Ga Thread (Home of Final Round and them jump out boys!)

Those games and others will be rotated into the weeklies for sure. It’s just because I’ve gotten many requests for a TvC tournament the past few months, so hopefully those peeps will enjoy it. If not, there’s fucking STREET FIGHTER 4 to be played:lovin:… So, let’s do this peeps!

4/05/09 = SF4 & TvC
4/12/09 = SF4 & SC4
4/19/09 = SF4 & MvC2
4/26/09 = SF4 & TekkenDR

I disagree.

wow my 360 red lighted on me so i will be out of gaming 4 a while. FFFFFUUUUUUCCCCCCKKKKKKKK!!! BACK TO 3RD STRIKE AND ALPHA 3.

Hey, I was wondering if the Soul Calibur players in the community wouldn’t mind being interviewed in a tips and tricks sort of way for the column I write at

The primer would be aimed at people just getting into it, so stuff like common mistakes, and hints.

Also, I haven’t been around because I’m working two jobs at the moment, but I want to try to get out to some of the ATL tournaments and see if I can’t bring some much deserved attention to our scene.

to say that i play in that context would be a falsehood. i mostly play to shut joel up, lol. :lovin:

come over then and shut me up!:lol: but yea i know everyone hates the game for some odd reason. its all good tho and im always willing to show ppl how to play, we might see a tvc2 soon but hey will everyone hate on that to for no reason also?

Why do you… the total purpose of the game was supposed to be a fuck you to marvel AND it was supposed to be different maybe not better but different.

Two weeks later 3 infi’ were found, not many people actually took the game to the next level either and those who played versus styled games in the past stood a better chance at dominating the game, that’s why you’ve seen me continue to label it "X-Men v.s. Street Fighter 2"
The Alabama tournament was the biggest example for me, I hadn’t touched the game LITERALLY, John, Skitz and myself got on and we were the only three using dashes, over heads, legit setups to win.

The game died pretty fast sorry to say.
It’s not more broken than Marvel… but face facts… It’s Broken…

When are you going to have free time, we all will be at he regional posted below this weekend, if you can meetup with us you can do it there OR at the doJo while we are in training.
How’s school going by the way you always miss the Impact Players meetings when we are online

[4/4/2009] DeadLock Regional - Atlanta, GA

no age limit, its all on playstation regional SC4 fee mandatory $20, entry fee $10… other tournies $10
SC4 Regional Tourney (April 4) $20

“ALL” Only Cash Prizes
Gulity Gear Tourney (April 4) $10
SF4 Tourney (April 5) $10
Tekken Tourney (April 5) $10
SC4 Tourney (April 5) $10

register between 11 and 12

Tourney will start AT 1pm “No exceptions!!!”

Holiday Inn
909 Holcomb Bridge Rd.
Roswell, GA 30076
770-817-1414 local
877-817-1414 toll free

Discounted rate for Computer ArenA Guests

$79/Night + Tax
Four person occupancy, 2 Queens, Swimming Pool, Jacuzzi

Free Shuttle Service to & from Computer ArenA

Mention Computer ArenA for Block Room Discounts

Joel, don’t act like you don’t know why people stopped playing. Its not for no reason. We actually talked about this at Waba before I left. The game is ridiculously broken and nobody likes how overpowered Karas is. That is why people dropped the game so fast. That hardly qualifies as “no reason”

