For Honor

Bleed looks like their own way to implement fireball chipping in the game. I just think the classes with that mechanics get too much out of it, especially the Peacekeeper that takes away 40% of your health with a single guard break.

I played with both controller and keyboard, none of them was optimal imho but the game is clearly designed for pad. Blocking in the right direction with a mouse is a nightmare.

Yes. You need to get used to mouse. But I won’t throw away free throw breaks for that. And I didn’t even explored other possibilities.

Throw breaks are reasonably easy to do on pad too. When you watch high level matches you see both players teching throws 80% of the time on reaction. It’s definitely not like SF where you can only tech on a read.

I think this argument is invalid until we actually see the input device \ logs in their games. Turbo\scroll abuse make anyone look as a pro.

You can see if a streamer plays on pad or not. Besides, that doesn’t even invalidate my argument.

I mean, they really should fix the turbo guard break thing as well

No. they should fix the system.

  1. Right now Throws are super good and balanced only by retarded throw breaks (you must press a key when throw connects and there is no punishment for mshing the button).
  2. If they fix it directly and you get lag switch abusing bastards. If they fix just scrolling and people will jump onto key-binging scripts. Both are not detectable by anti-cheat.

PC games have been like that since forever. If you fear so much people using scripts then you might want play on console.
But you will fix the throw break issue for 90% of players by just making the tech window smaller and making the tech attempt fail if you mash it too early.

It is not about platform. You can do the same on console and without modding. Also your suggestion is already implemented (you can’t mash too early). And making window smaller will make online experience more unreliable.

And every suggestion made should always keep this in mind. Ubisoft will want to continue making money off of an online community like Valve does with Team Fortress, Counterstrike and Dota.

They basically done that on launch. I found that you need to break throws much later.

I think I’ve done with playing Peacekeeper. They nerfed her damage output once more and now you need to work really hard to win. People will zone you, dash around you with your tiny range and you will need much more good guesses to dish out the damage and risk with reflects and parries much more. And bleed damage is likt 50% from what it was. I’d better switch to some actually good chars.

By lurking in Ubi official forums, I heard that the stab nerf is just a bug, it will not stay that way.

I’m rocking a 77% on my Lawbringer in Duels, but most of that is just parrying people into wallsplat throws. I like the game, but I really worry that it’s going to become a pure turtlefest.

I found out that playing in premade is actually a bad experience:
[] You will be mached with out of your league most of the time. It is nice to challenge yourself but… naaaaaaaah. This isn’t a nice experience. Not in a team effort and not in a 4v4 modes. There is near 0 opportunities to get good or learn something and you will just have some salty time.
] You will get some nice disconnects and people will lag more often (i suppose it is because premades may play from different locations and there is less ways to exchange data with low ping. So if one guy that tranfer you packets lags it may break the game because whole his premade is trasfering their pacets trough him or something)… anyway chain disconects are common thing.

Yup, me and my friend tried doing brawl. I’m level 15 with a high win rate in duels and my buddy just started the game. We were always paired up with prestige players.

In elimination, power ups shouldn’t be available till at least a mintue later. Right now in the beginning of the match, turn around and get a powerup. Nothing can stop you. And defense is just too strong atm. All duels really just consist of defensive play. Some characters have good side dash attacks and literally that’s all ppl do. Wait for you to attack then side step cause their attack also has good evasion. Game needs lots of adjustments.

I got put into a Skirmish match. That’s an even worse gamemode than the other 4v4 matches! I didn’t know it was possible!

Sounds like the game is falling apart already…

There are a bunch of core gameplay issues along with the fact that I don’t think the devs had a good idea of how to balance for 1v1s, 2v2s, and 4v4s at the same time.

That does sound like a REALLY tall order as far as balance is concerned. That is a lot of very different competitive scenarios to try and account for in what is a pretty new concept. Be interesting to see how things progress moving forward.

Can’t really expect great balance from the game. But I really love how it serves the role of a game you can always play when everything else would take too much time (even stuff like SFV).

Get in, decapitate some heads, feel good, get out.

Should’ve gotten crossplay implemented though. The one thing that could soon kill it is the playerbase. Its soon to be diminishing size, specifically. With it, longer matchmaking, followed by increasing reluctance to play.