I follow Zoe on Twitter because she makes games (as do I, and I follow other people who do). While what she’s done is reprehensible, equally reprehensible is the harassment she’s been receiving, as well as the comments I’ve been reading here. I don’t know how you guys say the shit you do without a second thought.
I guess calling a woman unethical for sleeping around for good reviews is going too far…your right we forgot that she’s a woman and as such is invulnerable to critics my bad.
And her male counterparts have been called out and harassed as well. As much of a douchebag Phil Fish is, he’s gotten some pretty shit things said to him. When you put yourself out there, you are not immune to criticism. If she had just put out a shit game, that’s one thing… But her tactics she used and the men involved got them where they are, in this online media Shitstormapalooza 2014. Claiming your stand for journalistic integrity while being about as transparent as a dirty water will do nothing but destroy your credibility as a writer. Her credibility as a game dev will now always be put into question if she tries to put out another game.
Being in the public eye will bring about scrutiny and the likes. You better be able to understand what you’re possibly putting yourself through before putting yourself out there. Try to cross as many t’s and dots as many i’s as possible to give the public less to talk shit about. Pretty sure if they were just attacking her for her looks that’s one thing, but her character comes into question… As well as her ex. Unless she hid her infidelity well, I fault him for sticking around with someone that with outside relations just to obviously boost their careers. Fucking with randoms isn’t the issue. If these were just 5 random nerdy guys, this wouldn’t even be a story.
He’s right you know. The stupid internet gamers are getting baited once again into making a martyr. Her patreon funding has been growing in the last few days with the power of victimhood.
Some chick having sex is her business. Cheating is her boyfriend’s business. People should focus their efforts on shitting on Kotaku RPS etc.
People like Zoe tend to incite a hostile reaction because much like Anita, no one likes a liar and manipulator especially in the way these 2 women are. It also doesn’t help that her community of friends are easily the worst segment of gamers in this generation and given that sites like kotaku freak out when ZSS has heels…the lack of integrity and consistency in their views is really annoying. I also don’t see why people have such a hard time allowing this woman to be held accountable for her mistakes…the people who pride themselves as champions of equality seem to be unwilling to practice what they preach.
It’s really more about the fact that you’re trying to have your cake and eat it too. This whole issue stems from the fact that people are trying to be righteous, and there is absolutely nowhere safe to stand on this issue. She’s on a fucking roll. Even if you discount sleeping with people for good press, she’s still gone on an oppressive run, orchestrating the deletion of threads about her and firing off DMCA takedowns to anyone who posts on separate websites about it… all while manufacturing her own victimization and blaming it on everyone else. My wife – also a game developer – is fucking horrified right now. Quinn is undoing all their hard work.
Further proof that you never mix business with pleasure. Always comes back to bite you in the ass sooner or later. The massive amounts of deleted comments makes things that much more obvious they want to conver up their dirty laundry.
Regardless of where it came from women of all types who use their bodies to gain power/publicity/admiration/leverage of any kind isn’t new. So long as weak men lack control over their own desires, this won’t end.