Frames and timing....the feeling

Good discussion men but i think we are going slowly out of my base topic post…

I didn’t think snowboarding games would be a big thing in Japan…

Super Street Fighter II X

When did this thread get so…bizarre?

When Saisyu started top act like he knew what the fuck he was talking about. Reversal DPs loosing to meatys, LOL!

Man, you guys shouldn’t have replied to him, even to make fun of him.

By chance, who is that in your avatar? Looks like an investment banker or something?:rolleyes:

Sigmund Freud.

Cool! I remember now, that is the crazy guy that tried to say that all human behavior was played out though Psychosexual stages of developement.

The African Egyptians had already understood about the Id,Ego, SuperEgo
5000 years before he was ever born.
But western science keeps saying all the time that they “discover shit”? LOL! There is nothing Nu under God’s Son “Ra”.

Maybe SRK is going through the anal stage.:wgrin: