For bananas and ham, john's your man

You done owned up that big $5 money match.

Lol man if I were you I’d just commit suicide. Just look at yourself in the mirror, scrawny, wirey, zittie little nerd. Eww. I had to wash my seats down, I can’t believe i let you sit in my car, you probably got your nerd juice on it.

You should be playing Smash and WOW, not Street Fighter.

What happened to you not posting in this thread again? Regardless, you’re still proving my point with the immaturity. I’m not going to sit here and have a name calling match with you, Mark. You’re in your mid-twenties, dude. You need to grow up beyond this stuff. Seriously, “nerd juice”? That’s the kind of thing I would expect to hear from elementary school kids arguing on the playground.

Also, since you seemed to have missed it a few posts up, I don’t play Street Fighter anymore. You can continue to feel better about yourself knowing someone like me isn’t fucking up your community. I have been

[19:18] wyda17: owned in real life

and now you can leave the thread, like you said you were going to, and post elsewhere.

Last time I was out there, I owned the shit out of you with Q. You had to go back to controller, and you still lost lol. That must have slipped your mind.

Besides, that means nothing dude, you should have learned that when you got spanked at Vtyme. “I’m a top level player now” lol, yeah ok buddy.

You do not know how to play the game right. You have no strategy you just memorize and guess parry all day long. That might work when you play the same guy 20 times in a row, doesn’t fly in tournaments.

You won’t get anywhere at NEC, because you refuse to travel and gain experience vs. other players, and that’s what matters most.

Anyways I’ll leave this scrub fest to you homos so you can get back to talking about the new JustinTimberlake record and the latest Star Trek news lol or whatever it is you spam over and over day in and day out on these threads.

[20:13] wyda17: don’t worry im done with your weird spam thread. bye

I hope you finally mean it.

Oh, and I’m not really down with Star Trek too much, but Timberlake > Mark. Just throwing that out there to make this thread more weird and spammy.

I was done with the thread but, did you just compare me to Justin Timberlake? That comparison certainly qualifies as weird and spammy. I have to admit my singing career isn’t much compared to his. But it’s close.

Ok I’m done now.

WTF kind of bullshit are you making up, all you would do when we played was suck my dick harder & harder each time I fucking beat the piss out of you in 3s. “omfg, you sick bastard!11!!!, that was so awesome!” “you play Ryu like nobody i’ve ever seen”… go do what you do best and jerk some dude off so you can finally stop posting in our thread. Ok, sure you got a good amount of wins, but I was miles ahead of you and still am. I’m sure playing with Exodus and KOFiend got you SOOOO much better… no disrespect to either of those guys, they’re cool as shit. But I mean, come on dude, honestly. Do you think that you playing 3s with them made you some kind of a top player or something? Oh and btw, I was on ZERO fucking sleep at Vtyme and your faggot ass just slept in the back of the car as your fucking GIRLFRIEND drove us the whole way there while i had to fucking tell her directions. And let me tell you, you did so fucking great at that tourney as well man, :tup:

OH yea! :lol: I’m glad you think you’re some kind of like, model guy too lol. Calling John zitty and nerdy… then giong “ewwww” after is just priceless :rofl:

Nerd juice… wtf, are you still hanging out with kids in 2nd grade?


wtf happened here???
when did the internet get so serious in this thread??

may this help you feel better.
Explore Jeremy Hall

Explore Jeremy Hall

LOL, thanks Jeremy… The flaming needs to stop anyway, we need some beers… the new king of beer.


no prob.
now i have a question that could deturmine my future.
i got this message just a bit ago on my cpu that said
NOTICE: Your computer has traks of all the adult sites you have visited. In most cases you are not even aware of the files that get installed by themselves, violate your online privacy and could compromise your career and your marriage.
Woould you like to install DriveCleaner?

should i be worried?

