Opponent, D,A(fient)…etc
You can also connect any of the series’s combo >> qcb+D,B, f,d,f/d+B, qcfx2+C.

16-From Mid screen to Corner(reverse to other side), CH f,d,f/d+D(cancel A+B) ,f,qcfx2+B, qcb+D,B(quickly) (now your in corner), f,d,f/d+B, qcfx2+A.

#The exact same idea of juggle number #13,but the distance is defferent,try to let yar self face corner,and opponent is infront of you,and after the qcfx2+B super the sides will change,and so you will be able to put opponent into your place(the corner!).
When you get opponent to corner,qcuikly (qcb+D),B, then f,d,f/d+B, qcfx2+A.
This is one of the deadliest juggle’s for Gato that i’ve ever seen

17-Your on corner,opponent from sweep distance, CH (qcb+D),C (hit opponent to reverse to other side), D, (qcb+D),B, qcfx2+C or f,d,f/d+A+Bx3.

#The idea of this juggle is to connect (ch)(qcb+D),c to hit opponent with fient effect and allow you to be on the other side of the opponent…not only that,but is to change sides and let opponent be facing corner so you can preform all the only corner combos stuff after the trick.
So,put your self in position where opponent is far a sweep distance(try to make sure not to let qcb+D hit opponent or else he will be knocked away by it),also preform qcb+C and not qcb+B for higher priorities Jump.
(qcb+D),C, hits opponents head and you will change sides now, quickly D, (qcb+D),B, then normally qcfx2+C.
you can preform f,d,f/d+A+Bx3 rather than qcfx2+D, but it will be unclean(therefore it’s useless to use it…but the first two hit connect ya know ^_^)

18-In corner,Jump with D, D, qcb+D(Stomp Cancel b+A), (qcb+D),B, (qcb+D),B, f,d,f/d+B, qcfx2+C.

#This is a One tough combo,and agian thanks to Magician.The qcb+D cancel is really annoying,so try to practice hard on it first.
In corner,jump with D, ground Stand D, qcb+D(STomp cancel by b+A), now quicly (qcb+D),B, and agian (qcb+D),B, f,d,f/d+B, and then finish it with qcfx2+C

19-In corner,CH qcb+D©, qcb+D,B, (qcb+D),B, (qcb+D),B f,d,f/d+B, qcfx2+C.
12 hit, 50000 Point Damage

#This is one showoff combo,one of the hardest timeing combo’s.The idea is to land quickly from stomp by C to ground and quickly preform other move,which is 3 times qcb+D,B!!.
So in corner,CH qcb+D(to stomp opponent), and so quickly press C(bash it,and make it the shortest distance to land,the shortest the easier connection).As you reach the groun from stomp C, quickly qcb+D,B(Both hits,the stomp and the Shadow Kick B will Connect), quickly (qcb+D),B, and agian for the final time (qcb+D),B, into f,d,f/d+B, into the finisher qcfx2+C.


You can add Before any While standing D, a CH A but therefore you must Dash or move a bit in order to connect D


in these up comming day,i’ll try to finish up a Gato combo Faq.
anyways, here’s another screen capture for juggle number # 19(best juggle for Gato) WEHEEEEWW!! :encore:
also,there’s a Beta Transcript for the Gato combos,and brief explination(still incompleted!)

Hey Giby,can you help with any charecter please?? Juggles, Tactics…etc
soon i’ll right some combos for some charecters (Dong Hwan, Kevin and other stuff).
thanks everyone, and agian am happy seeing MOTW players in here.

Good lord. You gotta make some combo vids for us. I really wanna see some of that double DB (= Death Blow = Super) action. Shit, I sware, if and when we finally manage to get together over here, we WILL have footage damn it! I’ll try to mess w/ some of your combos in the mean time.

I can see about help’n you out w/ Kev a bit later. I don’t really play any of the Koreans, so I guess I’ll pretty much leave that to Gib. Man… you guys are get’n way too good for me. I’m get’n old. sigh

Keep Play’n. Peace

S7evynstorm picked up the game a while back and I’ve been playing a lot with him when I get the chance. Jae Hoon’s c.C xx qcf+D is fucking buff. I’m gonna see if I can get local interest in the game, as our arcade actually has a Garou cab, but nobody plays it but me and random scrubs…

Sup my MOTWs peeps, i have mad combos wid everyone. I feel like im 2 fu*kin’ good in this game. yall have any ppl you wanna know combos with?

