Fighter's History Dynamite thread

I don’t give a fuck, I’m still playing her.

That’s the spirit :tup:

I’ve been messing around trying to do Lee’s infinite lately… it’s tough. The best I got in practice was 5 repetitions of it (7 will kill them), but it’s not easy.

The infinite, when the opponent is in the corner:

Crouching LK, HP “fast” Zesshou (qcf, b + HP), Crouching LK, HP fast Zesshou, etc…

[media=youtube]4DSVVjcUo7k[/media] - it’s at 4:20 in this combo video

The key to doing this is linking the crouching LK after each fast Zesshou. It seems like there’s only a couple frames of leeway, and the Zesshou takes more time to recover than it feels like, so you need to press LK pretty late, and then do the next one. No other normal moves work in this situation, because for some reason if you buffer any other move into the fast Zesshou, you automatically get the Zesshou followup instead of the initial hop punch. So I don’t think the crouching LK is actually being buffered in this case, instead the Zesshou is being linked… but if I do it as fast as possible, i.e. to buffer it, I don’t get the followup. Weird.

Also note that when you start the combo, you need to hit with the tip of the crouching LK. If you do it too close, the Zesshou will often make you go straight through the opponent and leave you vulnerable. (I’ve also found that on some characters this ALWAYS happens regardless of distance, so the infinite doesn’t work on them at all. It definitely doesn’t work on Ryoko and Marstorius, possibly others)

Apparently you can do other finishers instead of keeping the infinite going, like after a fast Zesshou you can do crouching LK, then chain into crouching HP, into a regular Zesshou + followup. Why you’d want to do this instead I dunno but ok!

The sad thing is, Lee doesn’t even really need this infinite. Why bother going for an infinite that requires strict timing when you can do 50% after a dizzy with very simple combos? This is probably why nobody bothers to attempt this. But it’s there, if anybody feels up to the challenge.

Where does Marstorius’s uf + HK fit in? I haven’t found a consistent use for it on my own.

It’s good as an anti-footsie move. Anyone fighting against Marstorius is going to want to go low with a lot of attacks because his weak spot is the feet. If someone’s constantly pushing you away with sweep into fireball or something, you can try to nail their sweep attempt with the uf+HK. You’re a little vulnerable if it misses (or if they use a move with invincibility), but on block you’re pretty safe. Since it knocks down on hit, it’s a pretty valuable move since it lets Mars get in closer and potentially land a Double German on them when they get up.

It’s not a move you want to use very often, but it’s good to throw out there if your opponent is using crouching attacks way too much.

bump for people who didnt see it yet

hey guys, since this game is still rather lacking in terms of English information about the game, I’ve taken it upon myself to start updating the SRK wiki:'s_History_Dynamite

Still have a couple things to add to the main page, and I’ve begun working on the character sections. Ray and Marstorius are mostly done except for matchup info (and could probably use some more basic strategies). Any requests on which character I should do next?

Dude,I am pumped about how much info you have added. Everything that was there before you started I put up. Was a bit empty…
Do Clown next! Then Samchay…:woot:

I’ve read those articles, good shit BBH. I’ll be waiting for Karnov and Yungmie info.

yeah man, you’re the one that mentioned updating the wiki and it seemed like a good idea :tup:

I’ll probably work on Clown next since I’ve been playing him a lot lately. Samchay and Karnov will be no problem either, but Yungmie… personally I find her really boring to play and I feel like I’m not very good with her, but I’ll certainly try.

I can play some yungmie. If you need some help just add me in MSN or something.

I fuckin love FHD :smiley:

Sry my internet lagged. delete this post pls. sry for double post.

I really like to play her, she’s annoying as fuck with good runaway and her projectile is hella good especially when tigerkneed. I can understand why you could consider her to be boring, heh.

If you don’t feel like writing about her, could you do Zazie instead?

It’s just a shame she can’t do Aura Smash from the ground; it would be nice to cancel into that. Her ground repertoire is rather limited. Flame Kick has poor range which leaves Split Kick as your only combo finisher (B version only; D version sucks), and she can’t cancel off her low C.

She’s heavily air-based and I’m still getting used to that.

I agree that Aura Smash would be awesome if you could do it in the ground too. She’s also pretty limited combo wise (most damaging combo I’ve found so far is j.D [2 hits] xx Aura Smash, walk up cl. D [2 hits] xx Nerichagi, corner only and it’s not that damaging) although since she’s mostly a runaway / zoning character I’m not too bothered with that.

BTW, she can cancel all her crouching moves, C included.

Zazie…man, that guy is AWESOME! Close standing hard punch into rapid punches can end a round VERY quickly. You can actually walk right back up to them and start again if they have been cornered during the rapid punching. I usually end it with DIRSH!!!(D,U, kick). Two of those should kill someone with a chest or head weakpoint. Make sure to use ALL 4 BUTTONS for the rapid punches.

I’ll let BBH finish with the rest.

Yeah… cl./cr.B xx ABCD, u, d + D = pain

Just tested, and she actually can. I blame Split Kick’s odd input on my inability to chain off her low C/D.

Yungmie’s AA motion sounds pretty retarded at first, but it’s just slightly different than a regular DP motion. If it gives you problems, try doing it as f, hcf and it should come out every time.

As an aside, is it just me or does Zazie’s ABCD combo into itself if only one hit connects (ABCD, walk forward, ABCD x N)? I have just the CPU to test and I don’t know if the AI is just dumb and doesn’t block it or if indeed you can repeat it at least for a while.

Yungmie’s DP motion takes a little practice to get used to, but at least she doesn’t have a move with an overlapping qcf+K motion, like Samchay.

Also, keep in mind that nearly every normal move in this game is bufferable… there are some exceptions like Lee’s far standing D, but for the most part almost all normals are bufferable. The problem with Yungmie is that the only practical move to cancel into is her DP, and while it’ll work against some characters, others can punish her for free on reaction (Wheel Kick), even if she does the light one. This is why she feels so limited to me, as there’s not much to do other than poke and runaway.

You can, but the amount of damage and hits you’ll get are character-specific, and will be different depending on whether they’re standing or crouching. I don’t think you can get more than 3 presses of ABCD though. I think a more common combo is ABCD, walk forward, ABCD, walk forward, stand LK, dash Hell Fire.

Usually I don’t bother with any of that on dizzies, instead I just do his 2-hit f+HP into U, D+HK move. Simple combo, but does incredible damage, especially if their weak point is high up on the body. It’s a lot more consistent than going for ABCD punch combos anyway, especially on my stick which doesn’t seem to like registering all 4 buttons together every time. (and I don’t like using hotkeys)

Unfortunately Zazie isn’t too high up on my priority list for the wiki yet because I never really have a solid gameplan with him. He definitely requires the most skill to use out of the characters that are considered high tier. I’ll see what I can do though.