Garou:Mark Of The Wolves

hey everyone…i know it’s an old game,but serously this game is one of the best 2d fighting game that i’ve so far played…and one of the best SNK balanced 2d fighting game and system.

anyways,am just postin,wanna know and see stuff bout MOTW,and please i dont want anyone telling me go to this site there’s a lot of people know stuff bout garou!
i wanna see poeple from SRK and not any place else…

if ya got any combos,any info, any places were i can download vids then that will be cool,bugs and glitchs…etc

here are some combo’s for my players


1-Jump in deep with D, D, qcf+C, ff+c
2-Jump in deep with D, D, A, f,d,f/d+D
3-Jump in deep with D, D, f,d,f/d+D(A+B Cancel), qcfx2+D
4-Jump in deep with D, D, f,d,f/d+d(A+B Cancel), f,d,f/d+B, qcfx2+C
5-Jump in deep with D, D, A, f,d,f/d+A+B x3
6-In corner, Jump in deep with D, D, f,d,f/d+D(A+B Cancel), (qcb+B) quicklyB, qcfx2+C
7-In corner, Jump in deep with D, D, qcb+D,B, f,d,f/d+B, qcfx2+C


1-Jump with D, qcb+D, qcfx2+D
2-Jump with D, C, qcb+D(A+B Cancel), f,d,f/d+B, qcfx2+D
3-Jump with D, C, qcfx2+C

i’ve found that some of my Gato combos are a bit not known…any idea please? cause something like that is a must be imposiable,lool…the game is so old ya know

anyways,hope i see some MOTW fans.

If you want to get a hold of some great Garou players post here:

Take care

This game is great, its one of the few SNK games I actually like!
Marco and Jim DongHwan are probably my favorites, though, I know little about their combos. I play this game just to play…I think I’ll pick it up again…

Thanks dude :smiley:

I think a few people from the SoCal thread got together and taped some of their matches. But, I’m not sure if/when they’re going to post them.

I like this game alot, too. I only play once in awhile, so I only have an inkling how to use Rock. Gato’s a good character. He has alotta potential weapons.

If you go to the “Other Games” section, there should also be a thread on MOTW.

We did record the matches we had at the last gathering…only thing was it was on VHS. The tape we used was real messed up so all the matches came out really bad. Though there was someone that was suppose to fix that footage and have the vids for that for people to check out. But the person flaked out I guess…we are planning on recording better matches for next time for sure. Soon as we get another SoCal gathering or even a tourney…then we can start showing everyone what Garou is all about. Alright talk to you guys later.


i myself have a very bad experince with VHS tapes…rather not to talk bout it :smiley: lol,so i always try to capture directly to my Pc.
anyways,i’ll be waiting for the upcomming tourney :D…but dont ya forget to record them

also,any idea bout some good vids??

The Beholder - Wow, looks like you may possibly have some pretty nice combos here. Btw, what platforum do you play Garou on? Most of us have pretty much established DC as our standard (since that is what most of us practice on AND it is the platform we used during Revolution). I’ll have to test out some of your combos a bit later, esp Gato connecting an A after a 2hit D. The greedy combo that I like to do w/ him is:

In the corner:

  1. deep jump D
  2. D (2 hit)
  3. down B
  4. qcfx2 C

You MIGHT be able to do his ariel chain (I think it was B->A) instead of jump D to start this combo. In theory, if you get really good, you can go into qcb B,B after step 3. You MIGHT be able to do qcb D,B after step 3, but I’m REALLY not sure of that. I know that in order to do one of his REEEALLY nasty corner combos, you need to repeat qcb D,B x3+, dp ( = dragon punch = f, d, df) B, then qcfx2 C (I know there are some FUCKERS out there who didn’t want to say what was up w/ this combo, so I had to find this out all on my own. The “BIG” secret was make’n sure you use D instead of B when do’n qcb. :arazz: ).

For Hotaru, I’ve been try’n to connect the qcfx2 D after her qcb B (break), dp B, but I can’t seem to connect anything afterwards. I HAVE been able to successfully connect her qcb B in air or top move after the qcb B (break) and connect w/ a qcfx2 D afterwards. Both of these variations are kind of hard to do.

For both of these players, you can try squeeze’n in an extra hit or 2 w/ feint cancel’n to make new chains. For instance, you can corner your opponent w/ Hotaru and C, forward AC, down C. This would essentially allow you to chain a standing C into a crouching C (which can thus lead into another attack).

