"Ganbare, Necro: bottom-tier up!"

WHOA: I’m glad, cos I thought I was the only one who didn’t know/remember what SGGK stands for, and what it does. It sounds kinda like another kinda option select, I think…

That sounds rather complicated, but the examples do help, so at least I can try incorporating it and maybe that’ll help me discover my own attempts/set-ups :slight_smile:

AHHHHHH: I’ve seen some of your vids. How are ye? I play Necro VERY differently from everyone else. I’m an SAI whore and go for damage since I’m AWFUL at stunning ppl (I occasionally stun ppl w/ just normals though lol).

I agree that Ken’s shoryu is easy to bait. I mostly use red parries against Dudleys and Yuns when I’m on my game. I’m still looking for red parries on the last hit of Akuma’s hk Hurricane Kick.

I’m back to having an easier time playing Kens, and a harder time fighting Yuns :stuck_out_tongue: I’d love to fight more good Chuns, but just FINDING someone to pick her is hard enough. As part of my progress report, JR Rodriguez was slaughtering me again (some close matches, sure) and I felt like the only reason for my most recent win on him was cos RDemon wasn’t coming out for him. The funny thing is that I have been avoiding his Demon more lately, and I got him w/ the 2 simple Pino corner juggles that do good damage=great damage on Akuma lol. If it weren’t for b+hp, I wonder what Necro’s chances would be against a good Gouki.

I’m trying SAIII more lately, though: the corner juggles on dizzied opponents are pretty basic (I’m not trying anything fancy yet). I’m inconsistent w/ hit-confirming from st.mp and b+mp, and my zoning game sucks, and I also mess up the spacing for connecting EX Flying Vipers, so these problems all severely hamper my game when I pick the super. Although I’m NOTHING like Pino, skillwise, he is the closest to my playing style, aside from a random Ino match I saw TODAY that shows him screwing around w/ SAI. My execution partially depends on the partic joystick I’m using: not so much a disadvantage, but it’s hard to determine whether it’s me or the machine that’s giving me grief. I have to learn to adapt to the controls once I figure out what I’m dealing with, since I play in an area where even the best players complain about the daily changes in quality/responsiveness of the controls :open_mouth: Many of these players say it’s the type of parts chosen for our cabs here. A funny example is that I had a different hand-positioning technique for a specific arcade’s controls, and now it seems to work for me in either of 2 ways as I please (like I had to break it in, but I doubt it’s new or was tweaked recently).

'But ANYWAY :), I’ve been studying a lot and I presume that SAIII is overall better cos it’s picked so often. SAI suits my own strengths and weaknesses better, but I strive to become a better and more well-rounded player. SAIII is for more cautious play, I’d say. As IParryU reminds, players jump on SAIII Necro more often, and that includes close cross-up empty jumps. I LOVE his b+hp :smiley: lol.

On a side note, not that this should happen anyway, but if I fail to hit-confirm from cr.lk and activate SAI anyway, spamming the button so he does about half of the blocked hits seems useful for throwing off the timing for many players/characters to punish me.

It seems like for every SAI you connect, you needs to connect 2 SAIIIs to get the same results (a win or at least a big HP advantage/intimidating near-dizzy). I feel like SAIII doesn’t have many set-ups, or maybe my mind games just suck. I usually see the Japanese connect it from a parry or a poke that catches opponents by surprise when they’re trying to position themselves for zoning purposes. I’ll work on zoning and baiting whiffs so I can connect more hit-confirmed SAIIIs though.

Thanks for the advice, and I’ll let you know my progress w/ SAIII :slight_smile: ~Nick

I’m surprised I forgot to address this, but I think the mp spin Punch/Hook was used ON reaction to whiffed pokes, to punish! Maybe that’s not that hard though? I usually just see it used this way when the player has enough meter to cancel into SAIII: mp Hook, of course, puts you at point-blank range w/ the opponent and no one has the advantage, but I like to avoid this situation, cos at best, I usually just end up w/ a normal grab attempt that gets teched :frowning: if I go for a poke, they tend to parry or counter. If I tried a back-dash cos I anticipated (incorrectly) a poke that I’m trying to make them whiff, they’d probably still hit me during the dash.

What’s really frustrating sometimes is when I get hit by something that doesn’t seem to work on ANYONE else…it could just be random luck on the player’s part and not intentional if it’s not practical.

I’ve got a fairly extensive update if anyone’s still posting/reading on the boards :slight_smile:

Thing is about SAIII, you have enough meter to burn EX into mixups and land a super which comes in really handy (for me anyway). I personally use 80% of my EX on EX flying vipers. Its pretty fast, can catch people off guard and works well into my mixups.

