Ahh, I knew they called 'em “scrubs” for a reason…
I ditto the stick abuse. I bought my self a custom stick for my birthday last year, my GF invited this guy. I had it hooked up to her Xbox in the living room. He unplugs it, plugs it into his netbook, starts to play the SNES ROM of KILLER INSTINCT on it and is just MASHING THE FUCK OUT OF IT like Ryu’s cousin. He also fucking LOOKED like Ryu’s cousin.
God dammit this thread gives me flash backs of my poor stick when it was brand new and abused…
How’s your stick now?
They don’t call him Shotgun Steve for nothing.
Don’t eat Cheetos before using a piece of equipment that isn’t your own.
I swear to god, I get wind that anyone did this and I will find you…
Then I will break your arms…
I’m an 09 member and I’ve done 5 tourneys in 09.
Not ONCE did I have even a second of hostility directed toward me. The vets that I met welcomed me in a friendly manner.
However, I did the following
Arrived early and prepared. Often I help setup stations and such until casuals start.
Know when to play casuals and when NOT to (i.e. when tourney matches start).
Stay after to help clean up.
Your mileage may vary…but as long as you aren’t a total idiot, you should be fine.
And yeah, definitely fucking shower for the love of god.
Shit, I should of thought of that one q_q
funny how some people find this rediculously easy list impossible to follow/ come up with on their own.
it’s fine, but I replaced the buttons like…the next week. I had temps in there, how they’re holding up I’m assuming well since my GF uses them in her SE now.
Look at the guy. I swear Ryu’s cousin is this guy’s cousin.
This, one million times this!
Not only frame data but they try and throw out information on anything they can.
Pisses me off to no end.
So he’s Ryu second cousin twice removed?
Look into those cold rapist eyes and be afraid.
people really show up to tournaments smelling like ass? damn SMH.
He’s also gay and had a crush on me.
And a furry/juggalo/weeaboo.
Yeah, I was upset he was at my birthday bash.
… Holy shit it’s Carlton
Your join date is 8-20-09.
Now I’m confused by your use of “they”.
Hypocrisy much?
Also I’m sure it’s completely impossible for this poster to have played fighting games before he signed up for an account on Shoryuken.com.
a whole year later and para still can’t escape accusations of hypocrisy
Nah it’s all the Magic the Gathering kids picking up a new game
no see that’s not hypocrisy. now if para spent a lot of time railing against the vile 09’s or making statements about how he hates how those damn 09’s say stupid shit all the time, that would be hypocrisy. however pointing out someone else’s join date being 09 while that person is railing against 09’s is NOT hypocrisy. i suggest you go look up the word next time before you post smart ass comments ^^.
i can totally understand what you mean, not about SF, but whenever i go to YGO tourneys there’s always that one guy who acts like he knows what he’s talking about just to sound smart, happens all the time regardless of game, what’s really funny though is when they try that on someone who DOES know what they’re talking about. Hillarity ensues.