Fullspeed PSP CPS2 emulation O_O

ok, holy crap. i’m just surprised i haven’t heard anything about it here.
i don’t have a PSP, but i’m going to buy one this weekend.

MVC intro:

MVC on wifi:

CPS2 wifi vid (alpha 2):

Hrm…I haven’t been keeping up with the PSP news, but make sure you research what you need to run this. You will probably need a lower firmware either original or through downgrading (even downgrading typically needs you to have an older firmware).

Anyway, I will try it on my PSP later today since I have an original 1.5 firmware that I never upgraded.


yeah, you’ll definitely need 1.5 or the newer custom firmwares (Dark Alex 1.5 + 2.7/2.8 hybrids, pretty awesome) to run this thing.

2.7 PSPs can be downgraded now, btw.

Shame about the d-pad…

I have one of those weird attachments (Namco one). They work alright. I should have just kept the d-pad modded. I think it worked better when I modded it compared to now.


paik, do you think there’s space to put a DB15 jack in there somewhere?
you know, for sticks or hacked Saturn pads or something.

what i want to know is do you need to overclock this? if so, how much damage does this do to the psp. I don’t keep up with psp news at all, but last I remember the snes emu won’t even run at full speed and that’s probably easier to run than this. does snes run at full speed now? if so, what’s a good emu for it and again, do you need to overclock it? i hate overclock shit.

The CPS2 emulation is full speed and kicks ass. The new Neogeo emu by the same guy also kicks much ass. I hate fighting games on pad, but garou definitely runs smoothly. But, Puzzle Fighter, Alien vs Predator, and Magical Drop 3 have been getting a bunch of play out of me.

To run it, there isn’t anything special required than any other homebrew PSP programs. Downgrade your PSP to 1.5 and live in bliss, or use whatever method you want.

As for overclocking, its a bit of a misnomer. It’s not actually overclocking. Its more like a speed setting like on laptops. Most laptops have a battery mode and AC outlet mode, where the processor runs slower on battery so thebattery lasts longer. Running faster on the outlet power isn’t overclocking the chip, but letting it run full speed. Same thing with the PSP; the chip is designed to let any program set it to 333Mhz, but it normally runs at like 200Mhz for battery reasons. No damage to anything to run it at 333Mhz like most emulators do, no software or hardware is needed (the emulator does it), and you can set the speed down to normal if you prefer in the emulator settings. Running at higher speeds does drain the battery faster, but hell, its worth it.

Edit: If you want good speed play you HAVE to do the converting and putting the cache file on your card! Yes, this means your rom will take up about twice as much space as normal, but it has to be done if you want full speed on buff games. Check the directions in the emulator .zip or on PSP forums.

Have they gotten the downgrader to work on the Ceramic White PSPs? I think my firmware is at 2.81 I think. I didn’t really care about emulators before, but having portable AvP, both D&Ds, PF, Metal Slug, Magician Lord, Windjammers, well you get the idea is just too much. :sad:

Homebrew is not even possible on firmware 2.81+ right now, so a downgrader is is not going to happen anytime soon. The next downgrader will most likely be for firmware 2.80 (or perhaps 3.00 if an exploit can be found).

Oh I just checked, my firmware is at 2.80, I don’t know if there is even a 2.81. :looney:

so i bought a PSP just now. how do i get this thing running? it just hangs at that white PSP screen and shuts off. i’m pretty sure i have the same folder structure that the dcemu guide has.

What firmware are you on?

maybe i’ll buy another one.

man you guys spend 200+ for a psp with a super shitty dpad to play cps2 games, thats on consoles, good emu’s, cheap arcade boards? thats nuts heh

Hmmm, this is interesting… tell me moar.
p.s. give me links for making me happy.

I’m running a 2.71, black psp, with PSP-1001 at the end of the serial number. I’m willing to downgrade, since I only upgraded to play power stone Collection, but my friend has it now, so I don’t care, but I’d like to still be able to play Alpha3 max and T5DR, I heard there’s a homebrew to keep that version.

it’s working now, apparently you need to make a GAME150 folder and put all the homebrew in there (for 2.71SE firmware). this really is full speed. doesn’t seem like it’s frameskipped. it has the option to though, but you won’t need it.

re: sabre, you can’t take your computer / console everywhere. and XSF costs AT LEAST $200 where i live. besides, it’s not like it’s the only thing i’ll do on it. SNES (imperfect, i know) and other emus are great too.

why does the “shitty Dpad” thing still apply to newer psps? i did an EWGF the first time i tried. of course i’m having a hard time doing demon flips and other customs, but it’s something i have trouble with on other pads anyway.

make sure you don’t have a Ta082! if you downgrade a TA082 psp, it’ll brick…
pretty sure you already knew that, haha…

BTW, emulated SFA3 looks a lot better than MAX IMO.

How do you know it’s a Ta082

My serial number is PP113943638-PSP1001

Actually, can we carry this convo thru AIM, my sn is j1nl0ng.

Let me finish killing Ubers in D2

anyone know were i can find the emu?