Also although SAIII doesnt do that much damage, its the stun that really counts. Even if you dont fully stun someone with it you should get their stun bar up about 60-70% with any basic combo or super cancel.
It should knock them back a medium distance and floor them. Heres where necro really shines.
From here your opponent should be pretty worried about getting stunned/ko’d. Depending on how much life the opponent has your priorities vary.
If theyve got over 50% i usually look for another super. If they’re on 30-50% i mix in one or maybe two EX moves to finish em off. If theyre really low i will mainly block/walk back/jump back into somthing safe (drill kick or tick/whiff into back jump mp! <- works 90% of the time for me).

When it comes to SAI i use it either on reaction or after a parry. I never really use it in combos as im not a fan of the damage reduction on this super. Works really well on yangs slashes (if you block his slashes hes in trouble).
I will generally use it on aggressive characters (Akuma, dudley, yang…) but i also check who im playing against. If its an agressive player i may be tempted to go for SAI as it could save my ass, but if its a more reserved player i will definatley go for SAIII for increased mixup opportunity.

Sleep time.

I’m in CA, so it’s probably late morning where you are by now anyhoo :stuck_out_tongue: jk.

Thanks for reminding me about SAI reversals on Yang, cos that relates to my update post, and I think I’ll do the go-ahead on that.

I like EX Tornado Hooks but I also use EX Vipers a lot when I pick III, but I’m bad at setting it up/connecting. I know that at least when they’re cornered, as Blaq mentioned, certain moves position you very well. I also wanna try using it as a whiff on scared, cornered players as a throw set-up, reset, then back to throws, ticks, b+hp, cancels/pokes, etc. I notice that after throw “into” st.mp, a lot of players just sit there but don’t crouch-block. Sometimes when I mess up and miss SAI off those 2 hits, I’ll get the cr.wk xx I anyway, so I’ll fake the screw-up to make them make the mistake.

Mike Z seems to be the only guy who tells me to go for more SAIs on reaction, but my reflexes are awful, so in terms of doing it on reaction/reversals, I usually get to do it as wake-up or can try it after ppl walking or dashing in that get caught w/ wp Denpa, but in that case, I’d rather try that w/ III cos it’s good stun and SAI of course has bad damage scaling. I’m surprised that more players don’t try to punish blocked drill kicks when I could super-reversal them afterwards, but I guess that’s a bad strat (or they’re scared of going for a reversal if they think I’m baiting), regardless of whether ppl remember I have bar and that option at that moment.

As for connecting SAI, I usually try just normals to nullify the damage reduction, so I cancel from b+mp/mk, cr.wk, st.mp off the corner grab, b+hp corner combo, and occasionally cr.wp (it might have more priority cos I hit a lot of ppl with that when I’m pressuring them when they’re in the corner or close to it; IF he has any priority :P). Timing for SA cancelling off of connected drill kicks seem kinda hard/rare to use.

UPDATE time! I went back to FFA for a few nights over the past week, and played some of them at UCLA for JR’s (U.S. Akuma dude) party. I had some good matches but overall feel that I got DOMINATED. I’m just gonna focus on my Necro matches, of course, and I’ll break it down by characters I played, again.

Ken: I’m back to having trouble with KENS! :frowning: They’re just superior players with great strats, parrying skills, execution, etc. I know I need to learn all the dif timing for Ken’s throw set-ups so I can deal with being cornered better, but I also get scared. I’m ALWAYS afraid of srk reversals. As I mentioned in my previous post, my reflexes are pretty bad, so anticipating a throw doesn’t help me much, or other factors: such as looking at their meter, or anticipating throw fakes like back dash into cr.mk, SAIII. I’m mostly poking w/ b+mp and st.mp, as well, as cr.mk from afar, and I bait them to reversal as they’re baiting me to poke when they whiff pokes inside my st.hp range. I even got knocked out of that partic attack w/ Ken’s cr.mp during recovery (accident). When they’re in the AIR, I feel it’s much easier to deal with them than during the ground game. I feel I can determine when to do a hp Denpa so an empty jumper will cross me up and parrying seems worthless. I occasionally get SAI resets off of mk and hk drill kicks. I also like mixing up b+mp into Hook punches or just Hooks (I do that less often or if they jump in with an attack that will whiff). When they parry or backwards-parry a wp Denpa, I often get the back throw (leg grab/'rana), and if I anticipate a well-timed tech or reversal upon their return to the ground, I’ll try taking a step back and doing b+hp. I like it when they empty-jump and parry the b+hp, cos they usually go for a throw, and I sometimes b+hp again on the ground when out of Ken’s grab range.

