so at it turns out
I cant figure out why crabs walk sideways :sad:
Does anyone know why?
I mean, I dont see any benefit from it, so it doesnt seem like the result of evolution cause of necesity.
Any help?
OP, I wouldn’t say so.
videos and streams don’t make a scene.
Fighting game scene was totally alive, SFIV just bring it to the US mainstream again.
This guy talks like sf4 revived fighting games, when all it truly did waas birth the sf4 scene. Give an example about how sf4 helped out the gg guys, or the ever so tiny vf guys. All examples you give are badically what sf4 did for itself.
Sengoku Basara X revived Capcom fighting games, for real guys.
In fact i think the game who revived the Capcom fighting games was that crazy Strongest Disciple Kenichi game.
It put them out of their fucking misery.
No Blazblue did that :bluu:
Sega did that themselves.
sf4 is the guitar hero of fighting games
only ah1 came to america, the ah2 port wich was shitastic was only released on japan
the funny thing is that sf4 was made because battle fantasia inspired capcom, they said on an interview that bf was the game that showed them that they could make a 2d game with 3d graphics and still retain the 2d vibe on it
so if we should be “grateful” is with bf who inspired them on making sf4 :looney:
was that game even succesful? honest question
Is there one of his posts where you didn’t reply to him like that. Like your catchphrase or sumthin’
Well considering that mIRC only post to say that “animu” fighters suck, I’d imagine not.
Well the manga/anime was somewhat popular in Japan so i guess Capcom got some bucks… and it wasn’t really THAT bad at least for me and combo system [media=youtube]frT-7VNBAss"[/media].
SF4 got me back into GG, and I’m basically god’s gift to everyone everywhere.
mIRC hates airdash/anime/highspeedoffensive/whatever the fuck you want to call them fighters, and Hecatom loves them, so not really. I find it kind of cute tbqh.
also, we had streams, videos, and DVDs for EVO lol.
You forgot about Soul Calibur 5.
Every time I see mIRC post I imagine an emo kid who hates life cutting himself.
In other news, SF4 is the first and best fighting game of all time, ALL TIMES.
MvC3 isn’t good but it’s better than TvC and SF4 so let Capcom keep trying until they get it right.
The reason why video games are made for scrubs nowadays is because scrubs make up the majority of the consumer base. Back in the day, it was the competitive gamer that put out the money, but times have changed and so have companies to reflect said change.
Streams and decent direct recording quality was only possible recently, not in 2003 when recording equipment and relatively fast internet cost so much.
Yes SF4 made the mainstream give a damn about fighting games again, but it didn’t really help players from other games at all.