Honestly? no. A bunch of other characters had videos and just weren’t as popular. A lot of people find that the ideas for her moves are just really interesting. On top of that her weapon and her clothes (the sash is just great) are very cool too. Eliza just had everything going for her really.
The problem with Minette is something I like to call unhype factor.
Obviously if you are playing at home by yourself, or maybe even just online rank, hype doesn’t really matter in a fighting game. But if you’re talking about a huge crowd at an EVO tournament on the big screen, that’s where a game’s hype factor really matters.
So what’s the problem of putting a character that plays like TvC Roll in a fighting game? She was actually pretty solid in TvC right? Well yes, she was viable, but she wasn’t hype. So let’s say you’re having this huge testosterone battle between Ryu and Tekkaman Blade, and they are shooting huge beams and devastating body blows at each other. And then Ryu swaps in Roll, and she’s wall bouncing Tekkaman Blade with her broom and zoning him out with her water bucket. And her super consists of sweeping Tekkaman Blade off the ground 50 times.
Can you visualize the hype of a mostly adult male crowd slowly dying down into a dead silence as such an awesome battle turns into comedic satire?
The problem with characters with no fighting style is that make legit characters look foolish, and that brings down the hype factor of the game overall. But if these type of character’s can’t compete on the big stage then they end up being a wasted character slot. It’s lose, lose.
I completely disagree when did testosterone dictate hype? Besides everyone loves rooting for an underdog character, even if it is only in apperance. imagine the hype if someone at EVO legitimately blew up Moridoom with PWright? Shit would be absolutely hype. Even still going with your TvC reference, the last time it was at EVO didnt the finals involve Yatterman 1&2 (not sure if it was grand finals or not, regardless spectators were hype)? Fighting with Yo-yos? thats pretty anti-testosterone. Bridget from GG as well would be unhype?
You can’t just slide characters into hype and unhype categories based off of appearance or weapon choice, thats a completely closed minded approach. Besides would the same be true in your example if Chun was swapped was going in on Tekka blade? Shes pretty much the opposite of testosterone but would the crowd suddenly die down? Absolutely not.
What breeds hype at EVO is creativity, individuality, execution and overall ability not character pick. When things are too commonplace people begin to lose hype (see Morridoom, it was so awesome at first and now people hate seeing it, especially at grand finals), not because of Morrigan or Doom but because how dominant this team is. If a team of low tiers (PWright/LeiLei/Arthur) suddenly ran train on ChrisG and his team, people would go nuts regardless of their fighting styles/abilities.
Also implying a non-fighter makes a real-fighter (fo real real not for play play) look foolish is ridiculous; its a video game, not reality.
You are aware that that’s aesthetics, right? Playstyle is zoning and a lvlup system. “Clumsy, funny looking” are visuals. Are you by any chance one of the “I vote for gameplay (lol I don’t)” people? -_-
Dont know who you quoted (Louiscipher whaaat?) but heres the definitions of Aesthetic:
Main Entry: 1aes·thet·ic
Variant(s): also es·thet·ic \es-ˈthe-tik, is-, British usually ēs-\ or aes·thet·i·cal or es·thet·i·cal -ti-kəl
Function: adjective
Etymology: German ästhetisch, from New Latin aestheticus, from Greek aisthētikos of sense perception, from aisthanesthai to perceive — more at audible
Date: 1798
1 a : of, relating to, or dealing with or the beautiful <aesthetic theories> b : artistic <a work of aesthetic value> c : pleasing in appearance : attractive <easy-to-use keyboards, clear graphics, and other ergonomic and aesthetic features — Mark Mehler> 2 : appreciative of, responsive to, or about the beautiful ; also : responsive to or appreciative of what is pleasurable to the senses
— aes·thet·i·cal·ly also es·thet·i·cal·ly -ti-k(ə-)lē\ adverb
Main Entry: 2aes·thet·ic
Variant(s): also es·thet·ic \es-ˈthe-tik, is-, British usually ēs-
Function: noun
Date: 1822
1 plural but sing or plural in constr : a branch of philosophy dealing with the nature of beauty, art, and and with the creation and appreciation of beauty 2 : a particular theory or of beauty or art : a particular taste for or approach to what is pleasing to the senses and especially sight <modernist aesthetics> <staging new ballets which reflected the aesthetic of the new nation — Mary Clarke & Clement Crisp> 3 plural : a pleasing appearance or effect : beauty <appreciated the aesthetics of the gemstones>
Can it be debated that liking a fighting style implies that it is aesthetically pleasing to one’s self? I suppose but the point is I’m trying to prove is that not every person who voted Minette falls into the “I VOTED FOR HER BECAUSE SHES CUTE” or “FISH WAIFU FOREVER” groups as so many want to generalize. I want her simply because of her abilities, if ahe looked like Minette, Boyd, Gigan Clown, or anything else. If s/he plays the way as described then thats what I want.
And yes Vulpes I am the guy from the other thread who stressed the importance of mechanics vs appearance.
I don’t think hype is a good argument here either, but he didn’t even mention testosterone being a huge factor, he just said the fight between Ryu and Tekkaman would’ve been. Chun knows how to fight, so she would’ve been fine. Bridget knows how to fight, the Yatta-man characters know how fight, so they’re all fine. Roll has no idea what she’s doing and is just accidentally fucking up Tekkaman Blade. That was his point and I don’t know how you managed to miss it entirely.