Heres my fave. combo 2 do. Use Dong hwan. J.cross-up.Hard kick(d), S.hard kick(d), f+a+c and break 1st hit of the hard kick, D.hard punch©,now you do QCF+hard kick to juggle(if they stand up), J.qcfx2+light punch(a) make sure you get all 7 hits and right when Dong hits the ground, qcfx2+light kick(b)

Play with dong(pink) and ryan(green).

** you may skip this part.

When the fuck could Dong combo into his D Toe Tap? DB and either universal AB attack eats Dong’s ground game alive.

lool,Thanks a lot magician…some of these combos are inspired from what ya told me :china:
something that ya didnt notice, am from egypt :D…so it’s like totally imposible to gather a meeting with ya people LOL,so it’ll be online and forums only(as much as ossible lool)…and hey am thinking of releasing a MOTW Gato vid (i discovered some more stuff too ;))

keep in touch dude, and hey post all the things ya know bout garou…this thread is really cool

Atreyu: hey dude…will really i didnt understand anything from what ya said,is this a two combo to gather case?? like if he stood up at this time, so he will get rushed by this move…etc??
here’s a small combo for Dong:
-Jump with D, qcf+B, f+A, C, A+C or f,d,f/d+C

hope you tell us more combos and stuff.

guys, anyone for Hotaru?? :D…?
got to go, i really wanna sleep ,didnt sleep for 24 hours O_o…see ya soon everyone
see ya magician.

by the way, soatome, dont ya play MOTW?? arent ya a tizok player? what bouta sharing dude?

Here are the 3 combo Transcripts caption that i attached


Caption are takin correctly step to tep with right damage and right sequence,but different

timing due to time capturng and juggle preformance.

HOTARU COMBO #1: 17 Hits, 19300 Damage Points

-Step one: this is qcb+B Cancel after the C hit(that why it’s two hits).You cannot C into qcb+D! cause mainly qcb+D is shorter in range than qcb+B.

-Step two: Wait a bit after the A+B cancel,and then f,d,f/d+B.if you adjusted the time right,then the tornado (f,d,f/d+B) will into 2 hits and allowing you to free move after it.

-Rest of the Steps: Here is were you quickly connect qcfx2+D,as soon as you reach the ground preform it.

GATO COMBO #1: 12 Hits, 222000 Damage

Can go up to 13 Hits by adding jumpin D.

-Step 1 and 2: Stand close to opponent and then D

-Step 3 and 4: As the standing D finish, quickly qcb+D into a very short distance and quick luncher shadow kikc(B after the stomp).the shadow kick is be do so quickly in order to allow it to take short ranged B properties,and allows more combos to connect after.

-Step 5: quickly Preform another shadow kick, quick qcb+D into B.the qcb+D will not hit opponent(whiffes in the air).If you did it right ya shall be allowed to connect either supers or dragon kick after the second qcb+D,B.

-Step 6 and 7: quickly preform f,d,f/ you reach the ground you will have some free frames to quick excutes a super

-The Rest of the Steps: As you reach the ground, quickly qcfx2+C.donot try to connect the other super,the death blow punch is faster than this other super.

GATO COMBO #2 KILLER JUGGLE: 12 Hits 50000 (nearly a death juggle)

this is one of the most damaging juggles for Gato that i far preformed.

Step 1 and 2: In corner only, Counter hit qcb+D,into a very quick stomp into landing Viper Kick(stomp D).As i told ya guys,it’s the same idea as STomp to A cancel,but instead you will use D.In the caption,i wanted to show you that the move is viper kick,were you will be able to land faster allowing you to connect other stuff after it.

Step 3 and 4: This is so weird right? you can connect Qcb+D, B without whiffing stomp, thats due to the ground hit property of the as you land from STomp,D(viper kick), quickly qcb+D,B.The faster the better where you will get shorter ranged hit allowing you to easy juggle opponent with the other qcb+D,B’s.

Step 5: This is the most annoying step,the middle is always the pian…all of the combo will depend on the excution of the second qcb+D, it fast as much as you can or else you may not be able to either connect dragon kick after the second STomp or donot connot the second stomp at all!

Step6: Here’s the another annoying step 6,must be done real quick too.Whiffed qcb+D, into a connected B (shadow kick)

Step7 and 8: Quickly f,d,f/d+B.

Rest of the Steps: as soon as you land from dragon kick,simply qcfx2+C for a killer juggle.

well the 1st part is a step-up and the 2nd part is a juggle:

Use Dong hwan.
Jumping cross-up D, Standing.D, f+a+c and break the 1st hit of the hard kick, Ducking.C. 3hits

now you do QCF+hard kick to juggle(if they stand up)doesnt combo!

