Frowned upon by veterans

Meh, I didn’t read what the original original post was quoting, assumed it was directed towards newbies at tourneys, as… you know, this is what the topic’s about. And I’m well aware what happens when I assume - I make an ass out of me and me. Of course, I also tend to assume that every post pointing out a join date as some manner of judgment is ignorant.

In before “Looks at Gandara’s join date. :rofl:

It seems that you do not understand the definition of hypocrisy.

Hypocrisy: To act in a manner that is not consistent with one’s espoused beliefs.

Its not hypocritical for me to question why an 09 member is talking about “THEY” in reference to other new players. I wasn’t the hypocrite, I’ve been very open and honest at EVERY STEP about when I started playing, my skill level, and my experience.

I just felt the need to point out that its silly for an 09 member to go talking about “those new players” as if he is not in that group.

He is a new player (by join date anyway) and so am I.

Yes, thank you, I understand that now. As I already said, I misread (see: didn’t read) the original quote. My bad. Sorry. Please forgive me. Have mercy, master.

But who knows what Ronnicle actually meant. Perhaps he is a veteran tournament player and was quoting not for ‘09ers in particular but for any newcomers to tourneys who run their mouth like they’ve been in the business for years and their knowledge is leagues ahead of the veterans’. Or maybe he was referring to -fellow- newcomers who act like they know everything, to which one could be equally pissed off regardless of seniority. Hell, I’m no expert and if I had to listen to someone yak about frame data this or gameplay that, especially if it’s in a nonconstructive gloat-y way, I’d become irked as well.

However, this is all moot. As I stated earlier, “It’s utterly impossible for someone to have played fighting games before joining this MB.” Take myself, for example. There’s certainly no way that I could have possibly played fighters since '03 since my join date on isn’t in '03. In fact, I highly doubt I even existed at all in the world until January '09. So make sure to continue judging me and everyone else on this arbitrary date, as it’s the only merit by which one should ever be judged.

Yeah, my bad for hammering it home past the point…I saw your reply and went right to the Reply button without seeing that others had addressed that.

I see your point about join date, there are certainly exceptions both ways. A prime example is that in 2006, SRK members were allowed to change their join date arbitrarily. As a result there are a handful of members here who are actually 06 members, but their join date is 2001. That “feature” was disabled and never opened up again after 06.

But the point is that the vast majority of 09 members are people like me, who did grow up with these games but only got serious about SF when either HDR or SF4 dropped.

I think some of you are way too sensitive about shit at tourneys. I really wonder how many some of you actually attend. I have heard posturing and frame data chatter at every tourney I’ve been to in 09 (and this year too). Its just part of being at a tourney, and new players absolutely do NOT have the market cornered on that shit.

It’s cool, man. I spoke a bit soon as it was anyway.

I mean, my point about join dates is -especially- when SFIV hit and SRK started getting flooded with noobies, you couldn’t post a single thing without getting flamed to high heaven and back. Fortunately I had the clairvoyance to avoid posting arbitrarily stupid things (like a fair share of '09ers did, there’s no denying it) but even the extremely few posts I -did- make, such as a detailed post about the SFIV official strategy guide and why it was kind of poor quality compared to other strat guides, were still flamed simply because of my join date. My point being, I think it would be much more constructive for this site to judge posts based on the post’s and the author’s merits, rather than immediately dismissing it because of join date.

And don’t get me wrong, I understand your point about '09ers. Hell, I’m one myself and I will not deny the fact that I joined because of HDR and SFIV. But when one judges all '09ers as if they’re all dumb hopeless noobies one comes dangerously close to logical fallacy. “These dumb posts are by '09ers, therefore all '09ers must be dumb” is akin to saying “All wood burns, therefore all that burns must be wood” or “Michael Jackson is dead, therefore all dead people must be Michael Jackson.”

To the topic creator: I think the ultimate point to take away from all this for your tournament knowledge is, well, follow Parabellum’s post. Be a nice person, don’t step on people’s toes, don’t do shit you shouldn’t be doing, shower and don’t act like an elitist - people at fighter tourneys are there to compete, have fun and maybe learn a thing or two, they’re not there to lay witness to your grandiose knowledge of frame data. (Not saying you would do this, but given the aforementioned examples it’s simply a word of caution)

And Para, you gonna be at MWC?

Man now I fully get your point and I concur 100%.

Sorry we got off on the wrong foot before…you know how shit is on the intertubes.

