Fullspeed PSP CPS2 emulation O_O

NJ (the Japanese guy that made the emulator) just released the final version of his CPS1PSP (1.66), CPS2PSP (1.66), and MVSPSP (1.63) emulators. There will be no more updates after this since he’s shutting down his website.

These emulators do rock! Gotta give props to NJ for all the hard work he did. Everything about them is top notch. The speed under Kernel Mode on a 1.5 firmware is insane. Thanks NJ, you’re my hero!

hell ya! i just spliced my cousin’s and my psp. screens not perfect, but for free i’ll take. shit man fullspeed castlevania sotn, megaman zero, and street fighter! it’s like playing an orgasm.

gonna order my card and try this.

so… am i the only one who’s having LOTS of trouble doing supers in X men Vs SF?
it’s like the emu has button press limits like a keyboard.

Anyone try out NJ’s CPS1 emulator? Specifically with Quiz & Dragons. Seems to be the graphics are all garbled, anyone else encounter this or is it just me?

Eh…you have to fix the PSP Diagonals with a mod…the PSP customer service said “The PSP, is not made for Diagonal movement, use the analog” Yeah…I have trouble even playing it because it’s not responsive. And there’s no press limits like on the keyboard, it just has trouble registering what you put in (DpAd bad)

no, it’s not that, i have no problem with diagonals and QCFs in Tekken. it’s just specifically in the versus games. i can QCF+p fine, but when i try qcf+pp, it rarely ever comes out. :frowning:

Well, I haven’t played the VS games, but when I tag-attack out in KoF2k3 it works fine.

oh snap, that uFighterX mod is inconsistent. the cross shaped thing is hard to cut and glue perfectly. i just used punched cardboard instead of the cross. works a lot better.

wow that is good news