Jumping.qcfx2+A make sure you get all 6 hits from this super and right when Dong lands on the ground, qcfx2+B for a second juggler

should be 8hits.

I think i said it rigth now lol.

Any word on a stateside PS2 release?

Best game ever besides SF:TS

If anyone wants to play me on kalleria, just pm or holler at me.

I’m copying what I posted already on the SoCal Garou Thread for Hotaru:

(Corner) Late d + LK, HK then combo into air with qcb + B, qcfx2 + Lk or HK super. (The Beholder posted something similar to the airial combo but used a LP instead of HK. Both work out so which ever is easier for you guys.)

(Corner) Late d + LK (Make it hit there knees almost or waist, LP, LK (hard to connect at times), then qcb + B (all before you land), qcfx2 + LK or HK super. Works on average sized characters like Terry, works easier agains’t Tizoc or Grant.

Nothing too flashy I would say but somethings I like using when I can…alright later guys. Keep the Garou comp alive.


…hmmm…okays :slight_smile:
thanks anyways, if you have more tactics and stuff then please post

something fun with dong hwan >> opponent is in corner, super jump toward is wall and then reverse re jump direction(on wall,b/u or /u for a re verse wall jump).
as you wall jump,preform qcfx2+Kick in air,and as you land super jump agian and repeat it…what will happen is,dong hwan will be stuck with the other side,he will do a super while he’s Back turned and not facing the opponent.If you kept doin super jump,he will still be in Back turned position.

see ya soon dude

hey dude,sup :D…here are all the Hotaru combos i know

1-Jump with D, qcb+D(in air), qcfx2+D
2-Jump with D, C, qcb+B(A+B Cancel), f,d,f/d+B(two hits only), qcfx2+D
3-Jump with D, C, qcfx2+C
4-Jump In deep and then d+B,A, qcb+B (all are done in air)
5-Jump In deep and before you reach the ground, d+B,(now your on the ground), A(Close range), A(Far Range), d+C, qcf+C
6-From sweep Distance, small jump B, qcb+B(in air), f,d,f/d+D

as for juggle number 4,yesterday i did this but seroiusly it’s too damn hard,i just pulled it once and got boered

-small jump toward opponent, d+B,A(arieal rave), qcb+B(in air), f,d,f/d+D.The problem is that you have to adjust the d+B,A,the early ya do it the better chance to have a shorter range in qcb+B(in air),therefore you can reach the ground quick preforming easier qcfx2+C super or tornado(f,d,f/d+kicks).

hey do ya have any idea bout some tactics,bugs…etc??

i discovered this dirty one, qcf+A in ground into a very short jump to qcb+B is totally safe,you can air trap opponent into qcfx2+C,or by tornado.

while opponent guarding, jump toward him b+D,A, qcb+B(in air), as soon as you land d+A,A,A for a safe poking escape.
if opponent been hit,ya can rather do this,as you land, s.A,d+C, into qcfx2+C super.

in juggle number# 2, you can have fun preforming a tuant and cancel it into tornado, and still you will be able to connect a super(qcfx2+C)
:smiley: fun huh?

hey anyone guys for freeman?? do this guy have something called juggle ?? :S

I still play MOTW from time to time on m emulator. I wish CF actually had the game to play it.


Oh man, Freeman is your next char? Most of us here feel that hez next to useless, which is made that much more evident in his ranking. However, since this game has pretty good balance, it is still possible to get in some wins w/ the guy… albeit w/ much patience.

I mess around w/ him, sort of as a joke char. His forte is basically a pretty strong turtle game (it can be quite frustrate’n to play against). He majorly lacks the speed to pummel his opponents. You pretty much want them come to you.

I don’t know of any particular launchers w/ him, but you will notice that he seems to critical hit opponents A LOT w/ practically all of his special moves. Once you see the “Counter” sign flash, itz time to connect a SLASH (Punch) Super! :devil:

I can give you a few combos/tactics a bit later if you’re interested.

Keep Play’n. Peace

Freeman can be played on a high level, but you need to play him without making any mistakes. All of his moves take a while to recover leaving him open for an ass beating.

His supers are useless, especially his counter super. He’s got a few feint combos that can end with his qcfx2+P super, but they’re kinda risky on they’re sure as hell not meant for low-mid level players, and iirc, he can only do them in the corner.

I’ll screw with him later tonight or tomorrow, I’ve been busy as hell for the past few weeks.

You can use d+AB to combo slash super too.