[Fighting Stick] Octagonal Gate or Square Gate for ST?

What pivot problem does the ls32 have? The only thing it did in my SE was jump the gate. That’s more of box designed for sanwa issue though.

-trolls suck-

So i went back to the octogate & have a tremendous improvement in my game…What are the chances of an ST tournament allowing me to use an Ocotgate?

Any ST tournament for console or supergun. Also, perhaps it can be accommodated in (now) Kuroppi’s cab. Console is unlikely.

If it is true that a number of cabs in US have Sanwas, swapping gates is definitely faster than players setting and checking their buttons in console versions.

I’d say it’s highly unlikely that a cab owner would be willing to swap the gate for you just for your one match at a tournament. Often times cab owners are kind of hard to track down in all the chaos and they’re not going to wait around just to swap a piece for one guy.

Any console tournament you’re going to be good to go for as long as your stick works for the console being used.

Many superguns these days are set up to allow you to use ps2 controllers via converter. Not all of them though, so you should definitely check a couple days before the tourney.

Learn to play on square or forever be stuck to a console. I hated square at first, couldn’t SRK at all. Got used to it, tried going back to octo…threw the octo gate in the trash.

Learn to use it all.

Even still, a stick on a arcade cab won’t feel the same as your at home one.

-trolls suck-

I agree with the no preference boat, just learn on everything so you don’t have to worry about the stick being square, octo, or circle… although I prefer circle and octo I still play on square sometimes.

p360 is not worth anyone’s time. I’d rather not play.

Again, p360s are not that bad.

-trolls suck-

Indeed, I mentioned earlier that they are held in high regard by Marvel players. John Choi plays ST with one too and I think he’s decent at the game.

well John Choi is one of the only people to win 1st place in two games at EVO with his Mas, ST and CvS2

Some LS-32’s have quality control problems like bad corners. I’m using one right now that has that problem. I miss a lot of DP’s. They also jump the gate if you ride it. JLF’s (square gate) works best for me, solid stick no execution problems on it. If they made one with a tighter spring and shorter throw it would be perfect.

Well you could upgrade the spring. Nothing you can do about throw though.

-trolls suck-


I am sure Watts, Tomo, Shaeffer and many others that come from SF and Marvel could do well on US sticks, while I see a lot of messed up moves in Japanese videos. D, Gotoh, Daigo, yaya, and many others. There is even a funny video about how many Tigers yaya would throw and how he sucked at uppercuts from P1 side, by the time the footage was captured*. Thus, I am not willing to believe their sticks are clearly better, at all: they have 20 years on their back in that hardware, while anyone can get similar results with the same time amount on any other stick model, being it Wico, IL, Happ or whatever that has quality, that, is, one stick of the same kind does not be noticeable different activation distances and angles from other.

*he did well in some more recent footage.

Practice makes perfect.

-trolls suck-

I prefer the stick I first started out on in the arcades: HAPP round gate with a bat top and tight springs. I’ve been on pad for years now cuz round gate sticks are pretty expensive, because of the low demand (everybody’s on square gates). I prefer my stick heavy with some weight so I can play them on a desk, but that makes it really hard to carry to tournaments or to a friend’s place for casuals.

I wish the whole world played on round gates so that there would be greater demand and then I could buy the sticks cheaper (or just use the ones on the cab if it’s an arcade tourney). I’ve tried learning square gates, but I just can’t get used to it. I would rather play on pad than square gate.

The stick should be the same price, just replace the $5 gate…

Not everybody is technical-minded like you.

But you’re such a technical fighter haha…

Not really sure what’s your budget but if you want an american happ stick , w/ good base get this right here…

These are awesome, i have 3 of these.

There are some modding though, but its pretty easy. I mean even i can do it haha…

.Buy a competition stick & 6 buttons & adapter…Relive your arcade days