…No idea


Probably not. The programs they want you to install to “fix” your system generally are spyware. Was this just a browser window that it popped up in? If so what browser were you using?

i was useing Explorer
i guess it was just advertisement to get me worried about my carrer and future wife (lol, like thats gonna happen)

Yeah, it was just a random-ass pop-up. You don’t really need to worry about anything.

First biggest mistake you made using the internet. Internet Explorer = LOSE.

Other then that, just a random ass popup.

You need to stop looking at real porn.

Real men whack it to loli. Ask Nate.

what the fuck happened to this thread?

all of a sudden mark returns, john skillfully puts him in his place, and then theres more drama.

mark…as far as im concerned, you can keep posting as much as you want. just upgrade your insults a little. thats the thing that frustrates me most. if you came in here and had a witty way of saying that my hair is a little flaky, then id laugh and be like “that was a good one…wheres the shampoo at?” but just calling me names is lame. telling john he sucks at fighting games is lame. thats like calling him four-eyes. its just kind of something we all know, and dont care about. john isnt losing any sleep cause he cant paint the fence. tj doesnt care if you beat him with Q last time you guys played. nate doesnt care that hes 40 and has never kissed a girl. theres banana nut coffee in the world: no one gives a fuck.

ive accepted the fact that you are never gonna leave us alone, and that you will be an asshole until the end of time. Im comfortable with it. but please, PLEASE, at least learn to be funny or intelligent.

also Timberlake > everyone (S. Jackson, Verbal, C. Walken, and K. Spacey are exceptions to this otherwise universal principle)

this weekend isnt a good weekend to have ppl over. too much homework. sorry guys.

i whack it to loli. for the record. and i was ENTIRELY uncomfortable with that second pic

nothing in the above post concerning me is factually accurate

i will, however, add the following and defend johns nerddom

If you are 28, attend, place or are otherwise recognized as really good at fighting games, and work for 8 an hour, you’re a loser. You may be the coolest kid in the highschool band, but to everyone else you are just another band faggot. Just look at the behavior in tournies. I’ve seen sanford in near tears after losing. I’m supposed to look at that guy as cool? A guy who cries over a video game, whines like a bitch, and has no money. I’m sure john, me, and just about anyone else with a future looks at that and isnt to dissapointed about their respective video game ability. Wait, i post random bullshit on a forum, suck at games, yet am happy with a decent lifestyle. Fuck that, someone get me a job at ups and find me a dump to live in so i can take video games way to seriously. I’ve been to c3 and i’d go again. I’ve seen ultraky lose and immediately come back with, “I’d beat you if I could afford a copy of the game.” I realize being able to afford a ps2 and a game is tough for people whose worth ends at unskilled labor, but perhaps they should have applied themselves at school and not at learning how to parry. Could john beat him or any of these people at a fighting game? No, but I doubt he will care in ten years when he has a house and these idiots are still working at best buy, still living in a shithole with 3 roommates, and still basing, out of necessity at this point, their self-worth off of video game talent. Hell, thats not even the correct word. It’s more based off the ability to spend time playing video games. For there to be even a hint that a lack of video game ability is an insult, it better come from someone who actually succeeds in life away from the games, and even then, if actually meant to wound, it’s pretty pathetic.

When i was 13 i didnt look across the room at the trailor trash fucking the hot girl and say, “damn i wish i was him.” Whatever success he was having in one department wasnt going to overcome that fact that he was a useless cunt with no shot at a decent lifestyle and happiness beyond finding a fry at the end of his mcdonalds bag when all he could afford was a cheeseburger. Then again, if being good at video games and useless in the rest of life makes you happy then good for you. I just think its hard for the guy in the wife beater who drives a blue car with red doors to tell the dr. in the benz that he is a loser for sucking at nascar '07 and not look ridiculous.

reading that has made me think about my life…

hey guys i finally paid my debts and actaully have a good sum of money that i could do whatever i want with. I guess after this life lesson though i should save it for a house.

btw, how do you like my AV

it kinda freaks me out

if this thread has taught us anything its thats its ok to whack it to loli

Same here.

Btw, that av owns… get a new one.