Bingo +1
Okay, thank you guys I appreciate your contributions to that discussion…
I only want to make sure everyone understands one thing… I am not selling these parts here to make money. The reason why I sell parts is because I have to stock a lot of parts for the custom stick orders I will be doing soon. Stocking parts is expensive… But I have to do it to meet my business objective of delivering the custom sticks within a week of orders. And when I stock stuff, I have to order a lot more than I actually need at a time so that I can afford to pay shipping from across the world. Since I have more than what I need, I spill some out on the side in this forum.
Yes, technically I am making money on the parts here too, but that’s definitely not why im doing it. I don’t enjoy packing little boxes with one stick or 6 buttons in them, filling out postage labels, answering emails all day, driving to the post office almost every day, etc all for a few bucks.
I just want everyone to know that so people don’t feel like I am taking advantage of others here.
So anyway… now that the message is communicated, I’ll change back the op, and people can actually order through some forms I put up online really quick now… It should hopefully lessen email questions about prices and stuff.
nice… ur awesome for helping the community. its all supply and demand… if i were you (which im clearly not) i would have raised prices even higher.
u dont see people complaining about ppl selling stuff on ebay or craigslist… if people want thigns NOW then they WILL pay the premium.
are you expected to get more buttons anytime soon? i may want 8 dark hai. i live in southern california but closer to san diego. so id probably have it shipped. maybe add a jlf there as well. let me know whats up and i can pay immediately.
I have more JLFs and buttons coming mid next week Tuesday or Wednesday I would guess.
FAST SHIPPING!!! I live in MN and it came within 2days just like you said. Man wish I would have ordered from you sooner. Canceling all others now. I also beat the price increase hehe, but if I would have gladly paid it. Thanks
Glad to see the website up. Looks good.
Raising prices when demand is higher than supply is basic economics.
NOTE: I’m neither praising nor condemning ANYONE for comments made here or otherwise, I’m just stating a commonly held capitalist tenet. Consider me Switzerland (albeit a Switzerland that bought a JLF from Nareg).
In my case, the prices came out roughly negligable - but when faced with a seller that can turn around in less than a week AND has a “face” on these forums, I’m going with them. And just to put it out there, I do have standing orders with Aki, and LL as well - I’m fine getting my stuff when I get them.
There are some shipping estimates in the original post now, if someone sees that it’s going to take longer than they expected, send me an email to cancel. (although the only orders that will be delayed are those with obsf-30’s.)
I will e-mail everyone who ordered from me later today with the same guideline as to when they should expect stuff.
:tdown: The internet is the freest market on the planet. Via the stickies - price gouging is prohibited under certain circumstances on these forums, however, gaming can place any price on the items he’s selling.
This is how people make money kid - when supply is low and demand is high. Who exactly is he taking advantage of? Individuals who want to mod/upgrade their sticks?
I read gamings response on the lizardlick thread. He specifically addressed the fact that they were continuing to accept orders when they were OOS on components in high demand and there was no ETA on when new components would arrive from the manufacturers.
I was one of the hundreds of individuals who placed an order for a JLF + 8 buttons weeks ago at lizardlick. I was fully aware of the shipping delay but was not made aware of the items I ordered being OOS until almost 3 weeks after I had placed my order.
Gaming did myself and a shitload of other folks a favor by selling the JLF and buttons on these forums. Laugh is doing us a favor by selling the items. Truth be told, after lizardlick had refunded my money and I turned around and paid gaming for the exact same items (1 JLF & 8 buttons), I ended up spending less.
No clue where your sense of entitlement comes from. You ever worked for a fucking thing in your life or you still nursing the tit?
nobody is being taken advantage of, get off this thread and die in a fire
I got my parts today I left feedback, thanks a bunch.
Just got back from the post office,
The following persons ordered yesterday or today and can expect their parts either tomorrow or Monday, depending on how close you are to California:
Andy N--------------jlf
Elizabeth H----------jlf
Luca B---------------jlf
Brad B---------------2 jlf
Jonathan G----------44 obsf 4 jlf
James S-------------6 obsf 1 jlf
Travis Mn------------jlf
Jeremy J-------------jlf
Awesome, thanks for the heads up!
I truly appreciate your generosity offering us these parts and providing insanely quick service. Especially now, when it’s hard to get anything elsewhere inside a month. Thanks so much! :tup:
Now… to find a mounting plate and wiring harness.
no offense, its kinda rude asking to buy something while soliciting on someone’s else’s thread.
Thanks again Nareg for supplying at such a crazy time when the jlfs are sold out everywhere.
NP, and I don’t mind what TrptJim posted. If you want to see rude read back a page lol “itsnasssh”
nareg, i noticed you were doing padhacks again on your site. would you still offer the SF4 stick dualmod for $90? I’m local and can drop it off. (PS3 stick, needs 360)
Hi, the padhacks on my site are all out of stock if you try to order one. I can update the quantity available when I am ready to take orders again and then people will be able to check out.
The sf4 dualmod, I did one last week for what I thought would be the last time (it was the first time also…) that stick is not fun to mod, whoever said it was lied. Basically it was a pain in the ass, is your stick right now for ps3 or 360? I can do the mod for 90 if you supply the controller to go inside.
:bgrin::bgrin: youse a college stoodent?
I apologize. I wasn’t thinking correctly. Posted edited.