Force Stand Combo for when you must have EX RU Loops!

I’m not sure if this is anything useful / new to you all here, and I’m sure it’s not. But I figured this out one session.

You can still get your EX RU loops off of a crouched opponent you hit on a jump in.

Sorry the video is so botched, I’m in a rush right now so I can’t fix it.

This is pretty old news but I think the variation canceling the into the Ex.RU looks way cooler than the combo i’m doing now.,, cr.lp, xx Ex.RU. I’m going to check the damage and report back, I think yours must be better though with less buttons.

You can also - stand light punch, sweep / for knockdowns on crouches and one of my favorites is to force stand, jab then overhead rush punch. No expects force stand into over head

u can also do on a chrouched opponent j.HK, cl.HP, c.LP/st.LP xx EX Upper. it is a tight link and character specific.

it work`s on: Ryu, Ken, Akuma, Sakura, Oni, Juri ( instead c.LP u need to do st.LP ), Evil Ryu, Balrog ( Boxer ), Adon

@Eternalbomb I will take damage / practicality over coolness any day though. Only gonna swag if I’m already winning. Thanks for that cl.HP combo too, gonna try that now, looks nice, good damage!

@paulanthony Yeah for sure - opp will see the overhead coming and think they’re standing cause of the force stand but not realising they are actually holding downback themselves. I like to use this too.

only in the corner. Does not work mid-screen afaik.

Also possible to do,, against a few crouchers. (Akuma, Honda, Adon, Juri, Deejay) It may only work standing, if it works crouching it’s probably the most damaging non CH force stand combo.

the possible force stand combo i posted works mid-screen also i tested it on all characters.

your combo is rly nice i never rly think about this becourse of the pushback from c.MK i will tested this today when i come back from work on all characters stand/crouched.

her somthing i did 2 years ago when i play to a friend.


i try to reconstruct this fadc dash under momment but never success with it.

some one has a idea ?

I’ve tried, but to no avail. 2 years ago though it could easily of been an issue with Cody’s hitbox which has since been fixed.

I think i did it in ssf4 not ae2k12. The overhead change fix this issue i think :frowning: it was realy funnie and crazy.

The timing makes it almost not worth it. I show it working against Cammy and Guile. Seems to be a corner only thing.

What would be the benefit of having it down anyway? You’re enough on hit without the FADC to combo from most stuff so the cross up only works as a reset that puts you in a bad position if they block it. It’s pretty cool looking though.

The think is how much +frame advantage u have when u do this +10f raw hit with faghdc maybe +15f.

Meaning of faghdc = focus attack ghost dash cancel muhahahahahah.

Cross up ghost dash cancel Ultra 1?

i dont think so bra ^^

faghdc and ultra 2 in the confusion !

seriously though I wish there were more intracit things like that still there for rog.

Anyone have any dhalsim only combos? this sim once did a balrog only combo on me and yelled ‘character specific bitch’, I really need to get him back for it lol.

lol, you can punish yoga sniper on hit with ultra/super/ex.dash. That’s kinda character specific.

its possible to walk up cr.jab,, any jab xx ex RU. you have to hold back just a fraction before hitting the first cr.jab.

its good when frame trapping like cr.jab walk up cr.jab,, jab xx ex ru but hard to do it consistantly.

Is it possible at all to force stand off an Overhead hit? (That isn’t a CH LP OH)

well theoretically you can walk up cl.MP but that results in you losing charge, the other way I know is combo into crMP xx Fierce Dash straight, it also forces a stand but you have to fadc crLP s.HP crMP xx DSP again.

well theoretically you can walk up cl.MP but that results in you losing charge, the other way I know is combo into crMP xx Fierce Dash straight, it also forces a stand but you have to fadc crLP s.HP crMP xx DSP again.