Frowned upon by veterans

What does that nomination thing do anyway? get me an infraction or something? lol

You aren’t talking about me, are you, Kona? Kidding.
Seriously though, my only problems are:

  1. Not showering.
  2. Having one of your friends either telling you what to do, or telling me what to do in a tourney match. (I know I’m probably alone on this, but it’s distracting. >_<)
  3. Trying to tell me what I’m doing wrong when what I’m doing is beating you.
  4. Not playing Garou. >_>

Wait…2 day tourneys? Is that to say that these places where tournaments are held have sleeping quarters??

It wasn’t until I went to Evo that I realized that showering is something optional for people. Like, it boggles my mind. When I grew up, I couldn’t go outside to talk to someone unless I had deodorant on, at least. Deodorant can do amazing fucking things. I’m in the army, that shit can make someone who just went on a fucking muddy ruck march smell halfway decent at the end of it. So how is it possible that anyone can smell that awful playing a video game is beyond me. Seriously.

That said, honestly, only thing that bugged me was the TO’s having to call someones name, over and over again. I didn’t know whether to be mad at the guy who ditched and is holding up the tournament for like 20-30m, or the TO’s for note scratching them when they have twenty other people there, sticks in hand, ready to play.

I agree.

This absolutely killed me Kona - Since I’ve seen it so many, many times.

all the “not showering” responses in this thread makes me wonder about the hygiene of the of new-coming sf players, does the game really attract that many filthy people?

Deoderant has been a topic since this board has been around. It’s not really the newb’s falut sometimes it’s YOU OGs.

Not turning off/desynching wireless controllers is the big one.

Back seat players annoy me too, I don’t need advice from someone who has never beaten me or the guy I’m playing thank you very much!

^ UltraMagnus would definitely be santa in a christmas special. Hahaha…

Right off the bat, I’ve never been to a formal match that was organized, but I have been playing school matches with lots of people that I know since SFII, off and on.

I laughed when someone mentioned showering at the beginning of this thread, but I didn’t actually think it was a legitimate complaint until I started reading it further and further along as this thread progressed.

A part of me is still in disbelief, although I know that nerds of all kinds, regardless of what kind of gathering, follow this stereotype. So a part of me also realizes it’s a legitimate complaint, but it’s still a funny testament to recent social habbits. 100 years ago, it was considered bad formality to go out into public in casual attire (no hat, no dress, etc.) Mike Judge hit the nail on the head with Idiocracy.

This stinky shit goes down at conventions too. I could only imagine the situation getting worse on day two.

I don’t mind if people pick my brain after a match, but I have certainly seen people become frustrated with it, usually following up with short, cross answers, under the pretense that they just want you to go the fuck away. hahaha… I remember the first time I played a total stranger in SFII at the convinience store down the street from my house, right when it was new. It was one of the first times I had played SFII and got the M.Bison infinite drill treatment by a gang of four with 20 credits on the machine. I made the mistake of asking for a tip.

I guess I don’t get as bothered as other players, but I’m always okay whenever someone strikes conversation in my interests, regardless of what it is and maybe that’s why. Even if the dude smells like an awesome blue cheese salad dressing, I can’t knock anyone trying to learn. You were new once and either had your ass kicked or took a few pointers. Probably both.

I don’t even mind constructive critisizm in matches, especially if I’m getting my ass kicked by someone, aformentioned nerd or not, but all of it can get out of hand. Too much of anything always does, but a little bit of it all can still grate on your nerves.

The one thing that I can totally agree with is the abuse of someone elses stick. After looking around this forum and seeing how much people pay for these sticks, along with what some folks have to to in order to actually get their stick, or make one and get it up and running, this seems more than just a slap in the face. It’s totally disrespectful and I might add, it seems almost passive aggressive. Definitely not cool. Even if the stick wasn’t mine, I think I’d say something about it to the abuser.

Anyway, I think if I ever choose to go to one of these matches and get my ass whupped, I’ll be sure to take a backpack full of new deodorant sticks for sale and advertise with a patch. I’m not kidding. We can take care of this problem together, even if it’s just sold with other concessions at the venue, and even if it doesn’t eliminate it, it will send a message. hahaha…



Can you get his number and bring him to all the majors? Give him a megaphone and a redbull and we’re good.

From your location i was wondering if you were at either of the Philly tournaments this weekend or planning to go to the one next weekend?

I happened to be listening to Charlie’s music from SF Alpha 2 when I clicked on this and it made it even funnier for some reason.

I can’t believe motherfuckers don’t shower…like really.

Fighting game skill isn’t ingrained in your mind or muscle memory, its actually stored in a thin layer of pheromones coating the skin, which, in extremely skilled players, gives off a pungent odour. The only problem is that soap counteracts the pheromone scent and dulls it to the point of scrubdom, hence showering is a bad idea for going to tournaments.

I’m surprised about all the shower posts, that’s actually kind of frightening if it’s that big of a problem.

^ It’s just as bad at anime conventions. If not even worse.

Asking millions of questions shouldnt be a bad thing
shouldnt the community want to make the other players better.

Every one I’ve been to is that way. I also went to my first tourney over the weekend, and much to my dismay, it smelled like hot hell in there.

i lol’d…

it’s good to know what is unacceptable behavior at a tourney, i can totally understand why vets get pissed, but how old are these people who do this? sounds like the attitude of a child (pounding on someone else’s stick when you lose? seriously?)

btw you haven’t smelled funk untill you’ve been to a comic book convention (you can smell comic-con from a mile away… i’m not even kidding)