I understand your frustrations, Udoneko, but don’t be too upset with these guys.
They just want to see Udon’s awesome work, and they pay their money to do so, but have no way of doing that with the Gamepro story. If they could pay for it, they would. However, there is no way for them to get the issue, but they still want to see the work. I have the Gamepro issue as I bought it when it first hit stands, but it’s easy to understand the frustrations of those who didn’t.
I don’t know what legal entanglements are involved with the Gamepro and Newtype stories, but maybe, if you’re able, you could include them in a future issue or reproduce them in some fashion (like putting them on the website) so fans who missed out on them can see them.
These guys are not scanning the monthly issues and distributing them. They just want to see the stories that are not available now, and were using the only means possible. They are paying for their issues and supporting you guys like the rest of us.