Ga Thread: Step your game up!

Yeah, I was watchin’ that. They straight murdered 'em. Lastly, Iceman honest I think ATL Redd will win Mortal Kombat 9 for Revival. You wanna place a bet there sir?

He’ll have to go through me, sir.

How he going to do that when he gotta pass me first…ain’t gonna happen nope

Just finished story mode on MK9. What did you guys think? I loved it, easily one of the best fighting game story modes ever. That last Shao Khan fight was quite a bitch.

@Chris Greene - sorry I missed your call last night. I got home from work at 9pm and just woke up at 8am. feel free to call me today, though. i will be off of the forums for a while. all this MK9 talk is making me nauseous…

Ohhhhh you are such a hipocrit ohhhhhh

Sorry to inform you guys but there are babalities in this game :frowning:

MK9 is an insanely fun game, I’m definitely gonna play it as hard as I’m able to for revival. My cyrax will be serious.

The only complaint I have about the game so far is that some hitboxes seem really weird, and the input system has some annoying buffering that messes up what special I want to use. Otherwise, the game is incredibly well-built, especially for an MK game.

how am i being hypocritical? i don’t believe it is a secret that I think Mortal Kombat is one of the greatest plagues and tragedies to ever hit video game players. The series has been incredibly weak, poorly made, and has made its money from people that get excited from seeing blood, like 10 year old boys. MK was cool when I was 9-10, but no longer. MK is another example that, in this world, you don’t have to be talented in anything or make quality products to make any money, you just have to hit the right client base.


rip uncle THON…


i think ppl are going to play the game but its going to be to much on ppl plate to really be good in.
like ssf4 marvel and other games ppl play. i really dont know i will play it and buy it if i know ppl are going to still play it down the line.

The negative edge seems crazy in that game.

Also, is kratos going to be tournament legal at revival?

With all the talk of Atl-costumes altering frame data, I could see MK9 being total hell for tourneys. Hopefully you can transfer save files for the game so you don’t have to unlock everything on every system. :confused:

I think I’m going to pass on competing in MK9. It’s probably a great game and all (I haven’t played it). I work 40 hours a week (2 to 3 days on call which equates 50 hours of work). I work 4 days with 1 work from home day. 8 hours in those 4 days, and at least a 1 hour commute both ways. 10 hours a day, not counting work I do at home. Just giving the hard math, I don’t have time for MK9. I barely have time to game. I don’t have time to spend 4 hours in training mode. As to how anyone juggles multiple games and stay competitive in them is amazing to me. So guys are playing SSFIV, MK9, AH3, BBCS, and MVC3. And actually competing in those games. I may not even really have time to play MVC3, I haven’t touched the game in 2 weeks (not counter Saturday when I went to EP). Now MK9 has shown up, don’t think I can do it.

That sounds terrible! What if I don’t like the new reptile and want to play his alt? Or smoke’s alt?

you’re just salty that you’re not gross enough in real life to play MK.

this is actually a really good point… human cyrax has a lot of differences from robot cyrax. That stuff takes a lot of time to unlock.

Yeah who knows too how its going to work just yet. 90% of costumes may be exactly the same or get patched to be equivalent, but it will be interesting to see more testing and research as people unlock everything. IMHO, if they do more of this (or more of this happens, depending on how it occurred I guess), I think it could be an unintended incentive to purchase alternate kostumes for karacters to kompete in (see what I did there? ^_^).

Alt costumes take like 20 secs for each character, just go to ladder mode, put it on easiest and get koins quick in the first match with flawless victories, then go to krypt and unlock it yourself instead of going through the whole ladder, theres a guide to show you which krypt number to buy for each costume

1st, go Bravo’s! crushed the dodgers.
2nd glad to see everybody discussing MK today. Even though i probably won’t be great at it, i think its a breath of fresh air in fighting games recently.

get hype for skullgirls i need to know when that shits coming out. i played that shit at season’s beatings and its something an mvc2 player will love + a lot of other people.

i think hes talking about your “ga never plays anything but capcom and namco games” posts

Does anyone have any idea how the MK strategy guide is? I personally think the MvC3 one is gdlk, if just for the frame data, but it also has some great advice in there.