Urien, Ibuki and Dudley are giving me trouble but I feel I can deal with them once I get used to them. I’m having some trouble w/ Alex but I think I just have to mix up and be more cautious against good parriers and stay out of the corner. I’m doing a little better against Chun, Yun, and Makoto, but for all 3, it just depends on the skill and style of the players that varies my outcome.

My problem with Ryu lies in dealing w/ Denjin better. Even if I DO parry it, I have to be wary of cr.mk, Hurricane.

I need more advice against Akuma; partially cos I rarely get to play a good Akuma. I finally got to play Pherai and he’s gotten pretty damn good…

Oro: I’d appreciate any new suggestions here, but ESP. against SAII. I’ll start picking III against it more often. I have trouble getting in on him: projectiles (name?) are hard to get around, and EX fireball scares the hell outta me. I used to be able to jump over it and beat him in the air, but I’m afraid of unblockable setups. Some of his pokes just seem to out-prioritize the HELL outta Necro, like cr. hp!, and, of course, st.hk. My MAIN prob is most likely that I only get to play 1 or 2 Necros, TOTAL (practically 2 times a year, for instance), so I’m not used to them…

YANG! YANG! 'Last but not least! I played 2 GREAT Yangs from out of NOWHERE, practically, and I’m grateful to see I’m not the only 1 who has trouble playing them. I could barely beat 1 of them, and the other guy to whom I lost, I played only once. It’s hard to tell when to block and I anticipate command grabs poorly. SAIII feels kinda like Aegis when you’re cornered. I’m not sure when he’ll interrupt the block string to start grabbing me again, and of course there’s the uoh. The Yang player using III seemed to have a RESET I’ve never seen, and at that point he’d still have 1/2 a bar to drain. I take it Yang has a kara-Zenpo Tenshin just like Yun? I’m not even sure of which pokes/ticks work cos the grab has good range. Ex Mantis Slash puts me in the corner fast, and not to mention, the stun. Drill kicking either twin always seems difficult for the air-to-air game cos Necro’s slower than them.

[LEFT]Ken: I may as well make a whole post for shotos and shit like that… ill come back to this one later[/LEFT]

[LEFT]Ibuki: get back and meet her in the air but don?t throw any moves out and make sure that you have 1/4 of screen space between ibuki and necro. poke on your way down or wait for a parry and drill kick after, either or is ALMOST safe. SAI is good to go for ibuki. SAIII is just not safe for necro unless the ibuki sucks ass. No comments for SAII cause that one is completely obvious[/LEFT]

[LEFT]Urien: SAIII and don?t rely on pokes cause he can combo in or pick you with no problem. get him in the corner and mix up with axe kicks, b.mp >> foot grab and stay away from using hooks too much cause one parry and you get grabbed and put in the corner. Make sure you watch out for his “unblockable”. Parry his aegis shield and when he comes down with the double knee thingy, parry back really quick. I don?t know if American cabinets are 3s version A or B. but Ver. B takes out Ibukis and Uriens unblockables (correct me if I am wrong anyone!!!). But I know in Japan unblockables are alive. And that?s why Urien is savage by the way (IMO)[/LEFT]

[LEFT]Dudley: SAI and stick with cr.mk, sjb.mp, or anything you can use to stay out of his roundhouse punch cause you’ll just get comboed. Play safe and if he rushes in throw out SAI and hope that his fist is hanging out.[/LEFT]

[LEFT]Alex: SAI or SAIII is good for him. If you aim for corner raping him, I would say SAI because after db.hp x3 you can bust out SAI. For SAIII, I would use more EX vipers and EX axe kicks rather than using SA. I like EXing on big framed chars because their moves tend to hang out longer and easier to punish after parries. Alex has a long ass stun gauge so I try not to go for the stun, but a corner rape once every 3 rounds at minimum keeps Alex scared.[/LEFT]

[LEFT]Ryu: after you finish parrying the fire ball down parry as soon as you see necro hit that last fire ball parry (that is the typical trick to cr.mk >> EXtasumaki)[/LEFT]

[LEFT]I did a long ass post about Gouki… read that for pointers[/LEFT]
post # 17 http://forums.shoryuken.com/showthread.php?t=157969

[LEFT]Oro: Ok, this guy ass rapes necro a lot for 3 main reasons. [/LEFT]

  1. Oro can cover every area that necro can poke, jump, move, etc. and beat necro at it.
  2. Necro`s moves are a bit slow, so Oro can dance circles around him (not literally)
  3. Oro has can stun Necro really quick. s.hp, cr.hp. s.hk beats the majority of Necro`s pokes and can land after parries. OUCH

So how do you do it? I stick to being a turtling prick. Oro likes to double jump above necro cause he only has one move that can punish that, b.hp, so just wait after the double jump and uppercut `em.

