No I don’t carry those sorry.
How many JLF’s do you have atm?
I will buy 1 JLF please.
Follow payment details in op please.
Done. Sent.
can i get a jlf stick and 8 buttons? which is 55.60 with shipping.
Don’t ask just order. I’m going to sleep, if i sold more than I have in stock when I wake up, I will refund the latest ones.
I know you don’t want questions, just orders, but will you ship outside the US (to Canada)?
OP says US only.
Hey, you’re right nearby me. I have no need for any JLFs right now, but I am looking for a set of 8 green OBSF-30s, if you have any.
Lol, good answer. Thanks bud
lol, you bash lizardlick for questionable business practices but here you are taking advantage of THEM by raising YOUR prices due to their shortage? LOL what a stand-up guy YOU are.
lack of sleep can make people do stupid things… i sinercerly apologize to for my stupid “+1” comment… check your pm please
Heh, you got it champs, orders removed until you retract those statements.
I hope everyone thanks you for this :tup:
LOL I didnt even place an order with you. Keep trying to save face there bub. :tdown::tdown:
As for everyone else, i could care less. this reflects more poorly on you than it does to me if youre going to cancel their orders. you’re really on a roll there with the integrity meter.
I’m not canceling anyone’s orders. Anyone who got an order in will get their stuff.
YOU see my prices as unreasonable and want to ruin the thread, you can have what you want; but you ruined a good opportunity for a lot of people.
And who ever said you put an order in?
It has nothing to do with your unreasonable prices. $3 is no big whoop…
However, it does have everything to do with your integrity. Youre taking advantage of everyone because your competition is sold out of these parts. put your money where your mouth is when going into someone else’s business thread and questioning their business practices.
Are you guys for real? the man was supplying parts in a situation where no others had the parts. So he made a comment or two about LL, didnt like half the users make much worse comments/complaints?
Fuck give the guy a break considering he was just offering something to the community that almost no one else could…
And now its all gone, good job guys!
Way to fuck this one up for the rest of us!
That’s just great. I’m still looking for one of these sticks. Granted, I’ve got an order in with LizardLick, but it’s not going to get filled this month.
Well, if you decide to sell anymore you’d be helping me out a ton.
Are you fucking kidding me? I did not order from LL but i have a friend that did and he does not post on SRK. He ordered a JLF on the 20th and received ZERO information about his order. The only reason he knows that he won’t be getting his stick is because I read on a fucking FORUM two and a half weeks after he ordered that they were oos and wouldn’t be getting any more anytime soon. It doesn’t matter what business you are in that type of “service” is unacceptable. So now the LL order is canceled and I have a stick on the way from gamingnow as a semi-early birthday present for him. BTW raising prices to fit demand vs a limited supply is a fundamental business practice, and in no way should be compared to what LL has done to their customers.