For Honor

Nice. I haven’t played it yet…

so what’s some good starter tips in this game?
Trying to counter an attack and then doing your own attack?
LP attack from left and then next attack from right?
LP attack guardbreak HP attack?

  1. Blocking. Especially at lower levels where everyone mashes, simply being able to block incoming attacks until the end of the string or until the opponent runs out of stamina will give you a net advantage.
  2. Guard break and tech. GB/throw is extremely powerful in the game and if you don’t learn to land it or to tech your opponent’s you’ll be at disadvantage. GB also grants you a side heavy for all classes (some even a top heavy).
  3. Parry. Mastering this one will put you right above any scrub. You can lump deflect for the assassin classes here too. Both parry and deflect give a guaranteed GB.
  4. Feints. At higher levels, heavy feints or unblockable feints are a very common tool both to bait a parry and to mix up your opponent.

Of course you should mix up the direction of your attacks as much as possible. Remember as a general rule that top attacks tend to be slower and more damaging than side ones.

  1. Learn specific character stuff. If you dont know what they can do you kinda screwed big time because everything tied around basic tools.
  2. Use defensive tools. but if you go on defense get ready to break throws.
  3. Learn what your character can do and WHY you need to do this.

EASY WAY Get Berserk: gameplan wait and ready to break thow, dodge into combo.

I don’t think so. Parry into thow can go into another attack in chain. Deflect sometimes leave you too far. Even wallslams or falls not always guarantees a free attack.

It is character dependent (some of them can’t even grab after a parry), but the general rule stands.

As a Peacekeeper main I can confirm that you can’t do damn nothing 90% of the time.

Can someone explain chain attacks? With Orochi if I go for Heavy, Light, Light, i dont get to continue my pressure if they get hit by the Heavy. They block the follow up light and its their turn. What makes it a chain or “unbroken sequence”.

Cancer of their coders.
Chain attacks means (startup1>active1>transition>active2>rollback) not (startup1>active1>rollback1>startup2>active2>rollback2) so if active1 is blocked they have less time to react to attack2 (AND NO TIME TO DODGE OR COUNTER)

There are no true “combos” in For Honor (as in, if A hits, doing B after that is guaranteed to hit too) with very few exceptions like Orochi’s top light, Warden’s side light, Nobushi’s poison stab etc. What a “combo” actually means in the game are buttons that can be chained together without going into full recovery between each one of them. An opponent will still be able to block the sequence at any point.

Heavies can continue in a chain on block. Lights cannot continue on a chain on block. The exception is on Superior Block which stops heavies from chaining on block. Chains generally continue on whiff as well. You can always continue on hit.

There are very few true combos in the game; basically stuff off a guardbreak, knockdown, some parries, and then some characters have a trait to get combos.

Waiting for mine to download right now.

Can’t wait to be a Weaboo Warrior. :karate:

Thanks dudes :slight_smile:

I couldn’t disagree with this any more. It feels like a 1v1 fighter with arena type modes shoe-horned in to attract the COD crowd.

Saying that, it currently has some real balance issues that would not stand up to high-level play too well. I do find it pretty disappointing how closed the FGC are to new experiences though.

Harada speaks with Jason

Taking a liking to the Shugoki (definitely my main) and Lawbringer. Haven’t really tried anyone else, the game is already too much fun learning one character lol.

I know its only like 2 days in, but how are the tier lists coming along? Just curious to see how people feel on the current meta.

Conquerer, Shugoki, and Warden seem to be pretty strong.

It is hard to talk about tiers when game have progession in terms of items.
Most of the current tier lists are bullshit. And tier lists should differ from one game mode to another.

My very general opinions:
Conq - shieldbashes, good 50/50, easy deflects, bash loops. Can’t go offensive himself, can’t finish opponent in 1 blow.
Warlord - beardbashes, good 50/50, can trade with people and win, insane shield pushes. Slow.
Orochi - fast attacks, side dashes into light chains, good 50/50, guardbeaks into heavy, backdash into pain. Suffers if caught on a dash.
Berserk - side dashes erriwhere, feints, can chain hit you all day very good DPS, guardbreaks with autoguard. Suffers if deflected.
errione else.
Peacekeeper - very fast attacks, can counter autoguard, Bleed, you can’t run from her. Low range, one way to get in (and not very good), need tons of effort to actually kill people who block, bleed is bugged, sometimes range will bug out and you will miss dash attacks.
Raider - Unblockables, can swing axe a lot, good ledge carry. Only fast attack is high, suffers from everyone that faster than him until prestige 3 and free revenge (when he start to 1 v 4 and don’t give a shit).
Judicator - same stuff as Rider.

Valkyrie will probably go strait to the top tier when she will be buffed. Probably will still need more effort to kill people but will frustrate everyone with her tons of options.



Duels don’t apply item effects, which is what I was talking about.

Warden is pretty much universally agreed to be top tier among the good duelists; very fast lights that combo into each other or have the Crushing Counter effect, crazy fast zoning attack with great range, he’s got pretty much everything you could want. Berserker is basically the opposite, being a shitty Orochi.