jesus you are stupid
1000 reversal points free for you my friend lol!!!
1000 more for using Funky Town lol!!!
Now lets see you say all that shit backwards tuff guy.
funky town is the shit yo.
You’re such a moron, watch the damn video, I made it in slo-mo so that you can see the move is actually meaty, infact before Ryu starts his shoryuken it’s only been out for 5 or 6 frames at most, now you say it has 20 active frames, do the math.
Yeah, seriously. That was a creepy post. And I agree, Funky Town is right on.
But dudeface is partially right; while dragon punches beat out most ground meaties (with the exceptions of those that are done so that they recover before the dp actually hits and those whose hittable hitboxes can’t be hit by dragon punches), they do lose to some crossups and even Chun’s instant overhead.
I have already slam dunked yo ass. But I will give you a chance to put some points up on the board. “Throws ball in punks chest”
Ok, explain what is up with M. Bison’s(boxer) crouching forward kick on wake up on the shotos.
Make me video with you reversing jab DP against Boxer crouching forward kick?
And place the meaty correcty please.
You should quit while you’re ahead. Well…at least before you fall any further behind.
Here’s a silly question.
If you can’t reversal DP a meaty attack using a completely invincible DP…why do throws work against meaty attacks on the ground? Why can you throw Chun Li in the middle of her Lightning Kick if she’s within throw range?
Somebody needs to buy CCC2 and watch David Sirlin’s SSF2T tutorial again.
The fact of the matter is that an invincible move…like the DPs before ST…done as a reversal will always beat a meaty attack that overlaps it. If a meaty attack is beating your reversal wake-up attack, then it can’t be invincible. Simple logic.
I hope this helps us get back on topic.
First off I already made a video demonstrating you can reversal through meaties, if anything it’s YOU the one who should make one to prove me wrong.
Again, the fierce in my vid is definitely meaty, and I can explain why (I’ll try to make it easy, don’t worry).
Hitboxes work this way: they stay unchanged as long as you’re in the same ANIMATION (and I stress ANIMATION) frame, hitting animation frame of Chun Li’s close standing fierce is the one where she has her palms out, some moves (NOT THIS ONE) have more than one active animation frame. What does that mean? It means that as long as her palms are out, the move is in an active frame.
You know what you should do now? Have one of your imaginary friends phone your “beautiful japanese female friend” and ask her to translate what the “yoga fire book” says about Blanka’s fireball against O. Bison’s meaty super, then come here and claim our info is flawed and Sagat’s j. short has 9 frames of invincibility so we can get kicks out of it.
Did some order a beat down?
Hahaha, what the hell are trying to do ?
The only way to beat reversal shoto DPs is hitting them in the head.
Since you did not do a single reversal DP at any point during either of those videos, I’m not exactly sure what you think you’ve proven or why you bothered to post about it.
To settle the matter once and for all, please look at the following image carefully:
Now, please reaffirm your statement that the fierce in wakeupsweep’s video was not meaty.
Yeah, this is what I meant before. Some crossovers can beat it because they hit Ryu in the head/non-dp shoulder, and Chun’s instant overhead and flipkick can beat it because they hit Ryu in his head/non-dp shoulder. Other crossups can trade with it for the same reason but they also get in the way of his dp fist side.
Yeah, ok I know what your problem is now, you don’t know what a reversal is. Ok, no problem
In your videos reversal messages never come out, because the Ryu player couldn’t time his shoryuken properly: balrog didn’t beat dragon punches, he hit the Ryu player out of neutral stance.
Hit in neutral stance.Cool.
Jump later. Boxer takes the longest amount of time on wake up. The feeling is just the briefest moment of hesitation before you would go for a typical crossover splash.
About crossing up Boxer, remember that apart from his late wakeup timing he has a super weird hitbox when he’s blocking; he doesn’t stand straight, he leans way back, and his hitbox reflects that. You have to take that weird shape into account when you’re trying to cross him up, so make sure you learn the timing and spacing, because it’s different from what is usually is against the rest of the cast.
92 frames to be exact.
How many does Fei have because it seems like he can throw the fuck out of you on wake up if you get close?
Oh shit! I just sovled and old puzzle about Super Street Fighter II X system. I know why the japanese play like they do in SSX. Hope you guys find the answer someday, no more help from me I am out.
Japan forever.