I may actually sell out because of this but check it out fella’s

i cant agruee with that it been stuck on the wii is really hurting the game honestly. when i first heard it was only gonna be on the wii i was thinking wtf were they thinking? yes you have it right its not more broken then marvel but just as broken but still very broken. with one hit touch of death in both games. there are already a top five charcters that pretty much rule the game with an exeption to a couple but the five top are karas,ken the eagle, chun, ryu and rockman in no order after karas.i mean look at marvel the gods plus ironman and a handful more. one touch and its a over but ppl love cause i know i still do. hopfully we see another tvc which there talking about and in the next year. hopfully its on all the next gen’s.
funny ice i was just reading that link before i came on here

its sounds like a bunch of scrubs crying over karas is being to good. then ppl should stop playing marvel sent is TO OVERPOWERED. unblockable beam sent force lauch fast fly. if your in the corner its worse cause you get hit by the unblockable beam again into another loop. every hit of sents chips you with the hp taking two points of chip.cable 3 meters ko’ed character thats sent to. mag rom into the corner magnetic tempest or crazy resets. storm two levels its over. ironman one touch thats your whole team. clockwork and team duc man its fucked but tvc is marvel with a twist and dirfferent.lots of ppl that didnt play vs. games and try to play tvc dont like it cause its “broken” but its not anymore “broken” then marvel. marvel ppl just tend to just play marvel instead of tvc. ice understands there both as equally broken. ppl crying about he is so overpowered need to stop playing games all together then. sf4 sagat 3s chun st o.sagat cvs2 blanka,sagat and bison. to many noobs still or was really thinking tvc was gonna replace marvel and i told you no it wasnt. i was right listen sir to a marvel player cause i play both so i know what im talking about.ppl stop playing for no reason beyond the fact that its on the wii,imo. to me there is no reason not to play it besides it being on the wii. so really there are no reasons but excuses. everyone has there own opinion so im not acting like i dont know why ppl dont play. i just dont know why ppl wont play it outside the reason it being on the wii.

some ppl would say alpha3 is broken with those infinites of the a-ism’s. that are one touch death infinites and yea there hard to do but there still there.
im not trying to be a dick either mike

this movie looks dope and i’ve got to make final round next year. never been, time for me to man the fuck up. shit looked so crazy this year, from this and nammy nam’s vid.


Brought a tear to my damn eye:sad:

oh yes!!!

You gotta take a break every 3 hours yo. I promised myself that that shit aint happening to me. I turn the 360 off for 30 minutes every 3 hours and im good:tup:. Sorry about the red light man i was looking forward to playing you again.

(TvC in mind)

Every game that gets compared to mvc2 before it comes out is destined to have a fast game life.

Regardless of how you feel about it people aren’t playing it. Thats the bottom line.

And I understand all that. People hear Karas is broken so they believe it. People hear Custom combos in Alpha 3 are broken so they believe it. I know thats not true. You know Karas potential. However, regardless of how we feel about the games, if people aren’t playing it people aren’t playing it.
And I don’t think SF4 Sagat and 3S Chun Li are good examples btw. They are both very beatable. Old Sagat is a good example to prove your point though.

The main reason why TVC isnt getting any play is becuase it came out exclusive for the Wii. I think that someone in Capcom literally sabotaged the game’s success by exclusivising(i just made it up) it on the wii. 90 percent of wii owners are girls and kids, oh and smash players. Marvel and Tvc are both equally broken, but one gets played and the other doesnt. Like Mike said, plain and simple. Its all good though Joel, you straight represent GA when it comes to Tvc. Hold it down.

TVC Team Georgia = Joel lol

true i just wish it wasnt but this one of the main reasons i didnt get into alpha cause by the time i knew there was customs in it. it was to late there is no real scene for it here anyways but you and jason.sorry if i left anyone out.

:lol: it being on the wii has hurt its life span by so were they thinking??the more i play it though,the more and more it starts to feel like marvel. karas and chun feel like msp. no bs the mix up they get off each other assist is like mag and storm. chun has a ironman/mag type infinite anywere on the screne. she can set up off karas assist.ill just keep playing it till 2 hopfully that one isnt wii exclusive.

We’ll never get a scene for certain games if people wait for others to start playing them. If we want a scene for the game people need to start playing it. I’ll never stop playing Alpha 2 or 3. If anyone ever wants to play it I am always down!

damn i wanna play sf4. sad day