What about having a Madden tournament? I remember it being discussed before this FR, but not sure where that went. Sadly, I missed FR this year (moving households is a lot of work). From wht I understood, participation for dat Madden would have been very high–I just don’t know if it would help cover the costs of the hotel or not. If it is high enough, it just might bring in the necessary $$ to make FR pay for itself and then some. Of course I dont know how long it takes to run a Madden tourney…
Running a Madden tourney in March may not do too well. Also, it would get in the way of what FRXI is. I don’t like this idea at all.
BTW I talked to one of my IT friends- he said setting up an e-Prereg site with voting is doable with some time. He did say to start soon if you do it though.
I would need serious sponsership for madden and that hotel is way to small for madden imo!
Damn, didnt realize there was that much interest in dat Madden:O
Scratch that idea :lol:
Hey, wouldn’t be cool if there was a combo video dedicated to FinalRoundXII? =D
Or just FinalRound in general? I’m not sure if anybody would put that together, but I just feel like it might be cool to see <3
we’ll see sir. I haven’t been thinking about anything FR lately due to personal problems that came up.:wasted::sad::sad: The recent events in my life makes me think and appreciate what I have in my life more than ever before!:encore::encore: Everything is good now.
You definitely won’t get sponsored by EA for Madden. They run their own leagues in Madden so I couldn’t really see any sponsorship from them. I am holding a guitar hero tournament this May at the World Congress Center and it was very easy to get a sponsorship from Red Octane and herogear.net. If you are looking for an event to add to Final Round which would be easiest to implement, bring in money, along with easy sponsors, look no further than guitar hero.
Yeah man, it’s good practice that we exercise appreciation for the things that we are blessed to have =3
By which way, VCRs at FinalRound… If it’s a valid suggestion, I would like to see more VCRs at FinalRound… If you don’t mind, I’ll try to bring some myself =D
I’d say whatever is decided on how to do it- should be decided by August to give 6 months of hype. Given that FR is trying to become the biggest US tourney (or at worst #2)- you will need 6 months of hype.
I’d suggest trying to get an electronic registration like Evo, but do it at a graduated, non-refundable rate. (Like $25 before Jan-1, $30 Jan to March, $35 March-event, $40 door)
Maybe allow people to fund game fees as well- possibly at a discount. Have it like $8/$16 if you register for games non-refundable before March 1st, $10/$20 at door.
As a more casual gamer I’d say that with an increased price I wouldn’t play in as many games (I didn’t come this year, because of the tornado, but I made it the last two years.) because I don’t really set my schedule up for tournaments. I budget for it, but not enough to spend a hundred bucks if I want to play in five games, plus the door fee. Many of us here are still college students and what not, and even with the scholarship school eats a lot of my money! Buying the games, and the peripherals and the equipment may not hurt many people, but they catch up with me.
So just speaking for the casual gamer, it would make me personally enter less games. If that’s not a problem, than I don’t mind the change I’d just play in less games and watch more of them. Still, I think I’d have more fun playing, I know money is a big component of this but I thought it was more for the competition and the fun, no one really making enough to live off here, so I’d urge to focus on making the event a blast, than trying to tweak it to skew towarsd lower turnouts and cutting out the noob level players, because we have fun and some of us, based merely on the whim that we’d play another game, get exposed and end up having fun and that’s how the community grows. So beyond covering your costs, I’d hope fun was the focus over prize payouts. Since you can still have all the competitive jive for the hardcore players, and make it accessible for us fans of the genre. I’d be entirely willing to pay a higher venue fee though.
I didn’t play marvel at all before I went and saw it being played, and same goes for some of the lesser games like KoFXI, but I wouldn’t have the moola in subsequent years to play those in addition to the games I liked. Final Round isn’t the only thing I’m saving for, so it can be a pinch for a student like moi.
Either way I’ll always support, but here’s hoping for fun!
I am glad everything is good now, Larry. I know what you mean. The last 2 FR’s I missed were basically due to personal problems.
Wow, this is an incredible thread; just read the whole thing. I didn’t feel like I could contribute much since I didn’t make this year’s. So I hadn’t clicked on it…
I want to think about my responses more, but I did have a quick thought on the proposal to have top 5 or top 8 payouts.
I am all for seeing more placers get a bit of cash from a personal standpoint. Not saying it’s even the thing to do necessarily, just me. But what struck me was how 2nd place takes no hit at all, and 3rd place actually does better than standard top 3 while first takes the entire decrease in pay. I know it has more to work with, and it’s more painless to touch first place - except for the guy who wins it! But I dunno just seems fundamentally wrong that 2nd/3rd end up untouched or better. I wouldn’t be scared to tweak that for improved overall balance on the expanded payouts. I guess that’s what I’m trying to say. But again, those are just some quick thoughts. More later.
I like bigger payouts for the bums who get top 8(and dont make it any further)
For the games with more entries, this sounds good.
for games still growing, less is more, there will undoubtedly be alot more “new” players jumping into snk games and things like that. trial run sir.