Hopefully more news of get togethers will come soon. And possibly more strats.
Keep Play’n. Peace has a whole forum dedicated to MOTW strats. You should check it out.

hey dude, am so glad talkin to ya :china:

You MIGHT be able to do qcb D,B after step 3, but I’m REALLY not sure of that. I know that in order to do one of his REEEALLY nasty corner combos, you need to repeat qcb D,B x3+, dp ( = dragon punch = f, d, df) B, then qcfx2 C (I know there are some FUCKERS out there who didn’t want to say what was up w/ this combo, so I had to find this out all on my own. The “BIG” secret was make’n sure you use D instead of B when do’n qcb.

What,are ya seroius?? i really didnt ever thought of such a thing like that at all!!..i think i’ll try it right now…just 1 hour and then i’ll report bout it

thanks for the hotaru stuff dude…i’ll try them too for sure :smiley:

i play the game of the computer EMU for Neo geo(Neo Rage), Using Original Pads USB, or sometimes i play it on the arcade.

see ya soon dude,and i’ll report bout the Gato stuff within an hour…or maybe if i couldnt,then for sure i’ll report everything tommorow.


Kouga: Thanks dude, i’ve even saw ya postin right there :slight_smile:

Report Report!!
this is so fuckin amazing dude,lol…thanks for the cool info.
ok here what i did exactly.First of all, i tried to qcb+D,B x3 but the gravitaton seems so low to the ground,i can get qcb+D,B x2 so easy and as many as i can it just need speed.
There’s difference between qcb+B,B x2 and Qcb+d,B x2; the B,B one is shorter in range and so anything to connect after it is mainly hard, the D,B have a closer range to opponent due to the qcb+D…so anyways, here what i found.

-In corner, Jump with D, D, qcb+B,B x2, qcfx2+D or qcfx2+C or f,d,f/d+A+Bx2 but the last hit wiffs
-In corner, Jump with D, D, qcb+D,B x2, f,d,f/d+B, qcfx2+C “this must be done quickly in order to make qcb+d,bx2 higher in range from the start”

as for Hotaru,i know the combo is annoying and always wiffs…i think i didnt many times before,but my friend do it always.Try to use the T.O.P rather than it, even cooler ya know lol

anyways,thanks for the info dude…i’ll keep practicing and discovering more stuff, see ya

Interesting. Itz nice to hear different interpretations of things. The main thing to notice was just a difference in the button that you use. It becomes critical when doing certain combos ESPECIALLY when there is breaking involved. Most of the time you will need to do the strong version of your move to make the combo happen, but sometimes you’ll need to do the weak version. For Gato, it seemed that in order extend his combo, you NEEDED to use D instead of B when do’n qcb. For Jae, you will want to use his D break move, etc.

Depending on what version ROM you are using, you MAY be able to perform combos that you would otherwise NOT be able to do on the DC or in the arcade. I’m pretty sure that the DC is not arcade perfect, but itz close enough for me (just avoid the last portion of Terry’s stage - The Tunnel, you will encounter slow down on the DC). Hell, I basically only played this game when it came out on the DC, NOT in the arcade. I play this game using a Saturn pad (GOD I love Saturn pads!).

And yeah, I wasn’t the one who thought of connect’n a down B before the qcb, it was The Answer. Shit, I just played against him with Gato a few times and BOOM! hez already surpassed me with him. What a sick bastard! :devil: Anyways, have fun play’n and learn’n.


Where the fuck is The Answer at? Tell him Saotome’s looking for him. I still haven’t gotten my shit from his crib… >/

Hmmm thats so interesting, doin a down+B jab before the qcb…i’ll try it
i discovered this last night:
-Counter Dong hwan f,d,f/d+C or A by Whiffed (qcb+D),C(air counter hit), as soon as you reach the gorund, f,d,f/d+B, qcfx2+C

-The exact same idea, (qcb+D),C (COunter collision), quickly as you reach the ground qcb+B,B, qcfx2+D

i was trying to connect qcb+D,B but its kinda hard.
here’s another idea of a combo am trying to get.
i was teasing opponent around with him when i did this, qcb+B,B, qcb+B,C, the C did not hit at all but instead i did it so quickly were i reached the ground earlier than always…i tried to pull something out after it but it’s hard,so here’s an idea that am gonna try out:

