"special For Honor live event. Twelve popular Twitch Streamer Generals (four from each faction) will compete in a live competition with special celebrity guests Jason Momoa, Alfie Allen, Lauren Cohan and more!
Those Twitch Streamers and their teams include:
o Team: GLORY
> Lauren Cohan (The Walking Dead)
> Demetrious “Mighty Mouse” Johnson (UFC Champion)
> Dan Casey (NERDIST)
> StoneMountain64
> Jason Momoa (Justice League, Game of Thrones)
> Alfie Allen (Game of Thrones)
> Jessica Chobot (NERDIST)
> Sodapoppin
For Honor really fits the mold of the original promise of fighting games. Being able to play out your fantasy of getting into martial arts combat. What elevates this game so much for me are the stages. Now you have to seriously consider your positioning on a map because walls, carts and stairs can block specific attacks. You can push people off cliffs and bridges to kill them off. Fire is a serious environmental hazard.
Since you have weapons how you fight from high ground and low ground matters.
These maps also enhance the multi person combat experience such that you can play 2v1 and still not feel at an immediate disadvantage because even if you have revenge unavailable you can position yourself on the map to force 1v1 or for the 2 players to accidentally hit each other.
I’ve been browsing multiple channels to find competent players who clearly know how to talk about mechanics.
Try out Oroboro and P4wnyhof.
They both play in different time zones. Oroboro plays a lot with friends while P4wnyhof plays solo. Oroboro and his friends clearly know a lot about FGC jargon while P4wnyhof doesn’t but he explains character differences very well, he plays all but 2 characters and he plays duels.
There are some others if you want more suggestions but these are 2 are generally a good start.
Not happening.
After the success of The Division and Rainbow Seige Six Ubisoft is starting to change their attitude to how they nurture games.
The price of Rainbow Seige has dropped from 60 to 50 but only during brief sales period dropped below that.
The sDivision took almost a year before seeing any price drops.
React to stuff. Zone the zoneable, mixup \ light spam the others. Land UP+H.Attack (L?) vs predictable UP attacks (character specific).
Main mixup: Dodge+L.Attack > light attacks or throw. If parried during the dodge pick the unblockable you like.
Fear the freaking Heavies. Feint H.Attacks against them and force them to do stupid stuff and punish it.
Throws in this game are dumb. You can spam throw to break them but if they hit - get a huge advantage or free win.
I played it for a while today. I guess it sorta feels like a really sluggish fighter with quicktime events. It’s definitely not even close to being a substitute for Soul Calibur. I don’t see why everyone has a boner over it. And the team modes just make me want to play Chivalry.
It’s a fun 3D fighter that’s really easy to get into. Pretty simple; most people haven’t realized the power of the parry yet, but still fairly enjoyable.
Soul Calibur hasn’t been a good substitute for Soul Calibur since Soul Calibur 2. It’s new, it’s different, its fun and for the first time since 09 (probably even more so than back then) The masses are hype for it. There are people to play with and that y’know makes it fun.
If you’re looking for some really high level play, check out Pandaego. Not only was he flown out to the PAX event they had to teach newcomers to the game, but he does these little nuances that shows that once you explore the mechanics fully, you’re virtually unstoppable. A pretty damn good Warden player.
I’m very sceptical about “High level play” right now.
Basic mechanics are very basic. Most people just don’t know them yet. Whole high level play comes to “react to stuff” because offence usually have huge holes in it.
When I started to play the game I found that basic mechanics are wonky. Game reads inputs weirdly and have very abuseable desicions ( for example: people who break throws like gods are doing it not because they have good reaction but because they “abuse” key binging.) And I just find more and more confirmations that people who code the game have no grasp how to make it work.
High level play was a wrong choice of words by me, I apologize. I’d say more along the lines of someone who has a good idea of what to do in various matchups.
What I’ve seen from watching better players is that there are serious issues with how easy it is to tech guardbreaks and the risk/reward is all messed up in favor of the defender.
You don’t need to. High level play exists IN SOME KIND OF SENSE now but I just wouldn’t call it “really high level play” when game still in beta.
Defence is too strong.
IDK for sure but I think almost everything could be deflected with H.Attack. I even saw that Peacekeeper’s grab-stabs was “denied” with sound of a deflect (there is so much wrong with it if it is true).
It is very hard to start an offence. Feints are leaving you open for quite long time, guardbreaks can be denied almost completely by binding guardbreak on scroll up\down (works like turbo), dashes are super good and even if you get in you can’t dish out a high damage some times (freaking weaboo Orochi can though. Little gimmicky bastard.)
Offence works only when opponent constantly makes wrong decisions or just overwhelmed by random stuff (you need to block in another direction, you can only deflect that follow up, it is a throw now, you should not roll back after that, you better not press an attack now… aaaaaand you’re dead)
Revenge can win you a 2v1. People now just engage in 1v1 with random stuff and get owned because of Revenge. You can hold on even against 3 opponents (with special setups) but usually it takes a miracle to actually win 3v1 (to much pokes and revives that you can’t usually deny).
Main meta is to play safe, react to opponent and when he do something punishable, take the advantage and make opponent guess between 2 different responses again and again. Best example is Berserk against Peacekeeper, the one who land a hit (usually the one who reacts to other offence correctly) - wins a fight in one go. Either P.K. just shots down Bers’s every option with fast attacks and ability to punish back-rolls or Bers won’t go off his chains until he wrecks the P.K. Only deflects can save both sides but they also can kill them easily.
P.S. Itemization is BULLSHIT.
NOTHING is explained properly.
You can’t get out of getting yourself a major weakness (Peace keeper’s blade of a sword: you either die even faster or wont do damage or will feint after 3 attacks. What. A. Great. Choice.)
Some stats are retarded. WHO in sane mind won’t choose shorter Revenge duration? It is like getting shield AND free knock-back faster. Or why you ever gimp your push distance when it can decide a fight (difference can be felt even on grey items)?
Some Perks are bullshit.
Bleed 100% resistance on LVL2 is like denial half of the damage from characters based on bleed.
Shrug-heal is cancer and can be combined with Bleed resistance. You can literally heal yourself 1-3 full HP bars when other characters get 1 crossbow\bow shot or axe throw.
Also finishers take different amount of time, I think. Not a good choice if it really is.
And “community effort” gameplay is a shitty thing. Game made in the way that if factions are equal no one can push other faction back because proportion of players/regions changing in a favour of losing side. So only last 1 or 2 periods of fighting matter. And if some faction is winning because they have overwhelmingly more players there is no point to play for that faction if you want some stuff in game. It is not a big point BUT basically game just do not reward you for your effort and reward somebody else not for their effort. What is the point to have a design that made specifically to disappoint majority of your players?
Other issues: they don’t use terminology right. Like they say “has Superior Guard during startup” but it’s not during the first few frames of startup and it’s not during the last few frames of startup, it’s somewhere in the middle.
Bleed is poorly implemented. There’s a reason that Poison in fighting games goes away when you hit the other guy.
Revives are way too fast. Same with boost acquisition; if a fast class decides to book it you can’t catch them in time to stop them from getting a buff or rezzing an ally.
They really need to allow for controller bindings on PC. L1 should be guardbreak, not fucking quick chat.