Yes, I do plan to be at MWC, so I’ll probably see you there. I need to holler at Keits and see if he found a location yet.

No sweat man. e-fistbump

And the stuff for MWC is set! Keits is takin sign-ups in the topic.

He did…check out the first page on the MWC tourney thread.

Oh shit I’m there!

Thanks guys, I haven’t hit that thread up in maybe a week or more.

People who talk shit to a person who isn’t saying a thing to them. That’s like the worst thing on my list next to bad BO

What’s annoying is when a supposed pro shows up to countless tourneys and doesn’t bring there own stick/adapters and tries to borrow everyone else’s.

Haha I think I have an idea about who this might be, but I ain’t saying shite.


Bad sportsmanship.

I can understand that people get excited when they win a match, but unless it’s some kind of epic comeback, then it just sort of makes you look like an asshole. My motto: It’s not worth celebrating unless it can potentially get you laid.


I lose the round

Him: Yeah that’s right bitch! fist bumps his boyfriend who’s watching

^ Isn’t shit-talking generally accepted in fighting game tournaments, just as long as it’s in good fun and nothing malicious?

Reading the responses from this thread, two things jump out at me:

  1. People in mass numbers gathered in a cramped room who don’t take showers. Good lord, that sounds awful . . .

  2. Tournament players seem like grouches, part of the reason why I’ll never go to a fighting game tournament. I play for fun, they play for money, doesn’t seem like we’d get along too well . . .

Little_Goten, I kinda see your point. I’ve only been to two tournaments, but both have had some pretty sour people after they lost. But at the same time, the amount of people that were just so happy to have played, so excited to go see the person they lost to and be like “Good game man, was a lot of fun” has been a great amount more represenative.

I’ve loved the two tournaments i’ve gone to, everyone for the most part is pretty friendly, and I must say, I’ve never had the problem of people not showering. My 2nd one was at an arcade, so bringing your own stuff wasn’t needed at all, but the first one I went to, everyone was pretty ok with lending their sticks out. I had to lend mine to a guy for a match, and as soon as he was done, he thanked me a lot, wished me goodluck with my matches and he was off.

But two things have bothered me at both tournaments. People who are just elitist pricks and overall rude. Ok, you’ve played since 3rd strike, I just started a year ago. Get over it. Just because you’ve played longer doesn’t neccesarily mean you’re better. I’ve put a good amount of time into my practice, and I’m not going to let you think lesser then me.

People have said this before but, I’d assume it was common sense that, when the tournament is going on, that does NOT allow you to start a god damned casual. For fucks sake, this is elementary common sense. Just because there isn’t a match going on and the officials are getting the stuff together, doesn’t mean you can just start a match. They can easily figure it out in two seconds, and then you’ll be holding people up.

Ryu doesn’t shower


Luckily I play Vega!

Same guy?

As for something on topic. I only went to two tourneys. Both were pretty good, the one had the people playing casuals between tournament games, which I was pretty surprised by as a new comer. It just seemed a little flippant.

I see. I wanted to go to one to learn new stuff, but I’ve been put off by some of the “elitists” I’ve heard about. I guess I’ll try it before I knock it completely.

Unfortunately it’s just the nature of this thread - the only people who come in here to post are people who have a beef in the first place. I guarantee you everyone who posted about smelly players have encountered twenty times more players at tournaments who don’t stink. And while it can be a problem from time to time, please don’t think that every fighter tournament is filled to the brim with B.O. funky-ass people. It’s more commonplace to run into a smelly person at a fighter tournament than, say, church, but I guarantee you there’s lots more smelly at Acen or GenCon.

And about the Groucho Marx’s, you gotta understand it’s a fighter tournament. People are there to have fun, but it’s also a competition. Similar to how you won’t see two opposing football teams high-five-ing each other in the middle of a game, sometimes competition gets players at tourney’s blood pumping and they might not be down for a hug after losing (or winning). However, you’ll meet some crazy nice people at these tourneys, fellow gamers who enjoy the craft just as much or more than you do. And there’s always casual games if you don’t want to get into heated competition.

Long story short, don’t let the horror stories deter you. Honestly, there’s many more good memories made during tourneys than bad ones. It’s like going to GenCon - sure, you have to deal with the occasional weirdo or funky ass, but it’s totally worth it for the experience alone.

You guys make a good point. A shame that that there aren’t many tourneys around where I live.