Grabbing 5 of them. Payment is sent.
Hi guys, shipped a bunch of stuff today:
Akuma001 1 jlf 6 buttons
Adam T, 1 jlf 6 buttons
Fernando R, JLF, 6 buttons, MP, 8qd’s
Juan B, 4 JLF, 24 obsf, 4mp, 4wh
Nick C, 8 obsf
Carlos B, JLF
Dewarren R, Wireless PCB
William A, Wireless PCB
Yugioh, 8 obsf, jlf, wiring harness
Chris L, JLF
Brian Choi, JLF, 6 obsf, MP
Matthew G, JLF
David C, JLF, 8 obsf
Jeremy K, JLF, MP
I know it’s not listed in your first post, but do you happen to sell any OBSF24 or OBSN24? I’m looking for both.
I have two yellow obsf24, which are brand new. I don’t stock anything else that size, sorry.
thanks! i’ll probably order one more soon.
yo might order 6 obsf30s and a jlf if u still got, got a question though, will the JLF fit in a SE fightstick?
NICE thanks man. I will be looking forward to getting the stick. Does anyone know the screw size to mount the jlf to the mounting plate?
JLF’s WILL fit in an SE. The single problem is going to be the PCB orientation (the plug position). However, I think that is selling exactly the stick you want.
JLF-TP-8Y-SK is located here
as “**Sanwa JLF-TP-8YT-SK Ball Handle Joystick, 4 & 8-Way Adjustable”. **What’s the difference? doesn’t include a mounting plate. I am 90% sure that the Y is the PCB orientation.
What if I’m wrong?
Turning the PCB isn’t hard, it just involves getting some screws loose. You are in good hands either-way. If you don’t want to use the harness then it doesn’t matter since you will be able to soldier onto the plug regardless.
Edited: To clarify who doesn’t provide the mounting plate. Gamingnow does not supply mounting plates without an additional order for one.
cool, thanks. was wondering about the mounting plate though, do i need to buy one or can i use the stock on in the SE
Actually I think the difference is that the 8YT comes with the mounting plate and 8Y doesn’t.
Yes I believe you can use your stock SE mounting plate from what I have heard. Thats what I am planning to do as well
right on, much appreciated :tup:
pm’d u gaming
Got my JLF today. thanks! glad I found you after I heard about JLF situation at LL
updated op with information regarding the sanwa part crisis. I raised prices to pretty much match the retailers, since they don’t actually have anything to sell you anymore… and even if they did, I would ship it out faster.
Ill take JLF and 9 buttons
$26 (JLF) + $2.95 x 9 (OBSF 30) = $52.55
I can do local pickup just to avoid all the fees and all that stuff.
If you happen to have a wiring harness or mounting plate I’ll buy that too, at a premium of course.
Let me know what I have to do to get in line!
Payment sent for JLF & 8 buttons.
Thank You.
Sent payment for 1 JLF.
Edit: Oops, it came from tribal [at] gmail (dot) com
i want to buy an octagonal restrictor plate do you have any???
paypal sent for 1 JLF stick