“Can you visualize the hype of a mostly adult male crowd slowly dying down into a dead silence as such an awesome battle turns into comedic satire?”
How did you miss this critical phrase? It is implied here that the testosterone filled fight with Ryu and Tekka = hype and the apparent testosterone-less fight with Roll is not. If it wasn’t important he wouldn’t have made the contrast using testosterone as the indicator of hype (we can then infer that anything that is not testosterone is not hype using basic reasoning right?) Ignoring this is the flaw in your argument.
If Roll is a commonplace character who is currently dominating, then yes the hype will die down (not because “hurr durr i don’t like joke characters” but because overwhelming supremacy/ over-saturation grows boring to watch (Except in Marvel 2, it’s seriously crazy)) because no one is surprised by what they’re seeing. Its why increasingly more and more people are growing tired of Moridoom, its well executed, its genius, it flows well, but we’ve seen it work well a fuckton of times. But two years ago we all went nuts for Kusoro and his team of FWest/RR/VJoe went they took Final Round, not because the presence of testosterone or lack of, but the very fact that we were witnessing something that no one had seen before.
Thats one area where hype lies, in the unprecedented, in the new, in the swag, in the styling, not in character picks.
Now then, I still havent received a valid response for hating (mildly disliking to not choosing her, of which both are perfectly fine) Minette.
Well, okay, but I’d like to point out that every time Phoenix Wright shows up on the main stage of a major, the crowd gets hype as fuck. Frank West is featured on several high-level teams because he attacks people with a shopping cart and takes pictures of them, and that’s hype as fuck too. The main stage at EVO is the absolute last place where anybody should care what a character’s animations look like, because the player’s skill will shine through the aesthetics.
Although she’s not one of my favorites, I personally have nothing against Minette. Whether or not people will enjoy her playstyle or not, it’s inarguable that she’ll add more more diversity to the various other playstyles. Not to mention that she’ll also fill the void of a certain archetype that’s becoming more and more commonplace in fighting games. Plus it would be cool to see LabZero’s take on the character.
I really don’t think looks have anything to do with a fighting game’s hype. After about a month or two of playing/watching, you kinda just see a bunch of hitboxes. Some of the hitboxes will do more damage than the others, some hitboxes like to go across the whole screen, and some hitboxes keep the hurtboxes from doing anything longer than usual.
The only time the more intimidating characters are more hype than the characters who are reluctant to fight (I wouldn’t say any of today’s fighting games have “joke” characters) is before any of that reality settles in. In the end, none of the looks of the characters matter. People just want to see one of those hitboxes do something they haven’t seen before.
Really, the only justification for severely disliking a character is personal preference. I can’t say I know where the vitriolic hatred comes from but if I were to hazard a guess I’d say some people took it personally that a character they don’t like made it farther than one they liked immensely.
As for the demo videos, I think they certainly had some impact on the polling but I think it’s safe to say they didn’t give represented characters any overwhelming advantage. I honestly think voters are putting a little more importance in character aesthetics than gameplay. I don’t know what else explains Annie and Aeon getting as far as they did this first round.
The question is that “Why do people not like Minette?”
And you got your answers
1.) She’s not aesthetically pleasing ( you really can’t see the difference between Minette and Chun Li? Seriously?)
2.) Most people don’t care that she brings a unique fighting style because there’s 29 other potential characters that bring unique fighting styles.
3.) If she’s included in the game a, large volume of players will never play Minette, making her a wasted slot.
Eliza is a more valued character then Minette because even if Eliza’s not the community’s first pick, majority of the player base has no problems with her aesthetically, and would most likely play her instead of Minette, so she’s not a wasted slot.
Marvel can have all the joke characters it wants because the game has a roster of 50 characters. If Capcom was adding joke characters to the game when the roster was only 10, then people would rage, and understandably so.
Going, “boo, your reasons are retarded, Minette is awesome” is really childish and pointless. I’m not here to convince you to dislike her, anymore that you should convince Minette haters to like her.
And if you’re watching the game from an EVO tournament, aesthetics are even more important to hype factor. Most of the viewers don’t know anything about hit boxes of a particular game, or who’s low or high tier, which is why we have commentators for each game. If people pulled their heads out of Minette’s loli-butt for a second and looked at it from a mainstream perspective, they can see why characters like Chun Li are vastly more appealing then Minette.
This still isn’t my argument, but I’d like to point out Frank knows 100% what he’s doing. Since he’s using combo weapons in UMvC3, that means its Frank from DR2:OTR, so he’s already survived two zombie apocalypses, fought zombies regularly on a game show, been a wrestler and, of course, covered wars. Just because he improvises his weapons doesn’t mean he doesn’t know what he’s doing.
Comparing Marvel’s roster to Skull Girls is really a distraction, because MvC3 so many more characters then Skull Girls will ever have. And Fox even admitted if you see something a lot, the hype factor for it goes down. With small final roster of 13, players would be seeing Minette way more often in tournaments then similar characters from other fighting games.
A more accurate comparison to Minette would be Coyori from Battle Fantasia. A fighting waitress from a game full of weirdo characters (12 total) that nobody plays anymore.