Gaming Journalism Exposed-Indy Developer Sleeps Her Way To Better Reviews

If Zoe and her community didn’t always try to come off as victims of a terrible community constantly abusing them I’m sure more people would have acknowledged she just made a stupid mistake. However given her prior antics and the company she keeps…she’s a hypocrite who got caught.

On the plus side this finally confirms that white knighting gets you pussy.

Damn, those retorts made my day! That bitch got served.

Kotaku… Not surprised at all.

Ok I didn’t know the girl was that fucking hideous. I only saw a pic of her face and thought ok, not bad, maybe she has a decent body. But nah… these low standard having ass dudes.

no one’s justifying this woman’s actions. apparently crusaders such as yourself are too dumb to learn how to read. i already said she’s morally reprehensible for what she did to her bf, but apparently since you are too blinded by your rabid fanaticism, you glossed right over that part where i said that. how can you say all people are being criticized when in this thread, dudes like you are going off on the woman while not condemning the actions of the men, who are the ones who breached journalistic integrity by not reporting their relationship. herp derp. stop being an enabler. how is the blame being equally distributed when dude’s like you are frothing at the mouth at a chance to get at her. her sex life is not of any concern to me. the journalistic integrity of game review sites is, and you internet crusaders fighting against women should be turning your rage against them.

really the only bad thing she did would be trying to censor the videos against her, but those are allegations, so unless you got proof that it was her and not her white knights, you’re just adding to an irrelevant shit storm that is not important.

regarding the EDIT: if she did indeed sleep with the dudes to advance her career, then she should lose her job. again, that seems highly unlikely given how unattractive she is, but that is between her and the company she works for. irrelevant to the public. the only thing that’s relevant to the public is corruption of game journalists, and that blame lays on the dudes who slept with her. also her boss should lose his job for abusing his position of power to gain sex.

To sum up since you have problem reading: the breach of integrity was on the males. what she did was morally wrong, but a private matter between her, her bf, her company. its irrelevant to the public, just like donald sterling’s private racist rants are irrelevant to the public. starting a witch hunt crusade is sad. if you wanna be mad, be mad at the dudes who were so thirsty that they hit … that, and enabled her to be the lying manipulator that she is.

For real, bitch looks like Moira from Fallout 3 after you blow up Megaton…except fatter.

Damn, I wish that I could read twitter at work.

Yo that tweet by Sir. Blanka was deep as fuck LOL.

There are tons more , you should take a look at her twitter yourself.

I can safely say that devs fucking journalists for promotion is the least of your worries. Exclusivity, or even early doors on otherwise embargoed press releases is enough to get most websites to roll over for a big dev. Journalists are put under considerable pressure to generate news on a daily basis and, frankly, its not always there, so being offered PR on any level is enough to grant it a feature on a quiet day.
Sex and free PR? Fuck it, you’re ringing a dinner bell there, even is she looks like a manatee.

Happy to oblige!

A lot of people defending her seem to only be dealing with her sex life, and ignoring the DMCAs she is sending out, and the reddit threads getting deleted to prevent discussion about this

That’s because a lot of the people attacking her (on twitter at least) only seem to be dealing with that. Pretty stupid to shoot your own foot like that, especially after the videos made gave you the exact reasons to be angry about. (wizchan lies, game jam lies, the journalists not doing their job etc.)

So? Fuck Reddit

found some more shit for my fellow SRK:ers (CAUSE I LIKE YOU ALOT , DONT TAKE THAT TOO sERIOUSLY THO)

This is her ex-bf and he shows a convo between him and her on FB where she openly
admits to him about having sex with 2 guys. The text is minimal and you can barely make it out , but it is genuine forsure.

Hey man, I only have so many Joker gifs…

Is PlaceOfEagles SenninSRK?

You just said a page ago that the blame lies with the men…it’s literally just a page back for everyone to see so I don’t know why you would try to refuse something you just said. Moreover on page one I specifically stated all the people in this affair are at fault. This a sentiment that has been repeated multiple times in the videos I linked and even in my recent comments. You seem more interested in defending this woman’s honour though then you are in acknowledging what’s actually being said. The fact they you equate criticism with a witch hunt and crusade speaks loudly about your motives in this discussion.

Here you are again attempting to do everything to diminish her accountability. Lying and manipulating are not irrelevant things especially when it relates to gaming journalism and integrity. If you actually bothered to research this woman and the things she has said in the past and why her sex life is under question…you might actually have a argument that addresses a relevant point.

This is precisely why no one take you seriously on this topic. A game developer sleeping with multiple members of the gaming press is in fact a public matter due to a thing called conflict of interest and journalistic integrity. You once again shift all the blame to the men leaving this woman completely blameless which once again goes to a earlier point I made about you refusing to accept the idea that women can do bad things. You equate criticism to a witch hunt and seem to overlook that this woman is a fully consenting adult who willfully had sexual relations with these men. At no point did the men not get criticized either, however since this woman is also the same woman who faked a harassment claim a few years back it’s quite clear this woman’s ethnics are highly questionable. As I mentioned before if this woman didn’t have her reputation and if her associates were not of the kotaku variety, people would have most likely been more sympathetic. However she’s a woman with a history of lying and manipulating situations to her benefit…this is why you need to be informed of a situation before commenting. The issue here is that you just came to this topic blindly defending this woman because of the distorted perspective you have that female=victim so instead of carefully considering all the facts you just rushed in with a knee jerk reaction.

We are allowed to criticize woman because woman are flawed humans just like men…the sooner you realize this the less sexist you will come off. It’s guys like you that make it possible for female criminals to get off with light sentencing.

Why would you air your dirty laundry for the entire world to see? Its one thing to vent to your friends, or to do it anonymously online, but to do it like that is just lulzworthy. Have some class. He didn’t do anything wrong, it just reflects poorly on himself.