Hi everybody. I decided to try to make a new strategy thread, with IParryU’s reassurance it’s worth a try to breathe more life into the Necro section of the forum, and the thread title is his suggestion I’m STILL sorta a noob cos of my random skill level as I tend to improve in some areas at the expense of remembering older strats, AND sometimes I can beat the best players in my area.
The purpose of this thread–intended, and so willing–is to make sort of a “progress report” of match-ups in terms of playing certain characters and presumed superior players. My matches mostly focus on the So. Cal area, such as UCLA and FFA for my main comp. I realize we’ve talked in great length already about match-ups, but since they’re not set in stone, I hope this thread will breed inspiration, as well as provide for an entertaining read. PLEASE…feel free to share your own experiences of frustrating losses and satisfying wins, etc.
This is LONG, but I’m still revising my thoughts.
I’d like to start off, of course, by listing my own current progress–even up to TODAY. This will be psychological as well as generally analytical, as I will mention my strengths and weaknesses when it comes to both match-ups and my playing habits & style. I will also TRY to focus on specific details (hopefully useful) and observations, rather than talk about the general strategies we are all thoroughly familiar with, against certain characters. I have been improving somewhat against players using Urien (esp. him), Makoto, Akuma, and even Yun, to a small extent. I have ironically been having more problems with Ken players, despite having felt he was easier for me to beat than the aforementioned.
Urien: I have been doing better at avoiding getting thrown into the corner when cornering him first, so I’m not getting juggled and, er…“unblockableD” to death: PHEW! I also like to bait him to try to throw me toward the corner when he’s in the corner: I simply walk toward him and, the moment I usually go for a throw, I walk back a little–out of his throw range–and look for a whiffed grab animation. I lately have been pretty successful at connecting b+hp, db+hp, SAI after the attempted grab (today included lol). I have NEVER had anyone parry the b+hp when they’re cornered, to my recollection. On the other hand, a friend of mine said I’m turtling too much again when he picks Urien, and I HATE playing a boring turtler game (at least in casuals, and casuals are usually all I play, but we can learn from taking those suspected big risks during casuals, eh?). I usually try to build up meter and work on my reaction time to Urien’s fireballs (jump-in mp over the ground sphere; st. hp under the air-sphere). I also try to make sure I tech his throws (esp. when I’m cornered). I seldom try to grab him when he’s on wake-up, and esp. when he’s cornered and has meter for Aegis. OHHH: so it appears I’m focusing on his throw a lot: avoiding it, teching it, and baiting it to my advantage lol–it scares me THAT much. I’m considering using SAIII in this match-up because it makes it tough for him to throw out his projectile at nearly any time and makes it easier to close in and pressure him, but I’m HORRID w/ SAIII…working on it, though!
Yun: I try to bait him w/ Necro’s drill kicks. I poke at him a lot w/ cr. wk, b+wk up close, and often try to use drill kicks to push him back during Genei-Jin (VERY risky, but I try to be unpredictable and bait stuff I might be able to air-parry, such as GJ-activated dash punches (name? qcf attack). I use b+mp a lot against him when I think he’s too far to grab me (normal grab) and b+hp him when I think he’s gonna dive kick again, but I try to be cautious.
Makoto: I’ve noticed that I can hit my friend Mike Z w/ wp Denpas (shock) when he dashes in with her. I use more wps and wks against her than most characters, to slow her advances. I also poke her from afar w/ cr. mk and bait her to jump in by crouching and faking the attempt to use it.
Akuma: I get to play JR a lot more these days; thankfully. I’ve been improving at parrying his dive kick at the right time that I’m able to parry into cr. wk, SAI. I’ve noticed that he in particular likes to go for another dive kick or a demon flip after hitting me previously, and when I’m crouching, so I think I’ll fake the crouch & attempt to activate super and instead go for another parry or block and see if he jumps back again, in which case I could try b+hp. I like to corner him for grab, st. mp, SAI, but try to be wary if he’s about to attempt to demon me out of being cornered by me. I use drill kicks up close when I think he’s gonna throw, so I hit him out of the grab animation (same as Ken). He doesn’t spam ground hurricanes on me much these days, but if he keeps trying, I might try to parry them, but I can’t get him to go for the dp reversal if I try to throw him behind me (the normal grab/hurricanrana grab, as opposed to the suplex normal grab) up close after blocking it (i.e., if he does a dp, it will hit me EVERY TIME, as far as I remember). I can’t help but wonder if JR just goes easy on me during casuals (though he seems to play seriously/cautiously during the near conclusion to close matches).
Ken: DAMN…what happened to me here? I’m getting double-uppercutted a lot mid-screen and when cornered by good players who instinctively know when to dp-counter my limbs. I get cornered a lot and if he has meter I often fall prey to different throw set-ups (st. wp or cr. wk tick or whiff into throw, delayed throw, walk a step back and throw, etc.), and I’m usually in block-stun, so I have to get better at tech-throwing after block-stun (after wake-up too). If I whiff the throw, he does dash back, cr. mk XX SAIII, and that’s REALLY annoying, or he does multiple cr. wks into SAIII. I have fear and need to work on my tech-timing. I also have to watch out for cr. wk, st. wp, wp DP x2 Today I started dealing w/ the corner problem toward the end of my playing for the day by simply not getting cornered, and pushing him back w/ cr. wk and cr. mk pressure. I like st. mp and esp. b+mp on him when I think he’s gonna throw me but might be out of range (sorta like Yun, but it seems safer cos he’s not that fast, and I don’t seem to get DP’ed in this situation…). I also like it when Ken empty-jump crosses up on me and I go for b+hp x2, although sometimes they parry, in which case I go for the 'rana grab or parry his jump-in attack (if he goes for it) and try b+mp. I also go for wp denpa against the empty-jump cross-up (seldom parried, but if so, continue mix-ups attempts while he’s still airborne). I think b+mp, X wp spin punch (tornado hook?) is good anti-air but it depends on positioning (how deep the empty jump-in is) if I decide to use it or just go for an oddly-timed spin punch. When Ken is full-screen away and I suspect a jump, I’ll go for st. hk to try to knock him out of the jump, but I guess players seldom jump from full-screen
(confusion factor and pretty safe for them?). When Ken jumps in from somewhat far away, I attempt an oddly-timed cr. mp in case the player forgot about that move (I seldom use it).
HABITS/Playstyle in general: I have a VERY weird Necro, but I try to play aggressively (not be a boring turtle, cos the point is not just to learn/improve, but have/be fun while playing). I sometimes try to set up resets for SAI w/ st. b+mk/b+mp, mk/hk drill kicks (while pressuring/closing in on players), jump-in w/ nearly any button except hp/hk, etc. I tend to go for too many wp spin punches up close after a blocked drill kick, and this often gets parried. I try to replace it w/ differently-timed regular grabs, but it usually gets teched! I also have to be careful about getting predictable w/ drill kicks themselves. I also sometimes get hit by opponents waking up if I try for cr. wk X wp spin punch. I’m thinking of trying to replace it more often w/ the b+wk, st. mp chain. I need to learn when to go for UOH as well (timing more than positioning, such as on a cornered foe. I would like to connect more Snake Fangs on opponents as well (actual command grab, this time). I suppose the best time to use it is to cancel it off of b+mp if I realize fast enough that the opponent’s crouching when hit by b+mp(my opponents usually block it if it’s right after they blocked the b+mp).
I guess that’s it for now. Suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I hear it’s important to learn to fight the CHARACTER, and not the player, but at the same time, I’m trying to find the best players in my area for the best improvement potential on my part…