$15/each, $4.75 flat rate shipping, can ship 4 in one envelope, so 4 balls would be $64.75 shipped.
I won’t be ordering any stones until I get some sort of confirmation that anyone is willing to spend $35 on a stone ball top. I have to order them in quantities of 12 or more, so ordering that many makes no sense unless I have potential buyers.
Yup, got it all squared away. The wooden ones I knocked out right away. The dice and glass take quite a bit longer. Comandeering my wife to help out on those.
Uh…hadn’t thought about it. I suppose for a fee. I don’t mind doing it. I think I’ll leave it to you to clearcoat it. That way I can’t be blamed for it not getting sanded appropriately.
Once the glass comes up I’ll be sure to grab one, especially if you can get something in red. Plus this is probably the best thread title I’ve seen in a long time.
FYI. I had to stop production on the glass ones earlier. My diamond bit didn’t have any diamond left on it, and the balls were just cracking instead of drilling. Oops…
So I need to pick up some more, and more inserts. So…I barely have enough to fill the orders I have so far (basically, the people that invested). I have some imperfects I can put up though.
Guaranteed everything I have will be up by this weekend though. I’m going to pick up a few more bits to be sure.
Glass production is rolling again. These are getting better as I do more of them.
I really need to make about 20 of these jigs, that way I can just slap them on the press, drill, do the next rather than load the jig, drill, change bits, drill, change bits, drill, unload jig, set insert, load the jig, etc…