- Which do you use, and why?
- Which do you think is better for overall ST play?
- Have you actually tried both kind of gates?
Square, because that’s what my stick has.
The one that you usually use.
No, only the leaf round gate and square.
Why do you ask this? For Stick recommendation on ST? Just play with your actual damn stick.
- Octo, it just works better for me.
- Whichever one works best for you.
- Yes, my TE started off with a square.
I use JLF octagonal, but im switching to LS32 square soon.
JLF with square gate feels like shit, i never liked it. When i bought the seimitsu LS32 i noticed that its a lot better than any sanwa crap, so im switching to it.
FOR ST id recommend LS32 with square gate (LS32 does not has an octagonal gate, only round one).
But its all up to what works for you…
I’m pretty sure the ls32 I bought from lizardlick came with an octo gate if you wanted to use it. It came with 2, 4 , and 8 way operation.
-trolls suck-
- Square gate, because the stick has it.
- whatever is confortable for you
- As i said before, I have square gate, a friend of mine has a octagonal gate stick, i gave it a try and i felt very confortable with octagonal, maybe i should started with octagonal instead square.
You should use square in case there is any chance of playing offline arcade ST.
-trolls suck-
I’m currently using a JLF and it’s ok, LS32 is pretty much ideal for ST though. Gate doesn’t really matter, octo or square both work, but square gates are better for charge characters.
When I play Claw, I noticed that the square gate works better. Charge characters benefit from the square gate.
lol big homie still rubbing it in
Square gate works great for charge characters in general, from my own experience, i feel Octagonal gate works better with dragon punch and 360 characters, at least for me.
I used round, square and octo. If pyramidal gates existed, I would have probably tried them. The one I am most used to is round, but that’s what I have started with: local copies of Happ’s super joystick, which were sort of the standard around here. That said, round gates do feel better for round motions. I fell for the Sanwa fanboys who are all around SRK and bought a JLF, just so I found my DP execution fell from 95% to 25% in P1 side and mostly 0% in P2 side. I then got an octo gate for it,and it got a lot better, but still far from perfect. Now I have an LS-32 with round gate, and I found I need to constantly use it to be able to execute things, else my accuracy goes down very quickly (like 2-3 days).
You should take into account that the gate alone is only part of all the deal. There are activation distances, ball or bat top (I favor bat top), kind and material of the gate, spring tension, kind of microswitches, and so on. A round gate on an IL Euro/Happ competition is very different than a round gate on an LS-32. Also notice parts on real cabinets are mounted on a solid structure, while home sticks may have professional parts, but those will be mounted on a small plastic or wooden case. Those are not that easy to anchor, if you will anchor them at all, and it makes a lot of difference while playing. Playing while standing, on a stool, with the stick on the ground, on a table or on your lap also changes the way you grab and use it, as it changes the angle of your arms. You gotta find something that works for you, and if you plan on traveling for tournaments, you may consider something that is easy to carry with you.
Whenever I go to real arcades, they have US-style sticks with round gates, so I am not sure Coth’s advice hold at all. I see you are from Zurich, you could just check which kind of sticks the local arcades have, if there are still arcades alive.
not gonna tell the whole story eh?
- Square, it’s the most common gate at the arcades that I play, and with the sticks that most people have.
- It doesn’t matter which gate you use, as long as you’re comfortable with octagonal/square/round, and can execute at your highest level.
- Octagonal feels weird for me while using charge characters, but overall, I can use octo/square gates pretty interchangeably. What’s more important to me is the weight of the spring and how far I have to move the stick to activate the microswitches.
Well oldschool that was more of a us tourney statement since the TO’s seem to be seimetsu or nothing here.
Athough I admit, any arcade with an ST machine could have anything in it.
Honestly with some practice you can get used to anything. It only took like 10 minutes for me to get used to a p360 on an A3 machine.
-trolls suck-
Both are good but octagonal is better for 360 chars. There is even circular gate, but I’ve never tried that one.
The only real issue with a circle gate is knowing whether you are in down back or not. Since there isn’t a notch for the corner.
-trolls suck-
- Super Turbo
- Super Turbo
- Super Turbo
NH2 would have answered with a single word. And he would be right.