Free AE edition PC for EVO attending EVO

Did anyone get their copy yet or whatever? If not, does anyone know when?

They should be available in a few weeks.

wait what?

What the hell? When did this happened?!/sethkillian
he’s tweeted about it twice… at least

I just got the email right now 5 minutes ago, I didn’t even know about it.
Very cool.
It comes from tony.cannon@gmail, so maybe check your spam folders if it got put in there.
It has the download code from Capcom & Microsoft.

I’m going to put it on my laptop when I get off of work.

I already own AE for Xbox and attended Evo, I would like to play it on my PC too.

Edit: Just got mine

Still waiting for it… :frowning:

edit: Had to email Mr. Wizard but I got it! THANKS!

Me too ::sad face::

if no one wants there code bc they already have a copy for it mind hooking me up? :smiley:

Waiting on mine…hope it comes soon
Edit: Just got it!

Same, I wanna play AE on PC D:

Edit: Was in my spam folder -_-


If you are having trouble receiving your AE code, please email from the registered evo email address, and ill fix it!

I got my code today. Thank you MrWizard and Capcom! :slight_smile:

Are we allowed to sell these codes?

I’ll take any codes that no ones gonna use. Already have it for xbox but also have a gaming pc. And I know some can;t play well on pc. It be awesome! thanks!

got it, thanks.

Thank you Capcom, Microsoft, and Mr Wizard.

Let the begging begin! I’ll wait and buy it later even though I already bought SSF4, AE DLC, all the alternative outfits. However, absolutely loath constant shit lags on PSN and the trolls and online tactics people on there.

Damn, this is a pain in the ass using games for windows live.
I use PS3, I have a 360 that I have never used, so I have no xbox live account.
I go to create one, and it says my email is already in use and tries to link them. I think a long time ago when my cousin got a 360, we used my name to set up his Live account and so it now is attached.:mad:
Waiting for xbox live support to see if they can fix it. I looked at his live account and that one has been inactive for over 4 years.