Those EX orbs, once you see it come out jump and throw out hp to cover his cheap jump in. If he happens to dash x2 towards Necro, jump back and do a quick roundhouse drill kick so the orb goes up a bit and you can work in a poke. If you are close, don?t let the orb hit you! Oro can combo after that and stun/SA/really hurt you if it does hit. It is better to block (crouching block NOT standing) and get grabbed.

Yang: Read post #8 - http://forums.shoryuken.com/showthread.php?t=135060
For the air game, just treat it like Yun. I made a post about fighting Yun, but I need to find it so I can link it here. N E way, the things to watch out for are, cr.mk, dive kicks, and late ?mantis slashes?. Those are easily avoided by being cautious and parrying.
VS dive kicks, parry and b.mp to reset yang, but be careful cause cr.mk is open for him as well as some pokes Necro can do also.
For the late mantis slashes, this is sorta like a gamble. When Yang does a little delay on his second or third slash, trick him into throwing the slash and not backing out. Usually what I do is (while blocking down) cr.lk (whiffed) to have Yang throw his slash out. I decide on the moment to parry or block s.mp xx SAIII/SAI. That might work once or twice, then Yang will start stopping at the second slash and back out, or just stop after a blocked cr.mk. So that stops the gamble of that mantis shit, sorta like someone red parries Necro`s second hook and BNBs, that is instant stoppage?

I am going to resist writing more, that or I need to make a detailed description for everyone. Even though there is a thread stickied for that, no one reads it?. I don?t wanna jack that from someone, but its tempting?

No worries bro, and thanks for the pointers: whenever you’re free. I re-read the thread sometimes, and I of what I remember about Gouki, it was when Blaq said he was having trouble, and Harmonaz chimed in for a moment to say you have to pray for one good opening and stun him :smiley:

Although I seldom pick SAIII, Urien is 1 of the few characters “against whom” (grammar Nazi!) I feel more confident picking it.

IF…I manage to parry a Denjin in the corner that involved very tricky timing, and I didn’t counter after the parry, I tend to block and get thrown instead, because I am “mentally” recovering from the shock that I finally managed to parry Denjin again (if Frankie3S can stun the JP players in the past w/ randomass timing on releasing it, how could I ever compare?). I wanna beat Denjin w/ Necro; not SAIII Alex lol.

I also forgot to mention 1 little detail that is probably commonplace to all you guys: I got a perfect off a gamer friend I can’t really beat anymore with Necro. I did the Pino-Neon Mak corner juggle: grab, db+hp, b+mp x2, then more hp, mp while he was dizzied, until he died. Ya gotta love the few instances when there’s practically no such thing as damage scaling.

Thanks for the new advice, and ESP. against Oro, cos EX orbs scare the HELL outta me. I feel kinda dumb cos I forget to use them when I am the one who picks Oro (I usually save the meter for SAIII, but I think SAII is by FAR Oro’s best super, these days). I manage to Denpa a double-jumping Oro out of the air a lot, since he often gives me so much time to position myself, or occasionally go for the b+hp. Oro’s ambiguous cross-ups REALLY disorient me :frowning: that IS 1 of his 2 biggest strengths, after all, I gather, as the other is that I play on the unblockable 3S cabs, of course (if Urien and Oro were that broken, then maybe it SHOULD be taken out of the game, but neither dude has ever been considered top-tier…). In fact, I tend to get disoriented VERY easily by players/characters that are fast at crossing me up by ground (dashing under my empty jumps) or by the more typical cross-up jump attacks.

(DOH! I thought I remembered to call them “orbs”, but anyway…)

Now I only have to wait another YEAR to play a decent Oro again :cries: :lol:

Post #29 UPDATED

I hope that answers all of your questions ROCK… keep asking more if you want, helps me kill time at work.

check this, how come myspace and facebook are blocked at my work, but SRK isnt? I am so fuckin glad i can look at this site while im at work or i might have quit by now

I’m sharing the computer for the moment, but I wanted to show at least 1 match I just found of a good JP Necro (Uni, I believe) attacking w/ a mp Tornado Hook w/o dizzying the opponent or comboing into it.

I’m gonna try to keep reading, and btw: I read the entire Blaq thread again but didn’t find your post on Gouki, but I’ll check the link and keep checking the other threads (I hope none of your advice was in a deleted thread).

Post #29 UPDATED

link for Gouki’s thread in there…

"YEAH: I read your whole post about Gouki again :tup: thanks bro. 'gonna keep perusing until the sleep monster comes for me.