Frowned upon by veterans

I hate when the scrub Im playing has his friend is in the background coaching him while THEY try to beat me. Seriously you have help and still lose! Trash!

WTF?! Nominated for article.

I hope you’re serious, I don’t want MrWizard to see me as the only person who nominated that post for an article :rofl:

Generally they don’t like it when you start beating your meat in front of the screen when you play Chun Li. It distracts them and you could get disqualified.

Buncha haters.

You got me. I’m gonna really do it now. :lol:

I love it when someone uses a wireless controller and forgets to turn it off afterwards so they end up controlling the following match. Its especially cool when they act inconvenienced when you finally track them down and ask them to turn the shit off.

Wireless controllers should have never been invented.

Agreed, showering ain’t enough. Gotta get the deodorant on as well.

Wireless pads opening the ps3 menu thing MID FUCKING MATCH.

Holy fuck that is annoying, it happened to me 2 times at SB4.

Bad hygiene in general. Fucking Christ at 2 day tournys take a shower the next day. Dont be like ohh I dont smell cause you do. And then the whole room becomes a bunch of people saying “i dont smell” when they just multiply that shit and paint peels.

Fucking Shower.
Dont fucking play Wireless.
Be respectful of equipment.
Dont act like a whiny bitch.

Follow that and you should be aight.

Not doing their morning clean up. Man…I hate smelling morning breathe especially at the arcades.
Bad sportsmanship!
Most of the people at my pool at Evo where cool though a group decided to help me out during a casual match but I didn’t pay attention to them and still won the round somehow.

I hate it when kids don’t turn off their controllers after they’re finished playing.
I hate it when kids actually walk in front of TVs during tournament matches.
I hate it when kids want to play casuals when the tournament is not even half way done.
I hate it when kids are using my stick like [media=youtube]TBATuDNlQ3Q"[/media].
I hate it when kids want to play their casuals when I tell them they have a tournament match.
I hate it when kids don’t follow the rules I have specifically posted on the threads for that corresponding tournament and I know that they post on that thread.
I hate it when kids smell like they haven’t showered.

If you don’t do these thing that I hate, things will run smoothly with me.

Hearing scrubs talk about some form of high level tactics when they can barely hold a stick.

Daigo this, Daigo that :rofl:


People who don’t shower. Please, does it really take THAT much effort?

When you’re sat waiting for your opponent to show up for a good 10 minutes because they’re too busy yammering to someone else/gone to get something from way outside the venue.
^ happens in card game tournaments as well and irks me just as bad as it does gaming tournies.

Having someone go “But but…I learned that one from watching Mago/Daigo!!” after getting their ass whooped as if it’s their saving grace for the day.

Plz… nominate my post for an article plz…I want to be a famous SRK’er

I have no idea why anyone allows wireless, especially (at least?) in a 360 tournament. FPS tournaments make you bring your own wired pad just to avoid that shit.

Lag between controller and the console ( possible?), controllers dying.

i nominated it as well :rofl:

How old are those kids?