-cough-drop brawl and put melee in there-cough-
And lemme get a bullhorn this time.
$20 for big games, $15 for others sounds kool to me.
VManOfMana AKA Seiken is kind of developing a sort of ‘pool system’ that is apparently guaranteed to run much faster than standard double elimination brackets, while pretty much working identical to double elimination brackets. Watch for it.
unless is some crazy pools that i havent seen before, or unless you guys pull ALOT of tvs, i doubt pools will run faster.
It doesnt work at all for the smash community.
I will say one perk for pools is that the people who get eliminated from pools arent people who “Travel for hours just to lose 2 matches”
I live here so the pay out don’t mean shizzz to me and I support anything with E.M.S. tagged to it.
Loaction is my concern.
I brought up the G.W.C.C. Idea too you years ago when we were still at the Rec Center (remember that :wgrin:)
When I worked there rates were not that high, now…
The major problem would be for the OUT of STATE gamers.
The hotels in and around that area are too darn high, trying to get them to offer a discounted rate for a gamin tournament I think would be a far fetched idea because it is downtown atlanta and all they see is dollar signs.
Eating in the downtown area doesn’t suit us either, not much fast food, high prices for things like Mick’s,HOOTERS, etc.
No waffle house either for the new comers lol
Glady’s Knights chicken and Waffles would be near by but the prices aren’t keen for our community either.
There are a few warehouse and party locations I perform at I can look into, the areas would be like Covington hwy, Columbia Dr, East Point, I would never direct us too the westside of atlanta
Cosign Cosign Cosign Cosign Cosign. Too bad it wont happen, guess theres always Evo…waiit…I mean MLG…wait…who the fuck is gonna sponsor melee tournies then >_<
Yeah Shinblanka, Coolbreeze is right. The World Congress Cener venue is very, very expensive. They tell you a low price, but when they add all these extra things you never thought of in, your venue goes way up in price. I already signed my contract so I pretty much have to go through with it with no chance of the tournament paying for itself.
What do I mean about adding extra things in? Well, for starters, you are NOT allowed to bring your own extension cords. You can only use extension cords provided by the GWCC. And how nice are they to charge you $35 dollars each for extension cords. That’s just one of the ways they stuck it to me. And obviously you’ll need multiple ones of them and you aren’t allowed to use a power strip to hook up more things to the outlet. You have to use their power strips which (again) aren’t cheap and their engineers charge you a labor fee to install it for you even though it’s common sense. So, basically you either have to use the standard wall outlets of only two outlets or spend $50 on a power strip to hook up multiple devices and if you need to get power to devices which are further away you have to pay $35 per extension cord. And let’s be honest, usually you’ll need a few power strips and a few power extension cords. Don’t even think it ends there. They ask you how much electronics you are going to hook up and if you are hooking up a certain amount of televisions, games systems, etc. they charge you an extra fee for using that much power. I didn’t learn this until I signed my contract.
Things like that are fine for huge venues like the Atlanta Journal Constitution car show or National Dental Association. But for small guys like us it’s definitely not. So, I suggest you reconsider your stance on going there and hopefully you learned from my lesson. Before you sign a contract there make sure you ask them as many questions as possible so you don’t get screwed.
Lastly everyone my venue is still happening. My parents stepped in and are paying the extra expenses for me but there are others who probably aren’t so fortunate. So be careful about going to that Center.
Yea that’s why I took the GWCC out of my venues, because the galleria tried the same fucking thing 6 years ago. I’m about to sign the contract and they was like “OH YEA! YOU HAVE TO RENT TV’S FROM US! YOU CAN’T BRING IN TV’S!” I was like "well fuck you very much and have a nice day!:arazz::looney: Remember I had to move the date of fr6 to the rec center because the galleria tried to fuck me a month before the tournament! From then on I always ask alot of questions about the venue when I want to have fr there. I’m leaning towards the old venue and making FRXII a 3 day event! Updates coming soon!:rock:
There is NO WAY ON GODS GREEN EARTH THAT I WILL RUN 2 DIFFERENT SMASH TOURNAMENTS AT FRXII! I didn’t change the rules and had the smash tournament like everyone wanted it on smashboards. ssbb had 78 players at frxi and it didn’t end until 12:45am!!! I think atleast 100 peeps will enter next year and that will be prolly be a 2 day event! I think 7 minutes 3 stock is too long for a match, but that what the people want to play! Time outs are apart of fighting games, but people complain about losing to time at frxi because the rule was 6 minutes 3 stock! There’s no way you can fit 2 smash tournaments in 2 days and i’m not going to try! Not final round size! I can’t have 2 or 3 people holding up my entire tournament because they are playing a possible 21 minutes playing against 2 out of 3 vs 1 person! Fuck no there will never be a melee and brawl tournament at the same time unless I can change the time/stock rules without people bitching about it to make both games move faster!
I agree with the time thing about brawl, but its a terribly defense based game, so yeah I wouldnt bother you to think about trying to have two smash tournies, Im just sad that no big tournies have melee anymore.