For Honor

Throws, parries, cancels, counters?

All of those exist OceanMachine. There’s a dedicated cancel button, counters and parries exist in certain movesets (I think all dudes get a parry actually) and throw is a double tap on guard break.

Edit: Just looked it up and a parry is done by blocking and then hitting heavy attack the second you get hit.

That’s what I’m saying.

Aha sorry about that, I read that completely wrong.

It’s not a fighting game, doesn’t belong.

Glad people are into it tho, that’s cool.

I’m gonna challenge this because I disagree. I understand that the game is different but what IS a fighting game and what makes this not a fighting game? By everything I understand a fighting game to be this game is absolutely a fighting game. Yes it is different, but that is because it presents an evolution to a rather stagnant genre and I don’t believe it really removes it from the genre entirely, it’s as much of a fighting game as smash is.

The mechanics fall in line with what you would expect with a fighting game but with a few extra bells and whistles added on the side, of which the most controversial is Dominion mode… but hell fighting games have had weird story modes on occasion too. I believe smash had a single player side scrolling adventure campaign in one of the titles.

I am just curious why there’s this opinion that it’s NOT a fighting game? why? what makes it not a fighting game?

only if maximillian is banned from being anywhere near the game

Throws and parries are things that already exist in weapon combat.

How do cancels work with a cancel button? That sounds like a feint.

How do counters work?

You can feint on heavy buttons but there are also characters that can cancel moves with other stuff (berserker for instance can cancel any button into a dodge, I think the nobushi can cancel moves into stance, etc). What you can cancel is class specific.
Counters give you unblockable attacks if you block attacks while your stance is active, pretty much like counter stances in fighting games.
Also there are armored attacks, superior blocks that will make your opponent stagger, deflects that will automatically guard break (= throw) and zoner characters like the nobushi who can chip away the opponent’s life from afar by inflicting them bleeding damage. There’s a wide variety of situations and the base structure is very much about RPS, mind games and mix-ups.

Sounds pretty cool. It’ll be interesting to see what the overall opinion of the game within the FGC ends up being.

I mean… EVO has 2 Smash games or something? Isn’t For Honor more of a fighting game than Smash???

No local play

For Honor doesn’t have LAN play? Well then it doesn’t matter if the FGC takes it seriously as a fighter because there will be no local scenes or tourneys (unless they want to deal with playing online at locals).

AFAIK Pokkén doesn’t have “real” local play either, yet it manages to have tourneys.

Guardian Heroes Circle City used XBL to play the tournament. online internet is anywhere, any professional tournament location has internet access

plus how people think League of Legends and other esports play in local tournaments? they use internet, not the same PC.

It has LAN, but not split screen. We don’t even know if FH can do that

LAN is local play.

even if the FGC doesn’t acknowledge its fighting game side, there are higher platforms of competition than fighting games, and more persistent metagames going on like For Honor’s crossplatform Faction Wars.

well open beta starts on thurs, so everyone can try it. I’m playing it mostly for Dominion mode, though if any game is a worthy successor to Bushido Blade 1v1 duels, this is it, and it’s generations superior, more mature, more skill based (without overcomplicated command input bullshit) and more realistic than Soul Calibur games combat. would be cool if next Samurai Shodown is like it, but they probably going for the side view arcade style. ah well, maybe if For Honor gets an ongoing series, they can add POV/1st person view mode like Bushido Blade games have

No please, no 3D Samurai Shodown…

Actually one may say that For Hodor is a 3D Samsho “done right” (estetics aside).