Fullspeed PSP CPS2 emulation O_O

I’m trying to play RB2, but then it gives me this error "File not found or CRC32 not correct. “spr_usage (spr pen usage)”


Oh well. =/

Nevermind, I figured it all out. Thanks for everyone whose helped me.

Damn this sucks. I need a bigger card to hold cps2 games. I have the 32Mb one and if I put on Devhook there goes all my space for even cps1. If I dont have Devhook then I cant play GG#R. What a drag.

4GB for 90$ (plus tax), man! http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B000FFISV8/manxforum-20?creative=327641&camp=14573&adid=094VFDX1TEAA0E8024CP&link_code=as1


The MVS emulator works great, I just have to turn down the sound frequency, 4:3 screen ratio, and viola. I’m able to play KoF 2k3, 2k1, Matrimelee, and Garou without lag. I only lag in 2k3 during the first 20 seconds of the first first match, and then everything else is pretty smooth. For some reason the emulator doesn’t like 98.

Weird. On mine, 98 works, but I can’t get kof2k3 to work.

Maybe you can PM me where you got the fixed roms?

I pretty much read over all I could on this topic, but haven’t found an answer if there happens to be one. So I’m just gonna throw this question out there. Is there any way to configure the buttons for either the CPS2PSP or MVSPSP emulators?

Configure the buttons? You can configure the buttons on the configuration menu.

Okay, then I guess my next question is… how do I access that menu?

try Start and Select at the same time. You should see the blue menu wherein you can set the Game configuration, and the Key configuration.

Oh man… you know what… I read that too, but I was trying to do it at the game selection screen, I just now realized you need to do while the game is loaded, and the changes apply to that specfic game (not the entire emulator). Thanks for the info, btw.

I can’t actually do that man. That is still warranting a ban if I pm you the links I think.

cloudsofsmoke at hotmail dot com . Send link please.

anyone has any d-pad recomandation ??


Ima try this mod when i get some spare time.

There is also this one for the analog stick.

I remember seeing somewhere that u could mount a thumbstick somewhere on the outside near the left trigger wich looked comfy also but I cant find that one.
editI found the links and these may suffice

just tried CPS2 PSP, it works great, although it just sucks that the PSP d-pad sucks and it’s somewhat difficult to pull of a super when you want to combo link it.

I did the d-pad mod from this link: http://ufighterx.com/guides/videogam...pspdpadfix.htm

It did wonders. I can do Zangief pile drivers anytime I want now. I would give this modification a 10/10 in terms of effectiveness.