Fighter's History Dynamite thread

I really only have difficulty when trying to combo into it, because I don’t mid-motion or “negative edge” my combos at all. It’s all crack-monkey for me.

Nice to see that there’s a FHD thread here.

Anyways, I have been playing that game for a week and a half via 2DF (and loving it so dearly, of course). I also have been experimenting most of the characters as well; from Marstorius to Samchay (I almost all the time use Samchay due to how much I love playing as characters using Muay-Thai). However, I have come to the conclusion that Mizoguchi has been the character I had fun using the most; even though I barely use him.

Now, I’m asking you guys, is there any strategies in which will make me a better Mizoguchi player?

mizo’s jump sucks, but it’s low, so it’s a good offensive tool

bread and butter is low short, s.fierce(headbutt), mash hurricanes for all the hits

mizo is a hard charcter to play w/ since his fb sucks and his jump is low as balls, but after throws and some otherstuff, he has a cheap/good ambiguous cross up trick you just gotta time it (jump in w the bread and butter)

eh? Mizoguchi’s jump isn’t that bad. It’s not like, Marstorius-level bad or anything, lol.

Abuse the hell out of the light version of Mizoguchi’s b, db, d+P uppercut. It’s pretty much uncounterable on block, except for like… Double German. If they try to punish you on block, do another uppercut to knock them down. Works wonders. Try to avoid using the hard version unless you’re sure it will connect. Try doing 2 or 3 crouching LK’s, then the HP version of the uppercut. Depending on the character you can score some hits on their weak point and maybe even dizzy them.

Hurricane kick is very good and you’ll want to use that a lot too. If it’s blocked, stop it on the 3rd or 4th hit, and then when you land do an LP uppercut to punish them if they try to attack you. Hurricane kick makes for a great poke too since you can use it to glide over sweeps and do huge damage. The LK version of the hurricane kick isn’t that good, I generally only use it to go over fireballs if someone throws one at me from a distance.

Mizo’s HP throw leaves him close to the opponent, which is always a good thing. One trick you can try is doing 3 qcf+HK’s to go over their body and land on the other side. If they don’t block the other way in time, free combo. Once they realize what you’re doing, you can mix it up and stop with 2 parts of the hurricane kick to NOT cross them up, etc.

There are some surprisingly difficult combos involving doing 3-4 hits of the hurricane kick, dropping to the ground, and then chaining more hits into another hurricane kick or uppercut, but I don’t even try for those most of the time. On dizzies I usually just do standing HP or HK into HK hurricane kick x5 if I’m not in the corner. In the corner, do his qcf+ABCD fireball (the ONLY time you want to use this is on dizzies), and then do stand HP into HK hurricane kick x5 for more easy damage.

Hmmhmm. Alrighty. Thanks BBH and Almighty. Will keep note of those, and attempt to do those while playing.

Chibi, when I come back from the sandbox I’m gonna ruin your shit with Marstorius. Fuck a Ryoko.

hahaha, i havn’t played this game in a while, and i think i’m getting mizo’s jump mixed up w/ zazie’s shitty jump

good thing zazie dosn’t really need to jump

whoever wants to do some friendly dollar matches at evo, i’ll be there…but lemme warm up first, hahaha i havn’t touched this game in a while

This may or may not help, but I’ve always been able to do Yungmie’s DP kick, flawlessly and consecutively, doing the Haoh Sho Koh Ken motion from Art of Fighting Series.

Forward, hcf + button.

Its also easy for me to combo into.

Yeah, it works for Yungmie since she doesn’t have any overlapping moves. The other characters with this motion (Lee, Samchay) aren’t so lucky since they have overlapping qcf moves, and MUST end the motion at Down-Forward.

Basic stuff for Clown added to the wiki. Samchay next, probably.

I spent a little time working on the move with Samchay and I can do it in a decently consistent manner at this point. I have yet to try with Lee but I have a feeling it’ll work.

The only real problem I have now is being accused of mashing an ABCD button with Zazie; I can’t help that I practiced and I can do it without a single button press! Am I not supposed to use a move because I hit it on command every time? I’d better stop using the Ti-Kaukoun with Samchay!

I don’t remember playing your Zazie, but it does sometimes feel like people are using ABCD hotkeys. I guess that’s a necessary evil of playing online though. I never use hotkeys for Zazie or Jean’s instant rapid punches though.

I’ve kinda been slacking off on the wiki, but I got some stuff up for Samchay. I’ll do strategies later, although there really aren’t too many

FHD is on GGPO guys :smiley:
Are you still playing it?
Also what’s the best move to cross up with Mizoguchi?

I’m still playing this, more than ever with 2df and now with ggpo. I love this game, easily became one of my all time favourites.

Clown Wins!

^^^^^ dope avatar, hahaha :rofl:

This is exactly what the game needs to make a comeback. RISE FROM YOUR GRAVE!

Jumping HK seems to work best for crossups. You can crossup with jumping LK but it’s hard to hit deep with it and still crossup.

I need to get back to working on the wiki! I still hadn’t finished Yungmie’s section, I sorta forgot about updating that thing a couple months ago. Now I have some proper motivation at least since more people might finally be playing this.

I wanted to ask how to do the warp glitch with Karnov. I’ve tried the input FMR posted in the first page (Charge b,df+k~hp) and I can’t pull it off. Is the timing really really strict or something?

No, it’s Charge b,df+LP~HK

Ah thanks, I can do it now.

Another question: is there any reason to use Lee’s regular rush punch (qcf + P) over the special one (qcf, b + P)? The special rush is way faster (and the HP version covers more ground) and it can be used in his corner infinite, does the other version have any alternate uses?

When the Japanese get on we average about 20 players online. when they’re not we have about 5-10. 2df only usually has around like 5 and they’re always playing something else.
GGPO is the new home of FHD :slight_smile:

Thanks to everyone who stays hype for this game and a HUGE thanks to Mr. Cannon for putting this on.

Next: Tournament?!?!!