-qcb+D,C (quickly reach ground) into f,d,f/d+B
what make me feel sure of such a connection is,i can quickly poke more than once after i reach the ground and also i can D or C strong hit whiff,…so i dont know,i’ll try to connect f,d,f/d+B maybe it can work

and hey,i’ll attach the Hotaru Combo,i’ve screen captured it…it’s aint hard at all…and hey i told ya somewthing wrong,it’s hard to connect a T.O.P move after f,d,f/d+B and not the super (so technically,the super after the f,d,f/d+B is easier, lol)
to do the Hotaru Combo:
-In corner, C, qcb+B(cancel A+B), wait a bit and then f,d,f/d+B(if ya did it right,the hit counter shall shows ya 4 hits only), then quickly qcfx2+D
The damage is really crazy,also i’ve discovered that you can do two version’s of the f,d,f/d+B after the move cancel,one which is normal speed and you can only connect a super after it, and the other is done a bit sooner were you can connect another f,d,f/d+C after it

Bout the ROm am uising,i didnt know this at all!! thats so sad,but tell now what i did on the PC ROM are done on the arcade too…so maybe my version is exactly the same as in my country arcade.Hope so ya know lol
anyways,here’s the attachment,it’s a screen capture for the combo
thanks for the stuff dude…keep in touch :smiley:


You’re a hotaru player i assumed.

I would show you some hotaru stuf but i dunno shyt with her.

lol, hey young…cool ^_^,i’d be happy if you was goin to tell anyways.
see ya

Sup guys…here’s another screen Capture combo series for Gato

-In corner, D, qcb+D,B, qcb+D,B, f,d,f/d+B, qcfx2+C

here are some new combos for Hotaru too:

4-Jump In deep and then d+B,A, qcb+B (all are done in air)
5-Jump In deep and before you reach the ground, d+B,(now your on the ground), A(Close

range), A(Far Range), d+C, qcf+C
6-From sweep Distance, small jump B, qcb+B(in air), f,d,f/d+D


Since you seem to really like using Gato, there are a few more things you can try.

Quick Charge/Combo Extender
qcb B,A

If timed properly, you will see Gato stomp the ground, but NOT jump. This thus allows you to charge up for supers fairly fast AND it can also help you get in more hits for your combos. For those who play this on the DC, it CAN still be done, itz just that the timing is pretty hard to get (which is why I tend not to bother w/ it).

As you mentioned, you can also experiment w/ hit’n your opponent w/ qcb B, and HIT (NOT whiff) C. You MAY be able to do combos w/ whif’n like you said, but I don’t know of any off the top of my head. (I’ve never seen this done). Let me know if you manage to find someth’n. I DO know that you CAN do combos by connecting the “dive” (aka pressing C) and hit’n your opponent w/ stuff afterwards. Once again, kind of on the difficult side, but not impossible.

Regret Fist (aka Gatoz Counter Launcher)
set d, u C

Since this move launches your opponent when hit, I like to qcfx2 A or dp D afterwards (note that you should let the opponent fall a little). I have yet to do it, but I suppose you can qcb B,B afterwards and follow up w/ whatever. Well, thatz pretty much ALL thatz in my bag of tricks for Gato. If someone can work on a list of chains for this guy, that’d be great.

Keep Play’n. Peace

You will never guess in a million years who I play.

Tis a toughy.

Anyone know where I can get some vids from? :karate:

Been a while since I had time to check this place out. Anyways, down to business.

Jae Hoon- We captured a good 2 hours of video at the Garou meet we had a couple months back, problem was, it was on a VHS tape, I sent it out to a friend to get some direct captures, but he was being lazy and didn’t do shit. I got the tape back and tried to record them via web cam, but the tape is too fucked up to do it, its random when it plays, it’ll have perfect quality at times, but most of the time its just fucked up. The only place I know of where you can get some matches of the game is over at ( post # 10)

Most people who are even remotely into this game won’t make an effort to go out and find some competition, the majority of SNK gamers are lazy as hell. There’s tons of SNK players here in SoCal, but when you tell them a tourny is coming up, they just act like they never heard about the tourney until it was over(at least all the SNKers I know).

Bleh, Im sick of bitching about this, do you need any advice using Jae Hoon or any of the other characters?

What Magician said about Gato is true, don’t bother with his qcb+B, A in the DC version, the timing is more strict with that move than it is on the Neo version. If you can get used to it, I suggest you use it and abuse it, cause Gato can build his meter in a few seconds with that.