Gainesville Thread: Help yourself to the fridge, but don't touch my beer

Buff Yun please :wink:

We’ve got a really good Vega here who I’ve learned from so I might be able to help out with that. Mine wouldn’t be able to help you with the ones that flip out of every blockstring and wakeup situation (typical online Vegas) though cus that gets blown up.

I know of a couple Blankas here. But I don’t get to play them so much, so they always blow me up in tournament. HES SO GIMMICKY I can’t stand it.

BTW, do they have arcades and such in the area of Germany you’re at? Have you played any AE at all? or no.

I looked in the World section of SRK to see if there was anything. There’s barely anything that I know of, and I’m not even talking about the city I’m staying in.

But hey, I did ok in fall and spring when I didn’t have a console to practice with.


I agree, we are all assholes deep down in our hearts. enough of this “helping eachother” to get better at the game…fuck you guys.

Wait wait…I just strolled across something weird. Is this “Judgement” thing in 3rd strike when there is a life tie or a double KO real? How does that work in tournaments?

fuck everybody i hate all you guys.
van ur a dick
hammy ur a scrub.
rob stop trying to be my friend
matt stop picking top tier

Judgement is random I believe, so in case of double KO, match will be replay in 3S.

This thread brings out the black in people.

Aaaand we have an updated OP.

So thanks to Peteys advice, I have done something I haven’t done in months - put Rogster in p.mode.

I have finally learned how to autocorrect charge moves, and subsequently, now have a 350 damage punish to teleports (no ultra).

hey so i was thinking, like how about having something and have like an apartment sponsor the location such as the estates or something you know and like there lobby area. I know they do those pool parties and stuff so why not game tournaments or something. They’d also get some good exposure

Yeah at some point I want to try to hold a tournament in my apt complex’s common area. Its usually reserved for graduation parties and stuff like that but it wouldn’t hurt for me to ask.

I would except I’m probably gonna end up using the common area for Jclub events… sorry guys. :confused:

Yeah true it probably wouldn’t hurt, I know for Estates as a pretty big common area as well as Canopy and other places. They probably also have big projectors and such.

that would be sick

yeah it def would, and if alot of people come and we advertise we could have like dominos or papa johns or something for food for the people there or something and like i live at canopy and i know they have a pretty big projector which they use for that golf course simulation thing. And they have a pool table and such and a pretty big space for things. And i’m pretty sure the estates does as well.

It might work though, some guys at UCF are doing something like that for ranbats. Too bad we don’t have consistent numbers/incoming people to warranty ranbats.

And who’s fault is that? coughhamiltonandpatrickcough

well i mean we could advertise on campus on online and because i’m pretty sure that there are alot of people that play different fighting games. And with the incentive of money i’m sure people will come